Position and Name:One of the chief towns of Macedonia from Hellenistic times down to the present day. Even the Egyptian city of Alexandria was part of the Hellenistic Empire. "The Roman Empire at its Greatest Extent." km. Vanderspoel, J. The text does not directly mention this geographic element. Among these converts were in all probability Aristarchus and Secundus, natives of Thessalonica, whom we afterward find accompanying Paul to Asia at the close of his 3rd missionary journey (Acts 20:4). This map of Macedonia includes Thrace, Dacia, and Moesia. This is now the fifth city Paul has been run out of by an angry mob . His journey took him along the Via Egnatia, or Egnatian Way. The magistrates were duly alive to the seriousness of the accusation, but, since no evidence was forthcoming of illegal practices on the part of Jason or the other Christians, they released them on security (Acts 17:5-9). Antioch (Syria)Place where believers in Jesus are first called Christians (Acts 11:26). The Delian Confederacy, the allies of Athens, are spread around the borders of the Aegean Sea. This extremely important Roman highway connected so many of the cities Paul visited. The name Pelargikon was also applied to the Nine Gates on the west end of the Acropolis wall. Situated about 45 miles west of the capital Thessalonica, Berea is just north of Mount Olympus, at the base of Mount Bermius, and near the Eliakomon and Axius rivers in a fertile agricultural area. Since Timothy is not mentioned (see Ac 17:10 and note), it is . Thebes was the main city in the area of Greece called Boeotia. Acts 17:58; I Peter 4:1216. We are here in a Greek commercial city and a seaport, a "free city," moreover, enjoying a certain amount of autonomy and its own constitution. Later, it became Anatolia, Turkey. Paul disembarked at Neapolis, a port about 10 miles to the southeast of Philippi. User:Megistias/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. The death toll from the head-on collision of two trains in central Greece has risen to at least 40 people, with many more . After the battle of Pydba in 168 B.C. A number of "Gr women of honorable estate and of men" also believed, but the advent of a body of hostile Jews from Thessalonica created a disturbance in consequence of which Paul had to leave the city, though Silas and Timothy stayed there for a few days longer (Acts 17:12-15). Click on the icons for description and link. Not much of the route of Paul's journey is in doubtLuke describes the trips pretty precisely in Acts. In the war between Perseus and the Romans it appears as the headquarters of the Macedonian navy (Livy xliv. The journey from Thessalonica to Berea would have taken two days on foot. It is true that in the Greek world of previous centuries, many women, especially high-status women, had led cloistered, hidden lives. In short, it was a commercial hub, and it was the wealthiest city of Macedonia. Aleppo is now a city of nearly 130,000 inhabitants. Timothy rejoined Paul at Athens and was sent back to Thessalonica (see 3:1-5). Note: Paul was an Adventist; he presented the important event of the second coming of Christ with such power and reasoning that a deep impression, which never wore away, was made upon the minds of the Thessalonians. Sketches from the Life of Paul, 83. Flights from Thessaloniki to London via Athens, Toronto Ave. Choose the file type and the file format: So, too, it seems, was Athens. Another contrast is that while Amphipolis and Apollonia seem to have had no synagogue, this town did. From Thessalonica, the road went all the way to Constantinople (Istanbul). Now known as the modern Avlida, the Greeks often got together in this area to set sail to Troy and bring back Helen. You need 2 hour to reach Berea, Greece from Athens,Greece , if you are travelling by car. The Theban hegemony over Greece lasted from 371 when the Spartans were defeated at the Battle of Leuctra. The town is characterized for its major historical interest and natural beauty as it counts on many archaeological monuments and historical relics, idyllic coasts, and mountainous landscapes. Because of Thessalonica's importance during the early . The former of them was, indeed, one of the apostle's most constant companions; we find him with Paul at Ephesus (Acts 19:29) and on his journey to Rome (Acts 27:2), while in two of his Epistles, written during his captivity, Paul refers to Aristarchus as still with him, his fellow-prisoner (Colossians 4:10 Philemon 1:24). All Cities