In all, approximately 900 people were killed. Jamal does not leave, and Latika comes up behind Salim and tells him to leave. In Lima there lots of slums which are here because there lots of people who had a bad economic situation and they doesnt have too much money to keep a normal house so they built their on house with recycled objects in places were they are the same type of houses, and this everyday is getting bigger and bigger. They recognized each other, Maman gave chase, and Salim escaped again, onto a bus which was later stopped by a Hindu mob intent on killing all the Muslims on the bus. GradeSaver. Four answer choices are presented: (A) He cheated, (B) He's lucky, (C) He's a genius, and (D) It is written. Edit. Also, he starts thinking that he has taken the corrupt way to survive and get money and he has passed through all the vices. In change, his brother has taken a different live with more order and responsibility. In Peru, there is a very notable difference between the number of rich and poor people, that causes lots of society problems like for example discrimination between the different social classes. Slums in Lima and slums in Mumbai: Why Did They Blind The Kid In Slumdog Millionaire? How can we solve this problem in the short term? Eventually, Salim picks up and Jamal begins to speak the call center script, but Salim recognizes his voice. Salim then goes to work for Latika's pimp and helps to hold her captive until he has a change of heart and lets her escape with his car and cell phone. What is the name of the third Musketeer? resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. The producers, director, and writer are not Indian. In that context, "it is written" is similar in meaning to "it is fated" or "it is destiny". GradeSaver "Slumdog Millionaire Imagery". The differences are that in India there are confrontations because of the different religions that fight each other, in Peru they fight because of the differences between soccer teams. ANSWER: This means exactly what the film is about. Salim and Jamal shared lots of adventures but he betrayed his own brother in order to earn money. My enemy's enemy is a friend." there lots of slums and poor people who lives there and they study in schools of poor learning. After helping Latika to escape from Javed Khan, Salim knows that he will have to face the consequences with the gangster. Part of a stable of young thieves after their mother dies, Jamal and his brother, Salim, survive on the streets of Mumbai. Jai Ho is also a means of salutation in some parts of India, just like Namaste or Good Morning. Jamal bursts into the room, where Latika instantly recognizes him. Salim shoots Javed and is himself gunned down. If think that the solution for this big problem here in Peru and probably in Mumbai also is the reorganization of the government. This tub, disguised as a mirrored wardrobe, folded down and out of its wood casing into the room, revealing the heater above. The government must take action in this situation. Edit, (1) For 1,000 rupees: Who was the star in the 1973 hit film "Zanjeer"? 1 explication: Maman uses the poor kids all the time. All those projects would be able to decrease slums in a long-term because of the gathering of money for supporting those projects and the way that people would take it. Salim put twenty million rupees worth of bills into the bathtub where he died. The differences between Lima and Munbay they are a lot but I am going to explain you only 2 the first one is the people that live in each city Mumbay have 21 255 000 million people an Lima 8,5 million the second difference is that in lima we dont have cast system and in Munbay they have this system . Rahman's soundtrack with vocals from Suzanne, "Great DJ" by Ting Tings, and "Hopppolla" by Sigur Rs, which plays for the majority of the trailer until its end. As you'd have to add more weight than a tub full of water, before the caulk had to fill a gap larger than when it was applied. Salim have an opportunity in his life to do something good, because for all his life he had thought himself alone,as a child he has a more open mind towards to the bad side, and he wanted the money to survives, but get it the wrong way, even pleased himself throwing his brother, to have relations with Latika, knowing that Jamal love Latika. which means that they family wont pass through the same way as he has do it. Compare and contrast three pivotal choices or decisions made by Jamal and Salim. As Jamal thinks about Latika, first left behind running after the train, then as an adult, we are transported back to the present. Millionaire in this movie means sincerely loved. He teach to the kids a song and the kids need to go to the street and recollect money and then the money is going to Maman but the thing that is worst is that Maman hurt the kids because if one kid dont is blind you are going to give him money because you are going to feel bad. Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. What did Jamal do? If you watch closely in the scene where the Jamal and Malik are young kids and are being chased through the slums of Juhu, the word "chai wallah" appears a few times. Because he realized he had been doing wrong his whole life and he wanted to have no more regrets. Later on, when Javed emerges as a powerful mafia don in Mumbai, Salim becomes a conman of Javed and Latika becomes Javed's kept girl. Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? For me the most important message or impression from the movie is that you never give up, we can see that in the film in the climax, when Jamal won 20 million rupees, he dont imagine that and he dont give up In the game, when the tv host question to Jamal if he want to pass to next question he say yes, already is he dont know the question. Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? Answering to the first question, the title refers to change. What are the questions Jamal answers on the game show? "So how did you manage to get on the show?" So, how can we make our predictions of the summmary of the film? Jamal is asked to answer questions that he wouldnt know if he didnt live that rough and difficult life. In Per, if we go to the poorest places in Lima, we would find the same we have seen in the movie Slumdog Millionaire. He had everything but at the same time he had nothing. Slumdog Millionaire essays are academic essays for citation. At the same time that Jamal is winning, Salim fills a bathtub with money and sits in it, waiting for the death he knows will happen when Javed discovers what he has done. As we see in the movie most of the city of Mumbai is pure slums, but this place isnt the only one who is full of them, Lima is also one. Edit, Allowed back on the show to play the final round of Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, Jamal is faced with a question he cannot answer. Like the hero of the Oscar-winning film, Sushil Kumar used his wits to win a fortune - but one year on, his life has changed only a little. and he only played because he thought Latika (his true love) would see it and he could find her. Odds of winning this lottery are almost zero but just as are excited this way, people with the remote possibility of winning. But The case of Jamal malik is different, his poorness turned him rich. (5) For 1,000,000 rupees: On the American $100 bill, there is a portrait of which American statesman? The first difference is just that the Indian slum is located in a flat surface while here most slums are in the sides of the mountains and for that people who live there have to come up and down every day just to work. The beggar boy asks who is on it, and Jamal describes the president and the beggar says, "Benjamin Franklin," then recognizes him as Jamal. For Jamal, destiny is not simply what happens to you, but a more complicated confluence of events and occurrences with actions one takes. The solution to this problem is to organise the place where they are living, clean the area to avoid dissease. Salim was shown charging people to use an outdoor toilet located at the edge of the slums at the start of the movie. Slumdog kids might say ki jai ho, meaning "Victory be to slumdog kids." (LogOut/ Why does he make this choice? He constructed a very good friendship relationship with Latika in regardless his situation and he knows that one person more in the group is one more mouth to feed. The title explains Jamal's identity, and motif, in the movie. The fragmented and nonlinear structure of the plot heightens the dramatic tension of the film. After getting a small hut, they need to find for a job but they wont get a job because of their lack of knowledge and thats also the way which makes crime increase. In this section of the flashback, Jamal becomes more intent on finding Latika, and sets about searching for her in the city. They are taught songs of the blind poet Surdas and learn they will likely be blinded when they finish learning the songs, in order to work as blind, singing beggars. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). Edit, The soundtrack, which is composed by A.R. We can see that in Mumbai there is a lot of poverty, like in Lima, there are a lot of slums, traffic, and terrorism. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. In India there is a piramide wich explain the 5 categories of a person based on their money and job, In the movie as much as in real life this actually occurs, so marked, so strong that we do not even see what happen to people who are below us, or do you see in the news that a slumdog found a new cure to the diabetes and actually he really founded, no we dont see that, And what only is attracted to the media is when a person gives to a charity a good quantity of money. In the movie, and in the up-dated quiz show, the top prize is two crore rupees, or twenty million rupees. As can be seen in the film Slumdog Millionaire, Mumbai poverty is almost equal to that of Lima, and survives the most cunning, as you have to know how to survive on the streets, where no one is trustworthy, stealing food, lying people and so on. The movie has many messages, but the one I think is the most important, is never lose the hope, because all is possible in this live. A poor man, called Jamal, who was a slumdog in his younger life, luckily enters to the show Who Wants to be a Millionaire and, by answering all the correct answers, won a million rupees. Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? In order to make people more confortable the government should provide, in any possible way, more jobs so people can earn money without stealing it. (2) For 4,000 rupees: A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. Edit, The grand prize of 20 million rupees on India's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? There we can see that the destiny play a huge roll. by luck, should be your go to guess in most cases. What?! 'The film is true to life,' says Rupesh, who claims to be 17 but looks several years younger." During his entire life, Jamal Malik crossed through many difficulties but he could get through them and find a high live condition. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? Freida Pinto Net Worth: Freida Pinto is an Indian actress and model who has a net worth of $14 million. As can be seen in the film Slumdog Millionaire, Mumbai poverty is almost equal to that of Lima, and surviving the most cunning, as you have to know how to survive on the streets, where no one is trustworthy, stealing food, lying people and so on. A slumdog is a poor man with almost no opportunities to progress, so he/she cant be rich. How did the filmmakers secure the rights to 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?'. In lima the situation is the same as the slums from the movies, wildness in all parts, and nobody cares about them, what actually happened to Salim and Jamal are probably still happen to a guy in Peru from a slum, maybe he lose his mother, maybe he is manipulated by adults, ormaybe right now is runnig and stealing to save his life. the policeman asks, which launches us back into Jamal's story. They see they need of surviving and start to work in streets to give some little thing to their families. In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes - filling the bathtub with money, etc. She is in the red light district, being trained in the art of seduction, with the promise that her virginity will one day fetch a lot of money for Maman and the other gangsters. We know that in Lima there are also slums as in India. The state doesnt care about these people and they condition. He sealed his destiny when he gave his phone to Latika, he knew Jamal will call to that number and that Jamed will hear Latika on the television and seek for him, but that way Salim will be able to kill Jamed. Impossible Dream: The impossible dream in the movie is it for Jamal, the man who plays who wants to be a millionaire? There are many solutions that we can put in practice like never throw to the rubbish the food, instead we can approach them giving it to the persons that really need them, the slums. . What does it mean that all Jamal desires is just out of his reach?. This kind of difference is also seen in the movie Slumdog Millionaire, and it causes serious conflicts like corruption, physical abuse, social discrimination, and others. The host, Prem Kumar, has no history with Jamal or his women. In Who wants to be a millionaire? For example:Dhirubhai Ambani is an indian person responsible of one of the biggest fortunes in the world. What is the summary of Slumdog Millionaire? After living an adventurous but generally low-risk life for the last few years, Jamal is once again thrust into danger when he encounters Maman. Salim chose the way he wanted to die. How does the title and the contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film? Jamal came from slums of Mumbai and became a millionaire on the game show. In Lima, near the school and near my house there is a slum called Manchay, where people dont have money to make houses. He didnt deny his wish of money so he filled the bathtub with money and died there along with the gangster. Thanking Arvind, Jamal goes in search of Latika. because if we do that, the children who had born in slums will get more oportunities of work and they will get a better payement. Cast ironthe all-purpose material of the Victorian erahad been poured into sinks and lavatories since the late 1850s, and by 1867 the famous J.L. It could have also been added because the youngest Jamal tells Latika that one day they'll be together and they will sing and dance, and so it ended the film on a joyous note. Back on the game show, Jamal answers a question about Cambridge Circus, the answer to which he learned working at the call center. Slumdog Millionaire is produced in Britain and hence its a British movie. Slumdog Millionaire won the 2009 Academy Award for Best Motion Picture. A lot of contestants who are more educated than him participated in the contest but they did not win. Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. He filled the bathtub with money because it was the best for him. For this problem is impossible to be do in a short term because the problem is so bigger that is need to be do in a lot of years. How does the title and the Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He is the boss over the children, who are forced to beg for money. It is very difficult to survive in this type of problem because they do not have much money to eat, always have to be attached to someone, because you can be in the cap to survive. Forget about her.". | This is also seen in the movie, because in the slums there isnt any consistent education and the children also grow without a knowledge base. Rahman with contributions by M.I.A., was released exclusively on iTunes in November 2008. Nightmare in the movie: In the movie yes it present because like Lima and Mumbai the city is very poor, there are slums, child traffic, etc. That aspect which do not seem to important actually affects the amount energy that people spent ant working and with more energy spent, more food they need, the surprising thing is that despite that the need for food is bigger