And a 35% impervious cover limit (0.35) could be adjusted upwards by 10% up to 38.5% or 0.10 X 0.35 = 0.385, instead of the original 35%. Responsibility of Subdividers Engineer. E. Initiation of a BOA process may be made upon: 1. Typical uses include truck dealerships, construction equipment dealerships, mobile home dealerships, and sales (but specifically excluding dismantling or salvage of vehicles). Policy- and Legislative-Related Applications and Permits, Subdivision-Related Applications and Permits, Development-Related Applications and Permits, Simultaneous Submission of Related Applications, Application Requirements for Administrative Exceptions, Criteria for Review and Required Findings, Preservation of a Substantial Property Right, Variances from Floodplain or Stormwater Management Regulations, Preliminary Plat Application Requirements, Action Following Preliminary Plat Approval, Exception for lots already partially within City Limits, Reduction of Minimum Residential Lot Width, Chapter 245 of Texas Local Government Code adopted, Computation of Area of Multifaceted Signs, Computation of Maximum Total Permitted Sign Area for a Zone Lot. To increase the density of a use above that permitted by the applicable district. Buffering is intended to protect the character and stability of residential areas, to conserve the value of land and buildings of the properties and neighborhoods adjacent to nonresidential developments, and to enhance the visual and aesthetic image of the City of Liberty Hill. Review authorities for applicable development applications and permits are described in Table 3-1, below. Any plat that complies with Texas Local Government Code 212.014, as amended, which is generally submitted to replat a subdivision or part of a subdivision without vacation of the original plat. Within five days of receiving an application for a sign permit or for a Master or Common Signage Plan, the City Administrator shall review it for completeness. The date of issue of the building permit for any development, including new construction and substantial improvements, provided that the actual start of the construction or improvement was within three hundred and sixty-five (365) days of permit issuance. Related applications and permits shall be submitted, reviewed, and approved/denied based on the procedures listed below. In this case, the City Administrator shall report this action in writing to the City Council and place the modified Conditional Use Permit directly on the City Council agenda for action at the Councils next meeting. A narrow roadway for access to an area of commercial, multifamily or industrial structures. Industrial use types include the on-site extraction or production of goods by methods not agricultural, and storage and distribution of products. (2) All cash payments shall be used exclusively for the acquisition and/or improvement of parks. Lot. This Chapter also contains standards on maximum impervious cover, both for entire subdivisions as they are developed and for individual lots as they are built upon. The nature of the permitted uses and scale of buildings are intended to blend with adjacent and nearby properties without causing adverse visual or environmental impacts. (4) Transfer of required parkland dedication in one subdivision to another location owned by the same subdivider within one-half mile of the proposed subdivision. Any boundary of a lot that is not a front lot line or a rear lot line but generally running perpendicular to the front or rear lot lines. Basement. Policy- or legislative-related applications for permits required for a particular project may occur in any order, but shall be sequenced so that when final actions occur, each approval provides any requisite requirement for a subsequent related approval. The Code applies to all public buildings and private land(s), and use(s) thereon, over which the City has jurisdiction under the constitution(s) and law(s) of the State of Texas and of the United States. Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code, as adopted in 2001 by the 77th Legislature, Regular session is hereby adopted and incorporated by reference herein. J. Recordation. This Code does not apply to interior lighting. Minor Collector. Cemetery, Crematoria, Mausoleums, Memorial Parks, (Ordinance 14-O-11 adopted 4/14/14; Ordinance 15-O-04 adopted 1/26/15). Pollution generated by diffuse land use activities rather than from an identifiable or discrete source or facility. Impervious Material. A stream which that [sic] has a period of zero flow for at least one week during most years. Typical uses include motion picture theaters, meeting halls, and dance halls. Hospital Services (Limited). Snipe Sign. 1.0 OVERVIEW Page 1-2 1.0 OVERVIEW . Permanent subdivision identification signs approved by the City Council as part of the platting process; 9. Minor Plat, Final Plat or Amending Plat. A plat or replat or site development permit will not be approved unless the following monument and ground control requirements of this Code are met: A. Other activities, including outdoor processing of materials, storage of materials, and display of products are subject to conditional use standards for potential nuisance mitigation. Floodplain. B. Streetlights installed prior to the adoption of this Code. A. B. A description of the public facilities that will service the proposed development, including who shall provide such facilities; the date any new facilities, if needed, will be constructed; and a schedule to assure that public facilities are available concurrent with the impacts of the development; v. A description of any preservation or dedication of land for public purposes; vi. If the City Administrator determines that the modifications to the site plan changes the basis for the initial Conditional Use Permit approval, the modified permit shall follow the regular review process for a regularly submitted Conditional Use Permit. Land typically adjacent to a body of water with ground surface elevations that are inundated by the base flood. A private access, drive, or lane to more than one residence which that [sic] is contained within the lot or parcel and which is not dedicated to the public. Grade Elevation. A. D. Minimum lot sizes (and minimum lot areas): E. 3,000 sq. Deliveries by commercial vehicle occur generally between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. with the exception of package couriers; 6. A. Submission requirements for written interpretations will be developed by the City Administrator. Swinging Sign. Typical uses include banks, savings