It's all fine and CGT rocks the socks off the competition. For myself, long live CGTrader and may they keep their principles as they grow. The more people ho place your item in their stores the higher your ranking for that product gets "in the pool that is". There is a lamp that looks pretty cool (Gervasoni Bolla Floor light), and is supposedly free. Got my model ( So if I am looking after regular CG models, afters a few minutes search, my logical choice is not to search on CGTrader but rather on "old-fashioned" sites. Add a Payment Method, Add a Payment I agree to what captainmarlowe is telling. Money rules! Here it is quite seamless and elegant. Let's give some time to time. The claim Turbosquid made was that it infringed on Games Workshop IPs. You are clearly one of the professional buyers who doesn't take advantage of the system but there are so many out there who do that and 3D sites are beginning to try to safe guard their artist's work by not making it so easy to just get everything you want for free. Turbosquid bites the hands that feed them: Brittney Briere, Sep 18, 09:53 SST: . This way we let buyers know that cgtrader got some interesting stuff., All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Ebay and Amazon would be great for the cartoony non realistic stuff as well as 3D prints so long as people make sure to document the files appropriately and let people know it is 3D and not real. Every freelancer is corporation of it's own. Of course if you have a PC with quad processors over 16 GB of ram things will be different but be warned students and low end users. Thanks for dropping by and great news about an eventual homepage re-design. Buyer can contact seller directly, which can save him/her lot's of time and frustrations. I can easily imagine that serious clients who value their time very high, might choose TS over CGT without second thought. captainmarlowe is right. TS has terrible support, i had stupid responses from them during my interaction with them. Very soon there will be robots that can scan objects faster than any modeler can model them and then reproduce a print almost instantly in 10 to 30 years 3D jobs will be irrelevant but until then someone needs to really bring CGtrader to the big markets. So just to be constructive (and this will be my last post here, because I don't want to hijack the thread anymore, here are some ideas : Everything is more and more coming down to individual levels of very friendly and much more human communication. Every freelancer is corporation of it's own. Dear adentonclark, Hello, Hopefully we can find a way that would plrase all sides. However, if you are found to be out of compliance again, your collection will be taken offline for a more extended period of time. When a buyer leaves a bad rating for a lame reason , TS investigate and contact the buyer and if he doesn't give a serious explanation, The designers make a deal with each other and negotiate a percentage on the sales. [ google5 ] Turbosquid has the traffic and so you get the sails. Checkmate is the only good thing Turbosquid has left to offer. AFAIK buyers right to be refunded is protected by law. The people at the top of the pyramid scheme bully all the new modelers who show any sales success because they barely scrape by as it is so it is really bad work environment to work for Turbosquid is not worth your time. taken offline. Of course, as CGT reputation grows, this may change in the future (CGTrader has already beaten The3Dstudio in terms of statistics, but you also have to take into account that there are certainly a very significant amount of people coming here for 3D-printing only, which decreases the statistics in terms of regular CG models). google3 They will be very enlightening and useful to you especially if you have never built 3D models and don't know what to expect. Anyway, there is still some ocasional Turbosquid fanboy that bashes CGtrader and promotes Turbosquid in public forums and social media while writes this in TS forums at the same time: So if you think about that when we try selling just 3D models we are actually loosing a great deal of the market. But i think its not only the responsability of cgtrader to turn this around. No overt similarites in armor designs, guns, vehicles, naming- nothing. @Urecky, while i'm agree with you in general, let me argue on some specific points. Fantasy is a bit better, but sic-fi gets me 10 copyright infringements on the first page alone (star wars characters, mainly). Dear Kanga you are absolutely right and on top of that you won't have to worry about their super buggy uploading system either. I could go on and on, it kept me puzzled. This use is prohibited if the virtual world-type is an open MMO, like Second Life. They have more traffic so i'm told. I'd rather look into ways to create my own site, cause it's a bit tedious to sift through neverending site rules from neverending projects. You can change your subscription preferences at any time in the account settings. TS can go to Hell, and never return again. The very best thing I find on CGT is the disponibility of the team. I think these are