FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004, as amended by Amdt. 139.205 Amendment of Airport Certification Manual. (7) Procedures and equipment are established and maintained for alerting rescue and firefighting personnel by siren, alarm, or other means authorized by the Administrator to any existing or impending emergency requiring their assistance. (f) Foam discharge capacity. Each aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicle responding to an emergency on the airport must be equipped with, or have available through a direct communications link, the North American Emergency Response Guidebook published by the U.S. Department of Transportation or similar response guidance to hazardous materials/dangerous goods incidents. In 2004, FAA issued a final rule that revised the Federal airport certification regulation [Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 139 (14 CFR Part 139] and established certification requirements for airports serving scheduled air carrier operations in aircraft designed for more than 9 passenger seats but less than 31 passenger seats. (5) Index E includes aircraft at least 200 feet in length. (3) Index C includes aircraft at least 126 feet but less than 159 feet in length. (a) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must -, (1) Mark and, if appropriate, light in a manner authorized by the Administrator -. Amendment of Airport Certification Manual. (c) At any time within 30 days after receiving a notice of refusal to approve the application for amendment, the certificate holder may petition the Associate Administrator for Airports to reconsider the refusal to amend. (b) Each certificate holder must provide the following: (1) Equipment for use in conducting safety inspections of the airport; (2) Procedures, facilities, and equipment for reliable and rapid dissemination of information between the certificate holder's personnel and air carriers; and. (1) Each petition filed under this paragraph must -. 139.329 Pedestrians and ground vehicles. It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. In addition to the quantity of water required, each vehicle required to carry AFFF must carry AFFF in an appropriate amount to mix with twice the water required to be carried by the vehicle. Government-owned airport that is co-located with an airport specified under 139.1(a) and at which portions of the movement areas and safety areas are shared by both parties. (2) A list prioritizing the following actions identified in the wildlife hazard assessment and target dates for their initiation and completion: (3) Requirements for and, where applicable, copies of local, State, and Federal wildlife control permits. (5) Obstruction marking and lighting, as appropriate, on each object within its authority that has been determined by the FAA to be an obstruction. For each runway available for air carrier use, a supplemental wind cone must be installed at the end of the runway or at least at one point visible to the pilot while on final approach and prior to takeoff. This individual must be trained prior to initial performance of emergency medical services. 139.317 Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Equipment and agents. (2) The full-strength surfaces must have adequate crown or grade to assure sufficient drainage to prevent ponding. (b) Maintain records required under this part as follows: (1) Personnel training. (5) Any additional subject areas required under 139.319, 139.321, 139.327, 139.329, 139.337, and 139.339, as appropriate. 139.205 Amendment of Airport Certification Manual. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, whenever the requirements of subpart D of this part cannot be met to the extent that uncorrected unsafe conditions exist on the airport, the certificate holder must limit air carrier operations to those portions of the airport not rendered unsafe by those conditions. If you work for a Federal agency, use this drafting (e) Vehicle communications. (5) Self-inspection. (g) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for wildlife hazard management at airports that are acceptable to the Administrator. (c) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the configuration and maintenance of safety areas acceptable to the Administrator. Each certificate holder must provide and maintain lighting systems for air carrier operations when the airport is open at night, during conditions below visual flight rules (VFR) minimums, or in Alaska, during periods in which a prominent unlighted object cannot be seen from a distance of 3 statute miles or the sun is more than six degrees below the horizon. Any reduction in the rescue and firefighting capability from the Index required by paragraph (a) of this section, in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section, must be subject to the following conditions: (1) Procedures for, and the persons having the authority to implement, the reductions must be included in the Airport Certification Manual. (d) Procedures for reduction in capability. The curriculum for initial and recurrent training must include at least the following areas: (1) Airport familiarization, including airport marking, lighting, and signs system. (ii) One vehicle carrying an amount of water and the commensurate quantity of AFFF so the total quantity of water for foam production carried by both vehicles is at least 1,500 gallons. Procedures for protecting persons and property during the storing, dispensing, and