and loan institutions, loan and lending activities, and similar services. The TIA will follow the criteria outlined in the City of Round Rock Transportation Criteria Manual, Section 2, as amended. Any public notice or warning required by a valid and applicable federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordinance; 2. Corner side yard. The Site Plan must be reviewed by the City Administrator for compliance with this Code. Fiscal surety can be in the form of a line of credit or Assurance of Bonds. They include such features as bluffs, springs, canyon rim rocks, caves, sinkholes and wetlands. Agricultural (AG). A subdivider, at his own expense, may obtain an additional appraisal by a qualified real estate appraiser mutually agreed upon by the city and the subdivider. Approval of the site plan constitutes approval of the Site Development Permit and Stormwater Permit. You may come into the Development Services Center at 17575 Peak Avenue and buy a binder for $20, or you can download the Design Standards and Standard Details below at no cost. Nonresidential subdivisions and residential subdivision of four or fewer single-family lots shall not be subject to the parkland dedication requirements of this section. This section shall not be construed to prevent the City from requiring dedication of rights-of-way for such roads, or from assigning trips to such roads in a TIA in order to determine a development projects proportionate costs of improvements. Nonconforming Use. A strip of land having vegetation that provides habitat and a safe passageway for wildlife. G. The City Administrator may extend the expiration date of any permit one time for a period not to exceed one (1) year in length. A structure that was lawfully erected but which does not conform to the currently applicable requirements and standards prescribed in the regulations for the district in which the structure is located by reason of adoption or amendment of this Code. B. About Liberty Hill The City of Liberty Hill is located in Williamson County north of the City of Leander. D. Prior to issuance of a stormwater permit, the City Administrator or City Council must approve the site plan for projects in the Citys ETJ to ensure any required compliance with this Code. A. A permanent structure used for the display and sale of locally produced agricultural products. A Notice of Public Hearing shall be sent by the City through U.S. mail to owners of record of real property within 200 feet of the parcel under consideration and within the City Limits of Liberty Hill, as determined by the most recent tax rolls from the Williamson Central Appraisal District. The final plat must incorporate all changes from the preliminary plat that were considered and approved by the City Council. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish zoning districts within the City Limits of Liberty Hill, allowable uses within each district, and procedures for special and temporary uses within each district. A parcel of land which that [sic] has been legally subdivided and recorded in the official public records of Williamson County. 3. E. In the event of a conflict between this section and any other section of this Code, the more stringent requirements shall apply. Substantial Improvement. E. Any hardwood tree 19" [in] diameter or larger shall require Planning and Zoning Commission Approval before removing. The purpose of this Chapter is to set forth site development and design standards for residential and nonresidential development and building construction. The gross floor area of the building or buildings on a zoning area divided by the total area of such zoning area. That granting the administrative exception will be generally consistent with the purposes and intent of this Code. Lot design standards within the Liberty Hill City limits are categorized by Zoning District. This is allowed with a Special Use Permit. Landscaping Plan. Typical uses include new and used car dealerships, motorcycle dealerships, and boat, trailer, and recreational vehicle dealerships. Context-sensitive design standards and landscaping are required to ensure a quality and enjoyable living environment. Establishments or places of business engaged in sale from the premises of feed, grain, fertilizers, pesticides and similar goods or in the provision of agriculturally related services with incidental storage on lots other than where the service is rendered. The sign area for a sign with more than one face shall be computed by adding together the area of all sign faces visible from any one point. Landscaping, Perimeter. Phased Project. The City Council is responsible for final action on applications for Conditional Use Permits. AVIATION FACILITIES. 1. 1994), as amended. A copy of the agreements providing for the proper and continuous operation, maintenance and supervision of such facilities shall be presented to the City Administrator and approved as to form by the City Attorney prior to the time of final plat approval or site development permit issuance and shall be filed of record with the plat or permit. The City Administrator is responsible for taking final action on the following procedures described in this Code and according to the specific criteria for each procedure as described in the Code. Upon receiving an application to resume work and a declaration from the landowner or developer that any claimed violations of this Code have ceased and that the landowner or developer is currently in compliance, the City Administrator shall determine, within ten (10) working days of receipt of said application, whether the work is in compliance. If the problem persists, please contact B. C. Approval Criteria (PUD). Provision of a comprehensive transportation system for bicycle, pedestrian and vehicular traffic that is connected and integrated with existing development. A landscaped area adjoining and part of the landscaped interior[.]