Visited by Apostle Paul Large Map. Strong's Greek G960: Beroia Assos, Mitylene, Miletus, Samos, TrogylliumCities briefly stopped in during the latter part of his third missionary journey (Acts 20:14 - 15). . Thessalonica also served as the provincial capital, and as the home of the Roman proconsul. What principle did Jesus explain in this regard? "30 Maps of Ancient Greece Show How a Country Became an Empire." Sidon And the next day we landed at Sidon (Acts 27:3). Greek mythology says it was destroyed by the Epigoni before the Trojan War, but then it recovered by the 6th century B.C. Iconium And after shaking the dust off their feet against them, they came to Iconium (Acts 13:51). When the wall was destroyed, it was not replaced, but sections probably survived into Roman times and remnants remain. How can the Bereans be an inspiration to us today? What victories for Christ were achieved through Paul upon his first arrival in Thessalonica, another Macedonian city? Paul alludes to this role of the city when he wrote to the church there: For the word of the Lord has sounded forth from you, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but also in every place your faith toward God has gone forth, so that we have no need to say anything (1 Thessalonians 1:8). "The Attica of Pausanias." The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. 2 As was his custom, Paul went into the synagogue, and on three Sabbath days he reasoned with them from the Scriptures, 3 explaining and proving that the Messiah had to suffer and rise from . That which is to the earthly mind a desolate wilderness, to the spiritual mind becomes a land of living streams. The Signs of the Times, October 10, 1906. stream The Department of History, United States Military Academy/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. 1 What sad result must be expected by all who proclaim unpopular truth? ?a S???? Study Help: The Acts of the Apostles, 228242. Ida was sacred to Rhea and held the cave in which she put her son Zeus so he could grow up in safety away from his children-eating father Kronos. Gill, N.S. Its population includes some 32,000 Turks, 47,000 Jews (mostly the descendants of refugees from Spain) and 16,000 Greeks and other Europeans. When Thebes revolted against Macedonian rule under Alexander the Great, the city was punished. Nearly two hundred years before, this city had been completely destroyed; but, after a century of desolation, it had been rebuilt; and having since rapidly increased, it was now flourishing and populous. About the only question is whether Paul traveled from Berea to Athens by ship or by road. Jerusalem And when Saul came to Jerusalem, he attempted to join himself to the disciples; but all were afraid of him, not believing that he was a disciple (Acts 9:26). Which cities did he travel with Barnabas? . Acts 17:11 Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Thessalonica was a major port, and like Philippi, located on the east-west Egnatian highway, and thus an important centre of trade by land and by sea: Ephesus was created in the 10th century B.C. If you want to go by car, the driving distance between Thessaloniki and Athens is 501.69 km. The Jews in Thessalonica came to Berea and started causing trouble for Paul, so the Christians sent him to Athens, but Silas and Timothy stayed in Berea intending to join Paul as soon as possible. de Macedoine,' 272;; and other travelers. Pausanias. It is usually maintained that the earlier name of Thessalonica was Therma or Therme, a town mentioned both by Herodotus (vii.121;, 179;) and by Thucydides (i0.61; ii.29), but that its chief importance dates from about 315 B.C., when the Macedonian king Cassander, son of Antipater, enlarged and strengthened it by concentrating there the population of a number of neighboring towns and villages, and renamed it after his wife Thessalonica, daughter of Philip II and step-sister of Alexander the Great. 09 of 30 Eastern Aegean User:Megistias/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 2.5 What accusation was brought against the apostles? This is the point at which the apostle began traveling along the Via Egnatia, or Egnatian Way (Acts 16:11-12). Strabo, writing in the reign of Augustus, speaks of it as the most populous town in Macedonia and the metropolis of the province (vii.323, 330), and about the same time the poet Antipater, himself a native of Thessalonica, refers to the city as "mother of all Macedon" (Jacobs, Anthol. I want that for every Christian! Why was Paul a source of curiosity in Athens? From Athens Paul directed his steps to Corinth, where he appears to have arrived in the autumn of A.D.52. is shown in this map. Butler, Samuel. Note: The city of Athens was the metropolis of heathendom. History:Thessalonica rapidly became populous and wealthy. What challenge did Paul face before these highly philosophical Greeks? User:Alexikoua, User:Panthera tigris tigris, TL User:Reedside/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 3.0. Some of the Jews became converts and a considerable number of proselytes and Greeks, together with many women of high social standing (Acts 17:4). From the 6th to the 9th century it was engaged in repeated struggles against Avars, Slavonians and Bulgarians, whose attacks it repelled with the utmost difficulty. Wed 1 Mar 2023 14.18 EST. These, by common consent the earliest of Paul's Epistles, show us that the apostle was eager to revisit Thessalonica very soon after his enforced departure: "once and again" the desire to return was strong in him, but "Satan hindered" him (1 Thessalonians 2:18)-a reference probably to the danger and loss in which such a step would involve Jason and the other leading converts. Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, Cenchrea, Ephesus, Caesarea; Paul's 4 th visit to Jerusalem; AnMoch, Syria. Because of this, the synagogue at Thessalonica sent people to Berea, forcing Paul to travel to Athens by himself. The charge against Paul is that of trying to replace Caesar by another king; the rioters wish to bring him before "the people," i.e. The Athenian Empire, also known as the Delian League, is shown here at its height (about 450 B.C.). Greek Railways (OSE) operates a train from Athens to Thessaloniki every 4 hours. N.S. Map Directions Satellite Photo Map thessaloniki.gr Wikivoyage Wikipedia u1e #! O:4]2uG:K u Thessalonica Paul preached here during his second missionary journey. Troas Troas is the place where God gives the apostle a vision letting him know he should preach the gospel in Europe (Acts 16:8 - 9, 11 - 12). The lower area of Greece, the Peloponnese, was made up of poleis allied with Sparta, except for Achaea and Argos. At Thessalonica all is changed. This harbor offered easy access to the Aegean and the south. Average amount of gas with an average car when travelling from berea to athens, Greece will be 7 gallons gallons which costs 10 $. Gaius, too, who is mentioned in conjunction with Aristarchus, may have been a Thessalonian (Acts 19:29). . Acts 17:14. If average speed of your car will be standard for this route between Athens,Greece and Berea, Greece and road conditions will be as usual, time that you will need to arrive to Berea, Greece will be 1 hour. Lit., VIII, 528). Position and Name: One of the chief towns of Macedonia from Hellenistic times down to the present day. Athens to Corinth Corinth to Cenchrea Cenchrea to Ephesus Ephesus to Caesarea Caesarea to Jerusalem Jerusalem to Antioch in Syria Approximate Distance Traveled 140 100 30 30 85 200+ 200+ 70 70 10 30 35 40 50 20 250 50 8 250 650+ 65 320+ 2,703 Approximate Miles Gill, N.S. Persia attacked Greece in what is known as the Persian Wars. . Contributed by Sweet Publishing. Acts 17:15-16, 22; 18:1; 1 Thessalonians 3:1 . To the west, the Greeks established colonies in and near Italy. Note: Inspiration has given us this glance at the life of the Athenians, with all their knowledge, refinement, and art, yet sunken in vice, that it might be seen how God, through His servant, rebuked idolatry, and the sins of a proud, self-sufficient people. It allied itself (including the Sacred Band) with Athens to fight the Macedonians at Chaeronea, which the Greeks lost, in 338. Even so, Paul seems not to have been greatly impressed by either Athenian intellectualism or the citys architecture, for he was grieved by the idolatry he saw (Concise Bible Atlas, p. 231). %PDF-1.3 This map shows the battle of Thermopylae. How far is it between Berea and Athens. An inscription on the other side reads, "This is the city of Hadrian and not of Theseus.". Apolonnia to Thessalonica Thessalonica to Berea . Ancient districts included Thessaly through the Vale of Tempe and Epirus along the Ionian Sea. Read terms of download. Those who will not themselves accept the truth are most zealous that others shall not receive it; and those are not wanting who perseveringly manufacture falsehoods, and stir up the base passions of the people to make the truth of God