questions that every 3D content creators must honestly answer for themselves. By registering you confirm that you have read and accept ourTerms of Use, Rigged 3D models are your best choice when you need a character or object to perform unique movements. It seems to me that over time a CGTrader will be able to overtake TurboSquid in many positions, if TS does not change its policy. CGtrader might have better conditions, rules and everything but it's useless if it doesn't attract more buyers. Although in the beginning that meant the loss of a big part of income (being Turbosquid the biggest 3D content reseller), after just a few adjustment months from that specific point our sales in ALL the other marketplaces started to grow up to a point where we don't miss any income from the missing Turbosquid sales anymore, while 90% of "customer problems" suddenly disappeared. My price at the time was same both on Ts as on CGt but after some time position on CGt got better and sales was picking up. I believe this would solve the 'bad content mixed with the quality models' problem. CGtrader staff admits to some degree to this problem (see the comment of Dalia Lasaite) and promises to redesign the homepage. Just my fifty cents. I like how there is no join up fee. My personal experience, having had a short stint as a 3d print seller on Turbosquid, is that they paint with way too broad a brush when it comes to potential IP infringement. I don't get paid until the 3rd, but I thought I'd download some things, look at their quality, fill up a cart and get prepared to purchase when the money comes around. (just playing with ideas here) I started uploading some of my items to cg trader to see if it generated any income but as I have 70+ items and 0 sales I have decided to stop. I have been studying their website from a buyers perspective thoroughly and I have noticed that; 1. All that time that we didn't have to spent dealing with Turbosquid bad support went to more time for artistic work. Over the years they have shown me that they really care about we think about the way things should be run and they have been adapting the website based on our combined ideas. I do not know if micro-managing brand or front-page appeal helps drive sales more effectively on other sites than on CGTrader. I really think that a "designer good practices charter" or something like that could help. They did so by making products that looked so much cooler than PCs and people were fooled and then eventually they made so much money that then they kept putting back into the product and eventually came out with the Ipad which even all Apple haters love. when the same type of issue occurs on CGTrader, the Staff policy is to do nothing. I am getting more sales on Cgtrader than TS though :P and CGtrader is easier to use. The problem is that the site is not able to get a clear separation between CG and 3D printing. That's just an easy question to answer 1. Speaking of it, noting even stops me here from adding in the description of the model something like this,"If you are a maya exeprt and can successful convert this project, then I will completely refund you in exchange for that converted maya file". If anything buyers should get lots of points for buying. So, CGT is the best guys ! 3D Bala - Female Rigged Character 3D model ma, ma, obj, and fbx TurboSquid : , , 3D . As a game developer i will never buy a 3d models online since 95% are done on student version of software or pirated version. A little more than a year passed since our public disagreement with Turbosquid policies and behavior that ended our relationship as content creator and reseller. just share your links (: I like both but prefer cgtrader all day. I'm not a modeler, I come here to buy models and this site is surprisingly obtuse when it comes to layout. Both are still growing, but it seems CGtrader is growing much more. Here is a quick test that can help understand why there aren't so many buyers. With only a few days on CG trader, i can already see it is miles ahead of turbosquid. Add a Payment Method, Add a Payment 3D is great for creating things that can restore old products. So here on CGt I could have just asked the buyer if he would be interested in that sort of deal. I don't know if Turbo Squid allows licence ownership to be transferred as i never got that far with them. I was thinking of ok if the ts is shit why not using other marketplace with the cgt specially if both accept selling in other marketplace, You have zero 3D models uploaded here. That's how they won and that is how you succeed in business. This is new era, time of old fashioned corporatism is going to be over. With the support of a strong community we can get this thing going, don't worry about that. You said you have considered closing your store here, I get that but why not just keep it up? you should check out all the posts about 3D models quality. Products are subject to the TurboSquid, Inc. I mean the good/bad rating left by buyers. And between CGTrader and TurbuSquid, I think, let everything will be decided in a reasonable competition. This is a bit OT, but although I obviously ain't a