. Recycling Centers. Provided, however, the time period may be extended upon the written request of the applicant. H. The Board of Adjustment is responsible for final action. That the proposed use will comply [with] each of the applicable provisions of these regulations. Merchandise displays shall not be considered window signs. Any Applicant for a Vested Rights Determination may apply for Consent Agreement Approval provided that the requirements of 4.15.D.1 are satisfied or the required approval is for one (1) or more, but less than all phases of the proposed development. Long term storage of operating or nonoperating vehicles. An administrative exception may only be requested by the City Administrator. On a corner lot in any district, nothing shall be erected, placed, or planted or allowed to grow in such a manner so as to materially impair vehicle drivers vision at intersections, within a triangle defined by the property lines and a line joining two points located twenty-five (25) feet back from the property lines intersection; except that fences, walls, and/or hedges may be permitted provided that such fences, walls, and/or hedges do not impair vision from three (3) feet to six (6) feet above the curbline elevation. B. Agricultural BMPs include, but are not limited to, strip cropping, terracing, contour stripping, grass waterways, animal waste structures, ponds, minimal tillage, grass and naturally vegetated filter strips, and proper nutrient application measures. Whenever there appears to be an uncertainty, vagueness, or conflict in the terms of the Code, the Manager, in consultation with the staff, city engineer, or city attorney, as may be appropriate, shall make every effort to interpret the Code in such a way that it fulfills the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and the Code. Upper Story Residential. Temporary signs placed on construction sites to identify the contractor, engineer, architect, or developer not exceeding 64 square feet in area. Each variance request will be judged on its own merit based on subparagraph (b) [B] below. 1.1 Purpose and Scope . Such letter of credit or bonds shall be issued by a financial institution authorized to do business in the State of Texas. A phasing plan indicating the anticipated commencement and completion date of all phases of the proposed development; and. Services which are necessary to support principal development and involve only minor structures such as lines and poles which are necessary to support principal development. Open Space. Any sign that revolves around one or more fixed axis. Any variance request up to ten (10) percent of any minimum or maximum measurement required by this Code may be treated as an Administrative Exception if the City Administrator agrees to recommend the Administrative Exception. No rezoning action may specifically vary from the Permitted Uses Table found in Section 4.09 or from the Future Land Use Map included in the Comprehensive Plan. Any sign that transmits light through its face or any part thereof[.]. Minor Plat. C. That the proposed use and site development, together with any modifications applicable thereto, will be completely compatible with existing or permitted uses in the vicinity. 4. Internal programs and services are designed to support activities and standards necessary to ensure quality service, legal compliance, and fiscal accountability. ft. in area. C. Access. Any ordinance that concerns the development of real property and is adopted after the adoption of this Code, which incorporates this section into the Code, may specifically state whether it is the type of ordinance that is exempted by 245.004. Maximum Lot Coverage. F. Complaints Regarding Violations. The applicant has sufficiently and legally established any other factor that may demonstrate vested rights under State or Federal law. I. C. Notwithstanding the above, any garage or carport shall be set back a minimum of ten (10) feet from a right-of-way. Educational Facilities. No sign or supporting structure that is altered under the provisions of this section shall be made more nonconforming. Typical uses include janitorial, landscape maintenance, or window cleaning services. A structure that was constructed before June 15, 1976, transportable in one or more sections, which, transportable in one or more sections, which, in the traveling mode, is eight (8) feet or more in width or forty (40) body feet or more in length, or when erected on site, is three hundred and twenty (320) or more square feet, and which is built on a permanent chassis and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and includes the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systems. City Council approval of a PUD also constitutes final approval of the binding PUD development ordinance and PUD general development plan that were attached to the PUD application, as modified by the City Council. No signs shall be erected in the public right-of-way except in accordance with Section 6.12.05.J [sic] below. A dwelling unit consisting of 1 principal room exclusive of bathroom, kitchen, hallway, closets, or dining alcove directly off the principal room providing such dining alcove does not exceed 125 sq. A. Conditions and proposed decisions regarding rezoning shall be reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission. In such case, the city council shall determine fair market value upon consideration of both appraisals. Stormwater Management. Whenever the requirements of this Code are in conflict with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations, or ordinances, the requirement that is most restrictive or that imposes higher standards as determined by the City Council will apply. The City Administrator may waive the requirement for installations of a bench mark for subdivisions smaller than 50 acres when at least two benchmarks are located within one-half mile of the proposed subdivision boundaries. Existing Sign. A bar preventing one from making an allegation or a denial that contradicts what one has previously stated as the truth. The Planning and Zoning Commission will have no authority for final action. A dwelling not a mobile home or manufactured home, on its own lot, and designed, arranged, or used exclusively for the use and occupancy of two families living independently of each other. Intermittent Stream. Under Canopy Sign. Easement. A Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND) is a human scale, walk able community with moderate to high residential densities and a mixed use core. Joint Use Facilities. 5. No Nonconforming Sign shall be required to be relocated or removed unless such Nonconforming Sign is more than 50 percent destroyed or damaged as provided above. (5) The area shall not be subject to any reservation of record, encumbrances of any kind, or easements which will interfere with the use of the land for park or recreational purposes. B. I. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (ATTACHED). CONSTRUCTION SALES AND SERVICES. F. Estimates for posting fiscal surety for landscaping requirements, maintenance, erosion and sedimentation control, roads, and utilities are also required for final plat review.
County Durham Coroners Office, Mankato Fatal Crash, Articles C