of none effect. Sketches from the Life of Paul, 86. His purpose was not based on plans for preaching the gospel, but for getting away from an angry mob. Note: The religion of the Athenians, of which they made great boast, was of no value, for it was destitute of the knowledge of the true God. The period of Mycenean Greece ran from about 1600 to 1100 B.C. Simply put, this important highway connected the Adriatic Sea to the Aegean Sea, permitting overland travel. It lies in 40 degrees 40 minutes North latitude, and 22 degrees 50 minutes East longitude, at the northernmost point of the Thermaic Gulf (Gulf of Salonica), a short . Acts 16:4-5 Paul and his followers, Silas and Timothy, witnessed to people in different towns. Copyright 2013 Reformation Herald Publishing Association, 5240 Hollins Road, Roanoke, Virginia. John 7:17. The whole of his route was over historical ground. Gill, N.S. Graec., II, p. 98, number 14); in the 2nd century of our era Lucian mentions it as the greatest city of Macedonia (Asinus, 46). It lies in 40 degrees 40 minutes North latitude, and 22 degrees 50 minutes East longitude, at the northernmost point of the Thermaic Gulf (Gulf of Salonica), a short distance to the East of the mouth of the Axius (Vardar). It played a prominent part in the struggles between the Greeks and the Bulgarians and Serbs, and was finally conquered by the Turks in 1373-74. This map shows Troy and the surrounding area. (3) (Berea); A place mentioned in 1 Maccabees 9:4. Acts 17:13 But when the Jews of Thessalonica had knowledge that the word of God was proclaimed by Paul at Beroea also, they came there likewise, agitating the multitudes. BERE'A, a city of Macedonia, 45 ms. w. of Thessalonica and 22 ms. w. of the gulf of Salonica, the same distance n. of Mt. Berea sat at the base of Mount Bermius, which is part of the Vermio Mountains and provides an ample supply of water for the city and the region. The prehistoric wall around the Acropolis of Athens followed the contours of the rock and was referred to as the Pelargikon. Thessalonica (also Thessalonike) was an ancient city of Macedon in northern Greece which today is the city of Thessaloniki. Troy is referred to in the legend of the Trojan War of Greece. This distance and driving directions will also be displayed on an interactive map labeled as Distance Map and Driving Directions Greece. First published on Tue 28 Feb 2023 20.45 EST. (Color Map) Map of New Testament Italy - This map reveals the cities within Italy during the first century A.D., the time of the New Testament. Maps Paul's journeys Thessalonica Berea Athens What did Paul do on his journeys? This map shows Greece during the Peloponnesian War (431 B.C.). Thats why Luke uses a unique term, politarch (Strongs 4173), when he writes about the city authorities (Acts 17:6-8), or rulers of the city (KJV). Philippians 4:16 For even in Thessalonica you sent once and again to my need. The first permanent theater was erected at the start of the 5th century B.C., following an accidental collapse of the spectators' wooden benches. ), the Romans divided the conquered territory into four districts, it became the capital of the second of these (Livy xlv.29), while later, after the organization of the single Roman province of Macedonia in 146 B.C., it was the seat of the governor and thus practically the capital of the whole province. Driving distance between Athens,Greece and Berea, Greece is calculated by google maps and it is 99 mi. If you dont want to miss a thing, simply fill out your details below: Ancient Via Egnatia in Kavala (ancient Neapolis), Philipp Pilhofer, September 2011. 4 Explain the caution of Paul while addressing the Athenian idolaters. The Via Egnatia is the main street of Thessalonica, and it is still a major thoroughfare of Salonika. But though himself prevented from continuing his work at Thessalonica, he sent Timothy from Athens to visit the church and confirm the faith of the Christians amid their hardships and persecutions (1 Thessalonians 3:2-10). I am convinced that anyone who invests the time and energy into building better Bible study habits will become passionate about this wonderful way to draw closer to God. thes-a-lo-ni'-ka (Thessalonike, ethnic Thessalonikeus):1. Kalamata, Greece and Athens Greece Tours Airport taxi Transfers, Athens 166 75, Greece, Athens International Airport (ATH), Attiki Odos, Spata Artemida 190 04, Greece and Athens 104 37, Greece, Syntagma square,Athens Greece and Kolonaki, Athens, Kentrikos