squidguild member, I always try to design objects that are "checkmate" compliant to be sure that my models are OK, and I also beta test the .OBJ version in a lot of other applications that LW to be sure that they upload without hassle) Well, it was more than one year ago that I last intervened on this thread. found jet another working example that makes CGt stand out. In something limonadinis says is true, but I agree with tomislavveg. I'm afraid the end of Ts is near and nothing can stop it, maybe the best they can do is raise royalty's to 80% for all sellers, but then again if they don't change the censorship policy's they are applying right now then it will probably not be enough to stop the downfall in the long run. We've been there, even being "Squid Guild exclusive" for some time to test the experience ourselves for real, and after more than 10 years with all our experiences and stats in hand we can state without a doubt that the business model offered by Turbosquid doesn't pay off in the mid-long term. User experience and User interface is much better to manage your store, and higher royalty. Batman (Rig) for Maya 10. . We at NoneCg think that both CGtrader and Sellers will benefit from the exact opposite policy. CGTrader. I think that the ones that do come here to buy CG models might not return if they get fed up while searching for the right one. Better for who? 3D Model jimmy choo. TurboSquid Member Services, I'm a first time seller (+-2 Months). Rank improvement compared to previous 3 months: +5,816, +1,026. In the long run I'm going to quit selling on TS also. I'm glad CGtrader and its community of supporters is able to make this situation come to an end. If I narrow to "man", it's even worse : 64 out of 128 models displayed are scanned 3d models. And therefore it doesnt matter where it is. One of the biggest problems in this country is that the games and film studios are becoming a bit of a joke and not getting the funding they used to have. I'm not sure about your analysis. @tomislavveg, on the one hand i agree with you about that, but on the other hand if i would be looking for models i would almost certainly choose TS as my first choice and most likely as a last one before buying. On the contrary, comparing 2013 to 2014 for the exact same period (January to August) our sales INCREASED in a 45%. @Supercigale, this is worrying to read, i think such things shouldn't happen. Buyer can contact seller directly, which can save him/her lot's of time and frustrations. This would have probably be true for newcomers 5 years ago, but now that is different. (e.g. It always depends on how you look at this industry from your point of view: - Are you into this market trying to make a living out of it? Not artist friendly at all, from uploading to statistics (Model views, downloads, and so on). f9acb067-ba84-4d38-8a65-8d3c4249a700Zoom.jpg httpswww.turbosquid.com3d-modelsfemale-rigged-3d-model1041167 --GENERAL-- This is hight quality female model with animation friendly topology. [url=]google2[/url] Free models are posted for lots of different reasons, not just only to serve as an example to show of artist modeling skills/quality of work (sample data). It sells almost nothing, except, perhaps, with very low prices. Look for the big picture and think medium/long term. That definitely wasn't me hoe said that turbo. 4. In my opinion, the worst Turbosquid is doing is minimizing the role and presence of the real content creators, being just a middleman reseller but trying to control all aspects of the product in a way that in the end the customer perceives it more like a "Turbosquid product" than a "Content-creator-X product". @IndieArt : So you definitively think that CGtrader's "change of focus" to 3D print sunk your sales? Maybe they have a much deeper interaction with the clients? About TS: Yes, at this point the level of sales of the TS is higher than the CGTrader and TS has a more flexible search system. Login to PayPal to add your account as a payment method. I stumbled across the same issues! They just took multiple of my most expensive items and run for it. [13google->] TS has more sales because : when cgtrader change his frontpage i stop selling products bad :(. Click here to submit yours . Every vendor who is exclusive is losing money and customers. CGtrader might have better conditions, rules and everything but it's useless if it doesn't attract more buyers. bye for now and be well Will and Mr Data :) :]. In my experience often times a client will ask for certain models but then one must take into consideration what computer specs they have because you don't want your client to get frustrated with the models you buy. To my amazement something ells also happened, there where still a few people buying my more expensive models on Ts. I ran my test with "characters" and displayed 128 models on one page. On the other side, CGtrader empowers the real content creators, giving them all kind of freedom regarding their products and image, and encouraging communication between customers and content creators. Been over 17 years with TS. We finally have some real genuine completion for the best