We had our Skill Crane Trailer set up at the State Park. Thanks, Hello everyone! ARTrails of Southwest Washington Studio Tour, Sept. 25 and 26 at art studios across Lewis County. We love visiting all of the fun, local pumpkin patches and checking out new ones each year! Watch this highlight video of the Fort Loramie (OH) football team in its game Recap: Fort Loramie vs. Columbus Academy 2022 on Sep 30, 2022. And they are open every day in October!! The Fort Loramie Historical Museum opens at noon and Greg Shipley will be speaking in the Cabin. Rd. Admission is $2.50/person and includes a cup of food to feed the chickens/ducks/geese. WebWelcome To The Village of Fort Loramie The Village of Fort Loramie is set in beautiful rural Shelby County, Ohio, yet lies within easy reach of several metropolitan areas. In total more than 30 artists will perform on four big stages. Fort Loramie, Ohio 45845 United States Website 419-582-3824 Everything you can imagine. Looking for festivals events in Fort Loramie? Beers available include: Hofbrau Original, Hofbrau Dunkel, Hofbrau Oktoberfest, Paulaner Hefe, Paulaner Lager, Warsteiner Drunkel and much more. We offer a lot with entertainment, of course, and the food vendors that will be out here. for 365 days, $0.99 Slaughter; 4. 45865. OH Always There is another one on the Key Peninsula, also on the 1st. 10 am to 6pm on weekends (Thurs Fri is self-guided tours from 10-2 & $12.95/ea). All are invited to this introductory presentation by archive technicians from the National Archives and Records Administration in Seattle. gtag('config', 'G-C31XVN7PCP'); var cls_disable_ads=function(t){"use strict";function o(t,o){var e="function"==typeof Symbol&&t[Symbol.iterator];if(!e)return t;var n,i,r=e.call(t),a=[];try{for(;(void 0===o||o-- >0)&&! Convenient Home Delivery of The Community Post PLUS Unlimited Digital Access to articles on minstercommuntiypost.com, and E-Edition access. I had fun at them all and their reviews are listed below with the others. FORT LORAMIE Lake Loramie State Park will host a party four decades in the making from Friday, Sept. 16, to Sunday, Sept. 18, during the 40th annual Lake Loramie State Park Fall Festival. 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Oct. 9 and 10 at the Southwest Washington Fairgrounds; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit every stop on the list to see specials and earn a chance to win a drawing for one of the downtown business gift baskets. Is this your event? Admission is $5, Children ages 12 and under free. WebThe annual Fall Festival & Campout at Lake Loramie State Park (dnr.state.oh.us) is a family-focused event typically on a weekend in mid-September, from late Friday The first 100 in-person or local participants will receive a custom item with a logo on it and all participants will be entered to win valuable prizes after the race(s). 2021-08-31 -. Corn maze, hayrides, pony rides, U-pick pumpkin patch, food & much more! For more information, call 360-736-4333. The first day for this event is coming up fast! Bring the whole family for an antique power show, kids games & activities, craft exhibitors, live Pre-registration is $25 for 5K and $15 for 1 mile. Your current subscription does not provide access to this content. Oh bummer, we liked that place, too thanks for the update, Danielle! It has grown with more entertainment on that end, and the mountain man encampment also developed from that its just grown in a lot of ways, Park Ranger Jason Whitman said. 4401 Fort Loramie-Swanders Road Minster, OH 45865. For more information, registration and prices email apple.run.walk@gmail.com. We want to help you get information you need to know about wildlife, insects, plants, and much more. var linktext = username + "@" + hostname; Loramies Dana Rose disrupts Crestviews offense with a steal in the third quarter. Friday 4:00 p.m. until Sunday 4:00 p.m. All Rights Reserved. A lot of them are non-profit organizations, so that money stays right back within their organization and the park, Whitman said. Planning for the fall festival happens a year in advance, and for this years festival, Whitman and other park rangers, staff, surrounding state parks and volunteers only had a few months to get everything ready for this weekend. The ball [], 14 Elm Street PO Box 10 | Fort Loramie, Ohio 45845. The ball diamond fencing installation is in progress. https://events.wilcoxfarms.com/detail/41. For more on the Lewis County Genealogical Society, visit walcgs.org. 10-4. Your email address will not be published. Find our full Privacy Policy on this page here. FNdocumentWrite("") There will also be a tractor parade through the main camp at 10 a.m. Saturday, with roads in the main camp closed until 11 a.m. Food vendors for the festival are the Lake Loramie Improvement Association, Future Farmers of America, Fort Loramie Community Service Club, Cumberland Kettle Corn, Houston Community Association, Chill Wagon, Grandma Moses Ice Cream Homemade Ice Cream, Ranger Concessions and Egbert Concessions. Both of the Owners of this Channel hold UAS Remote Pilot Certificates and all FAA Rules were followed during the making of this video.For Business Inquiries please e-mail: follow.the.arrows.1@gmail.comOhio Ron Concessionshttps://www.facebook.com/Ohio-Ron-Concessions-LLC-280916555310395/Follow The Arrows on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Follow-The-Arrows-110239914872026Follow The Arrows Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/follow_the_arrows/Follow The Arrows Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@follow_the_arrowsEpidemic Soundhttps://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/licbx1Get Movavi Video Editor Plus here: https://www.mvvitrk.com/click?offer_id=1\u0026pid=2056 Wed love to know which ones youve checked out & which are your favorites! Mike DeWine lifted health orders and restrictions, Whitman said they werent sure they would be able to hold a festival this year. Whether you're a local, new in town, or just passing through, you'll be sure to find something on Eventbrite that piques your interest. Free Festival, Antique Tractor Show & demonstrations, Free Entertainment, Variety of Food Booths, Crafts. They are open 10am-5pm weekends in October. More Info. Was just looking through Baringer Farms FB page cuz they were my favorite. Sad. Their website is http://www.fairbankfarm.com. Inslee Appoints Man From Thurston County to State Parks and Recreation Commission, Powered by Creative Circle Media Solutions. Elected Officials, Boards and Committees Serving the Village, Services Provided by the Village and Emergency Service Districts, Community Information & History of Fort Loramie, Your Resource for Common Forms and Documents. German lunch $5 (bratwurst, hot German potato salad & drink), or sold separately. Chance of rain 100%. End date: September 16, 2018. The Wilcox farm out in Roy is doing an event that day as well, with free omelets! People dressed in frontier-style outfits show what daily life was like in the early 1800s and demonstrate how to use tools and equipment common in that period. (mile marker 7), Rochester. Join Festivalnet.com now to unlock additional details,