Tomeas Athinon, Greece, Athens International Airport (ATH), Attiki Odos, Spata Artemida 190 04, Greece and Athens, Greece, Athens, Greece and Athens International Airport (ATH), Attiki Odos, Spata Artemida 190 04, Greece, Athens Airport, E94, Spata Loutsa 190 04, Greece and Plaka, Athens 105 58, Greece, 145 76 Dionyssos, Athens, Greece and 4 Arnis Street, Athens, 11528, Greece, Athens, Greece and Athens Airport, E94, Spata Loutsa 190 04, Greece, Syntagma square,Athens Greece and Kolonaki, Athens, Greece, Keramikou, Athens, Greece and Kipselis, Athens, Greece, Athens Towers, Athens 115 27, Greece and Kastoria 521 00, Greece, Daphni Monastery, Athens 124 61, Greece and Athens, Greece, Xirokmbi, Sparta, Lakonia, Greece and Hotel Grand Bretagne, Athens, Greece, Kyllini Zakynthos, Zakinthos, Greece and Athens, Kentrikos Tomeas Athinon, Greece, Pl. Other literature is of little value when compared with this. The country covers a total area of 41,865 sq. Perhaps the Sopater of Berea who accompanied Paul to Asia on his last journey to Jerusalem was one of his converts on this visit (Acts 20:4). Antipatris The city through which Roman soldiers brought the Apostle Paul, as prisoner, on their way to Caesarea (Acts 23:13). It was as a result of the devastation by the Persians of Athens that the great building projects were started under Pericles. Thessalonica - Modern Salonika or Thessalonika. As I began to study Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens, I noticed something that you, too, may have noticed. As he saw the magnificence of the city, with its costly devices, he realized its seductive power over the minds of the lovers of art and science. The most improtant archaoelogical, religious and cultural destinations along with several museums and monuments are available. And after greeting the brethren, we remained one day with them. 5 What is to be our safeguard in todays era when paganism is so rampant? I want that for you. The Macedonian Empire of 336-323 B.C. The city was occupied by German forces in early April. Myra And after sailing across the sea by Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to the city of Myra in Lycia (Acts 27:5). By time of Paul, Athens was still a center of learning, but with none of its former wealth or glory (Encyclopedia of the Bible). Berea was located about 70 kilometers (43 miles) southwest of Thessalonica. As a place of trade, its position . Knossos was famous for the Minoan labyrinth. Appii Forum, Puteoli, Rhegium, Rome, Syracuse, Three Taverns Roman cities Paul travels through on his way to trial in Rome (Acts 28:12 - 15). Berea is located in United States with (41.3662,-81.8543) coordinates and Athens is located in United States with (39.3292,-82.1013) coordinates. 1. CC BY-SA 3.0. After the Peloponnesian War, Thebes became the most powerful city temporarily. Duration 14h 34m When Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Estimated price $550 - $1,600 . The Thessalonian Church:The Thessalonian church was a strong and flourishing one, composed of Gentiles rather than of Jews, if we may judge from the tone of the two Epistles addressed to its members, the absence of quotations from and allusions to the Old Testament, and the phrase "Ye turned unto God from idols" (1 Thessalonians 1:9; compare also 2:14). Since its construction, Via Egnatia played a major role in the shaping of the whole region. In Luke's day, Thessalonica is an important link between the rich Macedonian agricultural interior and land and sea trade routes. The most significant city mentioned in Acts 17 is Thessalonica, which may surprise you. Displaying the boundaries of the Persian Empire, the path of Alexander shows his route on the mission to get Egypt and more. Almost certainly Paul returned there on his 3rd missionary journey, both on his way to Greece (Acts 20:1) and again while he was going thence to Jerusalem (Acts 20:3); it is on this latter occasion that we hear of Aristarchus and Secundus accompanying him (Acts 20:4). Almost directly across from Colchis is Tomi, where the Roman poet Ovid lived after he was exiled from Rome under Emperor Augustus. University of Texas Perry-Castaeda Library Map Collection/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. But he carefully drew their minds away from heathen deities, by revealing to them the true God, whom they were endeavoring to worship, but Who was to them unknown, as they themselves confessed by a public inscription. Sketches from the Life of Paul, 97.