sales platform. First of all make great and spectacular models for it and promote it on forums, facebook, linkedin groups and forums. stores with its own labels for 3D printing, 3D stock, crowdfunding, game models maybe even concept designs, sound files, storytellers, code for making apps, 3D scripts, etc) Each of this stores would then again have subcategories (e.g. If that is the case then better not to become exclusive! NoneCG will be up for it. Also don't forget that people sell their photos and posters too. I agree with Captainmarlowe than one of the most important ideas to develop is more "education" for Sellers about all aspects involved in this business, and some kind of system that favors good and fair business practices and penalizes bad ones. flob3d: I don't know if Jonathan invented the CheckMate, but what I can say is that Jonathan is a good professional and he often helped me a lot, so I have no complaints to make. I'm probably leaving this site for good, but it won't be because of you guys - it's because of the site itself. I remember that too! I would expect those kinds of charges from a real art gallery with real world space that could sell my work for 10,000 a pop, not some virtual space that sells my work for 50 bucks. rigged People SixPack 003 - Photogrammetry Population Character Rig, max blend c4d xsi ma lwo 3ds dae dxf fbx obj X, City People x500 Static Poses Lowpoly ArchViz, 20x LOW POLY CASUAL ELEGANT SITTING WOMAN MAN PEOPLE CROWD, Naked Fitness Blonde Woman with Tied Hair, max c4d unitypackage upk max ma c4d max ma fbx max. Site issues? A few weeks later, my first 3d model was sold on TS, while I had to wait 4 or 5 months to get my first sales on CGT, And the sad thing is that those sales concerned only low-priced models. Plus, as I saw in another post, turbosquid does not let you post any links. Cgtrader user interface is much more user friendly. I think arguments of differences in search are irrelevant when someone is looking for the same model to compare prices between the two biggest players. How about the Royalty Rate??? But for the rest i do like the way cgtrader functions, more royalty rate, easy uploading and a community forum and job board. Why should the artist suffer? But this is perhaps the only plus turbosquid. CGTrader remains a young and very responsive team and listening to members - it's a great quality. Often offer to buy the models in 1020 times more expensive than the price at which the model was exhibited for sale. So i need to try to make money with my models as long as possible, means as long it is not uploaded to anywhere else. Honestly I feel that it would be better to sell n bit slower that to have your models stolen. I sell fantasy-themed miniature models, and uploaded most of my then-current catalogue (consisting entirely of my original work) to Turbosquid only to have over half of it taken down a week later. Delhi Escort Ps. You don't even seem to get reputation points for purchasing items, assuming I've read the page correctly, and if that is the case it's just dumb. Of those limited people just a hand full would actually buy models or put money towards models so if TS already has won those people we need to find our own nitch or we go out of business. And good thing that you decided to tell about - such things should go public and be discussed. Nice try. I wont be using TurboSquid due to their royalty system and the fact that I would have to hunt down non-existing forms to prove I am not an American resident and thus avoid paying 30% govt. Get this item for $ when you bundle it with the items in your cart. @dafunk @S/C. Search is terrible, and lost if you have to go backwards a page. Change Method. Escorts jaipur They will be very enlightening and useful to you especially if you have never built 3D models and don't know what to expect. Sometimes 3D model can have some errors, or it was not 100% what buyer had imagined it will be. On Ts we get served for extreme large cost and rather badly frankly said. Important only is that there buy many people. Yes indeed! I had a conversation with Eduardas he confirmed that they will improve the feedback system. That is very strong argument in favor of CGT, but then again, don't you think that corporate client would rather choose to get support from team of profesionals that are available 24/7, than from unknown person, who might respond with big delay or not respon at all? And i cannot take care for piracy or stolen models because the 3d stuff will go in piracy anyways, doensnt matter the platform it comes from. There are currently no models in your cart. i think cgtrader can grow stronger with higher quality traffic. Turbosquid has too many models They also have multiple sellers selling the same products so that it is easier for people to avoid people paying for shipping in their country. I tried to contact the buyer several times with no response. In this case the fastest support can not help. ;). From moment I have enough things to sell here, I would come clean with myself and close my TS account with great pleasure. This concept is not new and it seems to work well over here ( The