handling of fuel and other hazardous substances and materials, as required under, 19. (a) The applicant provides written documentation that air carrier service will begin on a date certain. These procedures must provide for at least the following: (1) Designated personnel to receive and handle hazardous substances and materials. (v) Discrepancy reporting procedures; and. (ii) Two vehicles carrying an amount of water and the commensurate quantity of AFFF so the total quantity of water for foam production carried by all three vehicles is at least 3,000 gallons. Code Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 139 (14 CFR Part 139) program training. (a) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must maintain, and promptly repair the pavement of, each runway, taxiway, loading ramp, and parking area on the airport that is available for air carrier use as follows: (1) The pavement edges must not exceed 3 inches difference in elevation between abutting pavement sections and between pavement and abutting areas. 14 CFR Part 139 - CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS CFR State Regulations prev next Subpart A - General ( 139.1 - 139.7) Subpart B - Certification ( 139.101 - 139.115) Subpart C - Airport Certification Manual ( 139.201 - 139.205) Subpart D - Operations ( 139.301 - 139.343) Authority: 49 U.S.C. (a) Marking. (c) The Administrator, after investigation, finds the applicant is properly and adequately equipped and able to provide a safe airport operating environment in accordance with -. (a) Except as otherwise authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must include in the Airport Certification Manual a description of operating procedures, facilities and equipment, responsibility assignments, and any other information needed by personnel concerned with operating the airport in order to comply with applicable provisions of subpart D of this part and paragraph (b) of this section. A description of, and procedures for maintaining, the traffic and wind direction indicators, as required under, 21. (c) Make and maintain any additional records required by the Administrator, this part, and the Airport Certification Manual. The sign systems required under paragraph (b)(3) of this section must be implemented by each holder of a Class III Airport Operating Certificate not later than 36 consecutive calendar months after June 9, 2004. (4) No objects may be located in any safety area, except for objects that need to be located in a safety area because of their function. (4) Fueling personnel training. (b) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for identifying and marking construction areas that are acceptable to the Administrator. Any limitations imposed by the Administrator, 4. will bring you to those results. 139.323 Traffic and wind direction indicators. (1) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraphs (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section; and. (b) In complying with paragraph (a) of this section, use the NOTAM system, as appropriate, and other systems and procedures authorized by the Administrator. Aeronautics and Space Chapter I. [Doc. (6) 139.339, Airport condition reporting. These standards must cover facilities, procedures, and personnel training and must address at least the following: (4) Fire safety in fuel farm and storage areas. (xi) Familiarization with firefighters' duties under the airport emergency plan. (b) The applicant meets the provisions of 139.103. FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004; Amdt. Each holder of a Class II, III, or IV Airport Operating Certificate must implement the requirements of this section no later than 36 consecutive calendar months after June 9, 2004. Learn more about the eCFR, its status, and the editorial process. ATP CTP ATP Certification Training Program. learn more about the process here. 14 CFR Part 139 [Docket No. Such records must include, at a minimum, a description and date of training received. (7) Accident and incident. 14 CFR Part 139 requires FAA to issue airport operating certificates to airports that: Serve scheduled and unscheduled air carrier aircraft with more than 30 seats; Serve scheduled air carrier operations in aircraft with more than 9 seats but less than 31 seats; and The FAA Administrator requires to have a certificate. (d) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the conduct of airport self-inspections that are acceptable to the Administrator. (a) In a manner authorized by the Administrator, each certificate holder must provide -, (1) Safeguards to prevent inadvertent entry to the movement area by unauthorized persons or vehicles; and. Each current exemption issued to the airport from the requirements of this part, 3. Aircraft rescue and firefighting: Equipment and agents. CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORTS. Identifying, marking, and lighting construction and other unserviceable areas. (2) Information, views, or arguments provided under paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall include the following information pertaining to the airport for which the Airport Operating Certificate is held: (i) An itemized cost to comply with the requirement from which the exemption is sought; (iii) The current annual financial report, such as a single audit report or FAA Form 5100-127, Operating and Financial Summary; (iv) Annual passenger enplanement data for the previous 12 calendar months; (v) The type and frequency of air carrier operations served; (vii) Anticipated changes to air carrier service; (c) Each petition filed under this section must be submitted in duplicate to the -, (1) Regional Airports Division Manager and. 139.203 Contents of Airport Certification Manual. (5) A record is maintained of all training given to each individual under this section for 24 consecutive calendar months after completion of training. (FAR 139.203) eCFR The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 14 Displaying title 14, up to date as of 2/08/2023. (e) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for using the NOTAM system and the dissemination of airport information that are acceptable to the Administrator. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. FAA-2000-7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004; Amdt. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, if an increase in the average daily departures or the length of air carrier aircraft results in an increase in the Index required by paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate holder must comply with the increased requirements. Each certificate holder must provide and maintain marking systems for air carrier operations on the airport that are authorized by the Administrator and consist of at least the following: (1) Runway markings meeting the specifications for takeoff and landing minimums for each runway. (4) Any alteration, for a fraudulent purpose, of any certificate or approval issued under this part. (3) The reductions may not be implemented unless notification to air carriers is provided in the Airport/Facility Directory or Notices to Airmen (NOTAM), as appropriate, and by direct notification of local air carriers. Each applicant for an Airport Operating Certificate must -. 1/1.1 139-27, 78 FR 3316, Jan. 16, 2013]. Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, each certificate holder must provide on the airport, during air carrier operations at the airport, at least the rescue and firefighting capability specified for the Index required by 139.317 in a manner authorized by the Administrator. If replacement equipment is not available immediately, the certificate holder must so notify the Regional Airports Division Manager and each air carrier using the airport in accordance with 139.339. (d) In the case of amendments initiated by the FAA, the Regional Airports Division Manager notifies the certificate holder of the proposed amendment, in writing, fixing a reasonable period (but not less than 7 days) within which the certificate holder may submit written information, views, and arguments on the amendment. Such procedures must ensure personnel are trained, as specified under 139.303, and receive initial and recurrent instruction every 12 consecutive calendar months in at least the following areas: (i) Airport familiarization, including airport signs, marking and lighting. (4) At least once every 12 consecutive calendar months, review the plan with all of the parties with whom the plan is coordinated, as specified in paragraph (g)(1) of this section, to ensure that all parties know their responsibilities and that all of the information in the plan is current. Procedures for obstruction removal, marking, or lighting, as required under, 24. (e) The training required in paragraph (b)(6) of this section must include at least the following: (1) At least one supervisor with each fueling agent must have completed an aviation fuel training course in fire safety that is authorized by the Administrator. Procedures for wildlife hazard management, as required under, 27. 139-26, 69 FR 31523, June 4, 2004]. Lines of succession of airport operational responsibility, 2. (iv) Emergency communications systems on the airport, including fire alarms. (i) One vehicle carrying the extinguishing agents as specified in paragraph (a)(1) or (a)(2) of this section; and. "The course actually walks you through an inspection of fuel farm facilities and refueling trucks. (c) The plan required by this section must address or include -. FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for compliance with this part that are acceptable to the Administrator. This is an automated process for (3) Snow, ice, slush, or water on the movement area or loading ramps and parking areas. (e) When the Administrator determines that a wildlife hazard management plan is needed, the certificate holder must formulate and implement a plan using the wildlife hazard assessment as a basis. No. (9) Water rescue situations, as appropriate. 106 (g), 40113, 44701 - 44706, 44709, 44719 . (3) Immediately after an accident or incident. (iv) Contain information, views, or arguments that demonstrate that the requirements of 139.317 or 139.319 would be unreasonably costly, burdensome, or impractical. Movement area means the runways, taxiways, and other areas of an airport that are used for taxiing, takeoff, and landing of aircraft, exclusive of loading ramps and aircraft parking areas. Procedures for protection of NAVAIDS, as required under, 25. This part prescribes rules governing the certification and operation of airports in any State of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any territory or possession of the. (3) Each safety area must be capable under dry conditions of supporting snow removal and aircraft rescue and firefighting equipment and of supporting the occasional passage of aircraft without causing major damage to the aircraft. (i) Personnel. eCFR :: 14 CFR 139.203 -- Contents of Airport Certification Manual. under 14 CFR part 121 or public charter operations under 14 CFR part 380. (c) In complying with paragraph (a) of this section, provide information on the following airport conditions that may affect the safe operations of air carriers: (1) Construction or maintenance activity on movement areas, safety areas, or loading ramps and parking areas. 14 CFR 139.325 - Airport emergency plan. In such a case, the Regional Airports Division Manager incorporates the finding of the emergency and a brief statement of the reasons for the finding in the notice of the amendment. eCFR :: 14 CFR Part 139 -- Certification of Airports (FAR Part 139) eCFR The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Title 14 Displaying title 14, up to date as of 2/22/2023. [Doc. (d) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the development of Airport Certification Manuals that are acceptable to the Administrator. (3) Airport communications, including radio communication between the air traffic control tower and personnel, use of the common traffic advisory frequency if there is no air traffic control tower or the tower is not in operation, and procedures for reporting unsafe airport conditions. These objects must be constructed, to the extent practical, on frangibly mounted structures of the lowest practical height, with the frangible point no higher than 3 inches above grade. (h) Extinguishing agent substitutions. The location of each obstruction required to be lighted or marked within the airport's area of authority, 6. Twelve consecutive calendar months for each accident or incident in movement areas and safety areas involving an air carrier aircraft and/or ground vehicle, as required under 139.329. The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. In reaching this determination, the Administrator will consider -. A separate drafting site Procedures for maintaining the unpaved areas, as required under, 12. A description of personnel training, as required under, 10. (f) Standards. (d) The wildlife hazard assessment required under paragraph (b) of this section must be submitted to the Administrator for approval and determination of the need for a wildlife hazard management plan. Procedures for identifying, marking, and lighting construction and other unserviceable areas, as required under, 29. Airport certification manual b. Part 139 Airport Certification Definitions Definitions - Part 139 Airport Certification Terms Used in 14 CFR Part 139 The revised Part 139 contains more definition than those shown below. During air carrier operations with only aircraft shorter than the Index aircraft group required by paragraph (a) of this section, the certificate holder may reduce the rescue and firefighting to a lower level corresponding to the Index group of the longest air carrier aircraft being operated. (2) The response required by paragraph (h)(1)(ii) of this section must achieve the following performance criteria: (i) Within 3 minutes from the time of the alarm, at least one required aircraft rescue and firefighting vehicle must reach the midpoint of the farthest runway serving air carrier aircraft from its assigned post or reach any other specified point of comparable distance on the movement area that is available to air carriers, and begin application of extinguishing agent. Twenty-four consecutive calendar months for aircraft rescue and firefighting and emergency medical service personnel training records, as required under 139.319. 139-26, 69 FR 31522, June 4, 2004]. (b) FAA Advisory Circulars contain methods and procedures for the maintenance and configuration of unpaved areas that are acceptable to the Administrator. Two of the basic requirements to qualify for 14 CFR Part 139 certification is improved Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting services and updated fuel facilities. (vii) Emergency aircraft evacuation assistance. Aircraft policies and procedures for hazardous Twelve consecutive calendar months for self-inspection records, as required under 139.327. (a) Each certificate holder who acts as a cargo handling agent must establish and maintain procedures for the protection of persons and property on the airport during the handling and storing of any material regulated by the Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR 171 through 180) that is, or is intended to be, transported by air. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. (3) All rescue and firefighting personnel must participate in at least one live-fire drill prior to initial performance of rescue and firefighting duties and every 12 consecutive calendar months thereafter. (2) The requirements of the Airport Certification Manual, as specified under 139.203. ( a) No person may operate an airport subject to this part unless that person adopts and complies with an Airport Certification Manual, as required under this part, that - ( 1) Has been approved by the Administrator; ( 2) Contains only those items authorized by the Administrator; Procedures for maintaining the paved areas, as required under, 11. (i) Designation of personnel responsible for implementing the procedures; (ii) Provisions to conduct physical inspections of the aircraft movement areas and other areas critical to successfully manage known wildlife hazards before air carrier operations begin; (iii) Wildlife hazard control measures; and. the hierarchy of the document. 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