here, there are less children starving (perhaps its simply that there is less people living here). Jamal goes to the Who wants to be millionaire program show, because he wants Latika to see him. Is possible that we can fine the next brain of the country how it say the new DT of China- there are like millions of people here in China somebody need to play very well. The differences between ours slum with the Mumbai slums that ours are bigger and they are in a lot of parts in Mumbai they are a lots too but the difference that are smaller than ours. She doesn't know the answer either, but Jamal is more interested in knowing how she is doing and where she is before the call is cut off. Is Slumdog Millionaire Hollywood or Bollywood? contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film? Slumdog Millionaire: Sleeper Hit or Insensitive Depiction? The decision of both affect in their destiny. The grateful producer paid for Salim's acting lessons, and got him started in the movie business.In the movie, Salim, who is Jamal's older brother, not his younger friend, is the one with the gun. The tv host on this show is not fair with the school with less reputation or less money, so he give to them hard questions and he dont treat them well. In addition, we can say that Salim wanted to stop working with the Indian mob, but didnt know how, so the only option was to sacrifice himself. I think that the title is obviously contradictory because a slum dog is normally poor, without money; but in the title it sais that this slum dog is millionaire, a thing that its hard to believe. its no so different to Peru a country were every child who disserves education and doesnt have it is been forced to work even he dont want to, then we can see political when we dont respect other Peruvians just because they doesnt speak like us or wear like us is exclusion of the greatest of been Peruvian and finally social we can see of this in whole world were Peru is just open for lima and their peoples dont know another city, lima is a city which is open of problem like robbing, violence and drugs that we can see. How did Salim earn a living at the start of the movie? What does it mean that all Jamal desires is just out of his reach? As Maman and the other men wander in, they instantly recognize the boys, and Maman says, "I never forget a face, especially one that I own.". Why did Salim put money in the bath? *the bathrooms are a small wooden box that goes into the river. In the film, the theme of destiny is a central theme. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from what we can do is to give to this people work and inprove the education in the public schools, because the future of our country begin in the schools. i would give him the wrong answer and finish with my anger that i have inside. Social, political and economic exclusion and Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Places where people kill for some money and crime is history of everyday. Putting to study small childrens without families, or doing publics schools to this childrens, so that from small can read, add, so on, because knowing this, they can work when they grow and working they would have money to eat and not stole, because children are the future of a country. What do you take away as the most important message or impression from the film? Suddenly, he is accused of cheating on the grounds that no street kid could possibly know the answers to such impossible questions. Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. I think we should make political institutions, promote social and economic sustainable development to ensure the basic rights of every Peruvian, we must build a political system that encourages citizen participation, who cares about the vast majority who do not own anything, but are part of this country and deserve better opportunities. Edit, Song and dance sequences are very common in Bollywood movies to portray feelings of love, happiness, or other emotions. 1st question. So the goverment should give him that by short periods, then move out the masssive poblation by gropus to a new zone, giving her apartaments and then they would pay for them, and the electricity and essencal things with the work that they would have with the education freee that is given to them. Before he is very poor and he dont imagine that he would have 20 million rupees, for his is a dream. It means that, because Jamal is poor/slum he has less benefits than the normal people. | After all, earlier he does seem to be attracted to her when she is in dancing for the advert for Maman. Well, first of all, the causes of slums in many principal cities of the world is that people come to the cities for more chances of getting a better live, but when they come, many of the places for living they cant afford them . How did Jamal get on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?". I think that the producers give this name to the movie to attract the attention of the people because is strange. The title in this movie give us a clear idea of what the story or movie will be about, when you read it you instantly know that it will be about a slum dog that became millionaire. He has to be restrained and the policeman says, "Money and women, the reasons to make the most mistakes in life. This phenomenon appears because the government dont care about poor people then say that they care about but thats a lie.