art is to do it structurally organized and easily navigable and then it is a matter of giving the people the right tools and they will do the rest issue I think. I think I do a decent job at earning my keep.. And yes, it this is like if shapeways started doing cg. Maybe CG Trader should consider a large add-on to the site, where the customers can click a link, and go to a whole new site (owned by cg trader) that does sells strictly 3d printable models :) Just an idea :). i think modeli unique and has need to be bought depend on the buyers not the seller We state our opinions based on verifiable facts and stats, which is one of the most interesting parts of this thread. Next we would have the sales/customers feedback factor coming in to sort out the stores ranking. Although I agree the presentation of CGtraders home page is heavily focused at 3D printing, NoneCG did not suffer ANY drop in sales. We made this limitation to protect our designers from leechers who download hundreds of free models and then try to monetize them in some other way. If you look around on the net on all the various forums everyone always mentions Turbosquid be it positively or negatively. How Can we get 94% of Royalty?? Buyers tend to look for things based on the category and budget and like to be able to put two products side by side to compare them and get a better understanding of why one is better than the other or which product is more suitable for them as an individual. They customize those figures anyway you want. Hi there, just want to ask about the artstation store, do they have a condition of not selling on other store? Doesnt matter the kind of kinky-dinky stuff the platform provides me. The product team is reviewing your comments and this is something we will definitely work on. Being an artist himself makes a huge difference in this regard. They don't allow you to communicate with the customer, with Turbosquid support acting as a "human firewall" (and a bad one) that is constantly supervising every interaction to ensure that Turbosquid always gets the best outcome (and neither the seller nor the customer). A few months went by with my models offline and during that time my GCt sales gradually went up at a level consistent with the few sales I had left behind on Ts so I just deleted all my models at Ts. Absurd as it may sound, a lot of customers doesn't even make a simple "XXXX 3D model" search and go to Turbosquid just because that's a name they heard before. Maybe the home page should be a very simple page with only two huge buttons [CG models] and [3D Printing]. From point of buyer who wants to buy a classic 3D model (cg) there is no way I will start searching on cgtrader. If you look at the traffic statistics, TS ranks around 9k top sites, and CGT at around 42k, so obviously, people buy more at TS not because they want to spoil the sellers, but rather because they don't come to CGTrader enough and their first place to search is TS. The site owners could also act on other various levels : There is indeed much structural work that needs to be done here but the core foundation/principal is here. but outside of the fact cgtrader is 95% designers and 5% customers its way better and easier to use more professional looking and feeling. (I forgot to put TS up). Thanks for your feedback, it really makes sense. Products should be grouped not only by name and category but also by poly count. On other hand I could also think its just some clients that do not care about the price difference, they just prefer using the Ts account. Especially if the buyer asks to change something in the configuration of models or to clarify details. I hope it goes well for cgtrader i really like this page :-). I think I like the another item the modeler has created (Modern Villa), but that item is $40. We are currently working to redesign the homepage to show off both CG and 3D print ready models. To me this was a sign that people know about CGt and that users have at least two accounts. Gumroad is an awesome virtual marketplace where artists can create their own store and sell any type of digital asset, from textures to tutorial series. I know I personally would be Heh.. that's another topic but my top selling model is nude. Guys really have the potential to screw greedy monopoly and earn some decent position on the market. In my understanding, for CG models, there are three main trends : large public with various expectations and low budget (roughly, poser people) ; professionals needing a good quality model quick and ready to pay for that (roughly, TS buyers), programmers wanting to create video games in search of game ready assets. 2. The classic idea of exclusivity, division and concealment as a strategy to get to a monopolistic position is bad for the industry and everyone is coming to the realization how bad it rely is. Cgtrader really goes above and beyond with the customer service side of things. Logout from your account and go to CGTrader home page. Hopefully this will start another interesting discussion . We've been doing business with Turbosquid for more than 10 years until our very public issues last year: