She then concocts a plan to sneak back onto the island by attending the Castlecoming ball then sneaking out with a limousine containing the button to open the island's barrier. As the series progresses, Mal lets go of much of her fears and goals, becoming in tune with her true self; thus she abandons the hollow life of evil, for a life of being good. left kudos on this work! In the prelude novel, Mal is introduced as the daughter of Maleficent, the worst of the villains. However, Ben takes Mal's spell book out, to Mal's shock. At night, the two girls enter Jay and Carlos' dorm room while Jay and Carlos were playing video games and enjoying it, they almost forgot what they were here for until Mal tells them that it is their one chance to prove themselves to their parents that they are evil. But secretly.And Ben more than returned those feelings. Hades rolled his eyes at their banter but before he could say anything, Mal cooed from her blankets. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". She now wears purple wedge high-tops with painted blue flames, as are her purple fingerless gloves. So, like, I hope you enjoy reading this fic as much as I did when I wrote it :), P.S. Mickey's Christmas Carol: Bob Cratchit Mickey Ghost of Jacob Marley Ebenezer Scrooge McDuck Tiny Tim Emily Cratchit Minnie Ghost of Christmas Future Pete No one answered. Chapter 1 the day he knew of father. In the first film, it is revealed that her middle name is "Bertha". At the coronation, Jane takes the wand to make herself beautiful because of her belief that she was worth nothing if she didn't fit conventional standards of beauty. Disclaimer: I do not own Descendants, this is purely for fun. Mal turns into a dragon to fight her, but is no match for Audrey with Maleficent's Staff until Uma returns to give Mal a boost. He takes the ring and places it in Mal's right palm. Nope!!! Mal gave Uma the replica wand and Uma gave Ben back to Mal. Mal has the most common sense out of her friends, as she got every answer in Remedial Goodness right by picking the answer that sounded the least fun for villains. "You've never wanted to hug us before" Grover summed up. And her eyesOh her eyes, they were the purest green of emeralds and summer leaves and the deep, cool river that flowed off Mount Olympus. My shoes were small, black wedges. On their way out, they encounter Ben's royal carriage, and Mal explains everything. There, they are taught alongside the future monarchs and scions of the United Kingdoms, and seek to figure out whether they want to follow in their parent's footsteps, follow a new path, or try and toe the line of the moral grey area. structural engineering pdf. The four are then shown passing out apples and watching chaos break loose ("Ways To Be Wicked"). After taking a lollipop from a toddler, her mother Maleficent comes. He nervously asks her if she liked the carrot cake the night before, and Jane says that she had the pumpkin pie. I heard a knock on the door. How would the story turn out then for everyone in Auradon? (Basically this is just a darker rewrite of the first movie if Mal was raised by her father and if Uma had been part of the first round of kids to go to Auradon.). They have chosen Dizzy, among the twin sons of Mr. Smee, Squeaky Smee and Squirmy Smee, and Celia Facilier. Mal loves being evil and wreaking havoc on innocent people. Mal still vows to make Maleficent proud of her, and joins forces with the three villain kids, now much closer to all of them than before, and begin a raid on the town, kicking off the events of the movie. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ben walks slowly away, miserable. Percy and I shared a look. They started atacking Queen Leah and almost killed her. When everyone exited down stairs, Carlos said "Your full name is Maleficent?". descendants fanfiction mal has hades powers. She then states that Evie was an Auradon girl and she will always be the girl from the Isle. But anyway, let's go over the plan. After learning that magic is discouraged and regulated, the villain kids ask about embezzlement, poison and revenge; however, these are not allowed in Auradon. Carlos suggested her not to do that. Fae, Demigod Mal realizes her power and leads a revolution. She is congratulated by her friends, Fairy Godmother and Ben's parents, who already planned an engagement party the following week. For her Ultimate Project, she decides to play a prank on Evie at Cruella's house while she is away. To everyone's annoyance, Chad Charming wins; the last item on the list was to kiss a prince, but Mal, Evie and Lonnie each gave Ben a quick peck on the cheek, forgetting that he was already a king; Chad wins by kissing his own hand. Jane, believing that Mal is her friend, tells her that Fairy Godmother will use the wand during Ben's coronation. King Ben was standing at the front of the room with Fairy Godmother, who had her wand in her hand. Shorts: Under The Sea: A Descendants Story Audrey's Royal Return: A Descendants Short Story Uma realizing her plan has been foiled tries to escape and ends up jumping off the ship and transforming into a large octopus-like her mother. After Jane unveils a stain glass display Ben commissioned to show his affection for Mal, who realizes he loved her for who she was all along, and suspecting Uma has given him a love potion, Mal confesses her love for Ben and kisses him, breaking the spell. Mal says she has to get to class, but Jane says that she can just nod if she likes it. I said, holding out my arms. Mal brings it up during the royal meeting, surprising Beast, Belle and Fairy Godmother with the idea of going back to the Isle. Then they went to the museum after finding out where the wand is being held. It wasn't that he had anything against babies. Read Welcome to Auradon from the story Hooked In The Flames: Descendants Fanfic by T-otaku (T-otaku) with 149 reads. Mal turns into a dragon and battles him, but with his ember, he starts to drain Mal of her magic before being forced back inside. The four VKs, hurt by the scathing remarks, become once again determined to steal the wand. But he had sent them away quickly, feeling that perhaps their presence was in rather bad taste in this situation. He reaches into the picnic basket, and Mal tries to stop him saying that she can get them herself. Mal realizes that her mother, in a way, was just like herself: a jealous girl who wanted revenge for not being invited. and tells her no. However, her good intentions sometimes backfire, resulting in a lot of people sending online posts about her mishaps, promoting everyone to think she is still up to her old ways. "I knew that!" "Sure he did," a blonde girl sitting next to Snow White said and rolled her eyes. Mal jumps off the pier to escape them. A week later, before the VKs and Ben head over to retrieve the recruits, Ben proposes to Mal in front of Auradon Prep and she happily accepts. She also wears black and purple pants with purple studded boots. During a game of croquet, Mal meets Audrey's grandmother, Queen Leah, who initially does not recognize who Mal is. True there had been that nasty business with his nephew, but that had never been about the kid. She has multiple layered chains and belts around her waist, purple pants, and purple studded boots with purple and green colored heels. Lonnie, Mulan's daughter, asks Mal to change her hair to a cool style like hers; Mal reluctantly agrees, since Lonnie will pay $50. He asked Mal if it really took her three days to make it all, which she jokingly asks him not to even ask her. She wears a purple studded leather jacket with a green and purple hand-dyed tank top under it. hypnosis and the brain. Descendants: Wicked World: Jordan Freddie Facilier Ally CJ Hook Zevon There is power rooted in her very being. white pages manassas va. twin carrier. Maleficent escaped the Isle when Jane stole Fairy Godmother's wand and accidentally breached the barrier. He then walks towards the entrance, sweeping the counter with his arm, sending multiple objects flying to the ground. Mal is the only one of her friends not to be tempted by an enchanted item that belonged to their parents, as her heart was filled with love and friendship. Read THE BREAK UP from the story TRUTH OR DARE - DESCENDANTS by Ben_Mal_Lover (Jadine_Ben_Mal) with 514 reads.This dare was from me .. Chad- Alright , Ben are. They narrowly escape, thanks to Carlos reporting the alarm as a malfunction. (All chapters have been edited since the last update.). How will Auradon react to a Hades raised Mal in their castle? The dress she wears for Ben's coronation appears to be adaptable. She also wears a black vest, her sleeves are purple, and one on completely studded. The isle was always going to leave Mal and the others scarred and untrusting; they were always going to wash up on Auradons shores with more than a few haunting memories. What If Evie Was Raised By Hades Instead of The Evil Queen? Not that Hades and Maleficent didnt try, again and again and again, failure after failure, but despite their great power they couldnt bring the barrier down. She also decides to bring Evie along so that she can trick Evie into touching the scepter and becoming cursed for an enchanted 1000-year-long sleep. Yet whenever she tries to prove herself to her mother, she often ends up disappointing her instead. "What are we, chopped liver?" She wears a midnight blue vest, as well as a purple shirt under it, with her emblem. She also wears a black vest, her sleeves are purple, and one on completely studded. She closes them for a moment, and then smiles at Jane, agreeing with her. Meanwhile, she now has great friends, interesting classes, a world filled with hope instead of dreary villains and no future. I'm toast I thought to my self. The prophecy will come true all prophecies must. #descendants Also, in Descendants 3, she has short curly light purple hair and is reflected with other shades with blue highlights. Work Search: Ben lets them know that his girlfriend gets to sit in the front row at the coronation. She picks up the box again and walks over to the glass cage where her mother, Maleficent the lizard, is kept. The VKs get a tour of the school. The other three argue that Ben would have come anyway. It wasnt that he had anything against babies. In early concept designs of her outfits, she was originally meant to have short hair. He was too busy focusing on the miniscule curve of her fingernails, the wee button of her nose and the shocking deep purple and blue of her little tuft of hair. (They can all kill you dont test it. Mal says hi to him, and Harry starts walking towards her, telling her that Uma will never give back Mal's old territory. Arriving at the Isle of the Lost, Mal, Jay, Evie, and Carlos visit Bargain Castle, which has been left alone since their last visit to the island, two years previously. She now wears purple wedge high-tops with painted blue flames, as are her purple fingerless gloves. I wore one of my best outfits, a red tank top, a small, black t shirt over the tank top, and a black mini skirt. Mal bakes a cupcake containing the anti-love spell while crying, feeling conflicted about carrying out the evil plan and betraying Ben ("If Only (Reprise)"). She now wears purple wedge high-tops with painted blue flames, as are her purple fingerless gloves. She isn't the only VK with an ability of this nature, for Uma can turn into a sea creature like her own mother Ursula. I looked in the mirror and saw something new and something brave. Raya and the Last Dragon: Raya Sisu Tuk Tuk Namaari Human Sisu I love the way the black looks in your hair, it looks different. Ben reveals that he has been free of the spell since their first date, thanks to the Enchanted Lake washing away the spell. She suddenly grabs his wrist, and takes the chewed gum out of her mouth and places it on the tip of Harry's hook. He chuckles lightly, using his hook to brush through Mal's hair saying that he could hurt Mal. She steals from the Slop Shop every day since her mother never has food in the kitchen. Mal takes the wand, and after encouragement from Ben, decides to choose good as it has brought her more happiness than evil ever did and states the fact that she wants to live here in Auradon because it brings her happiness. She found her mother's staff locked in the ruins of the Forbidden Fortress. She tells him that one day she might do something so messed up that the kingdom will turn on both of them. His Roman counterpart is Pluto. Yet despite the absolutely atrocious racket she was making, Hades found he didnt mind the noise. What if Hades and Maleficent got into an argument over her haste for revenge (which leads to her losing her wings + horns)? Mal then explains that she saw the way when Evie's face lit up when they walked to their dorms for the first time and didn't want to spoil it for her. Cue an emergency meeting with Fairy Godmother, and suddenly Chad was on a magical quest to the Outerlands to train to be a wizard, which was definitely not a cover up for something else. ), The Rotten Four and Sea Three Go To Auradon, Evie & Jay & Mal & Carlos de Vil as Found Family, Auradon Imperia: A Descendants Retelling - Chronicle I, United States of Auradon (Disney) Is Not Perfect, Original Character(s)/Original Character(s), revolution but through politics and political unrest, well more like wolf shifter through magic, and it's tehh only thing he can do with magic, Squeaky Smee & Squirmy Smee & Harry Hook & Gil, all the VKs were brought to Auradon after D1, You Better Believe In Karma, Baby It's Gonna Sting (The Wheel Of Life's Gonna Do You In, So I Don't Really Have To Do a Thing), Macaria daughter of Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore). To the VK's frustration, the kids all fell asleep during the slideshow about Auradon Prep. We thought. WALL-E: WALL-E EVE A retelling in the style of historical fiction and fantasy, Auradon Imperia retells the narrative of the Descendants trilogy with greater faith to the animated Disney films and characters that inspired the descendants featured within the films with a revised and expanded history and lore. "Let's play some croquet, okay?" )Nine: touch their stuff.Ten: insult any of their combat skills. Sleeping Beauty: Aurora Prince Phillip Maleficent Flora Fauna Merryweather Winter Aurora Dragon Maleficent Briar Rose Peridot Maleficent When Ben does not surface, Mal attempts to save him despite not being able to swim; Ben saves her, albeit a bit confused. She feeds him an hors d'oeuvre which Ben remarks is the best thing in the world. Mal first has a daydream of her, Jay, Carlos, and Evie, huddled around a bubbling cauldron. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Television: Cartoon shorts We Wish You A Merry Walrus Monster Beach Party Halloween Panic! What if Carlos was actually Prince Phillip Diaval, son of Aurora and Phillip? She drops it, then starts to cry saying that she doesn't belong in Auradon. And it was really perfect when it came to her, a sort of familial fluff and agonised angst perfectly balanced. In the prequel book, it is revealed she had a dream set near the Enchanted Lake, where Ben and Mal eventually go to on their first date. The three VK's wait outside while Ben walks up the stairs. They are officially welcomed by the Fairy Godmother, Prince Ben, and Princess Audrey. Work Search: Stillbirth. At Ben's coronation, she wears a lavender dress that is short on the front but long and regal looking on the back. Ever since Carlos has been working through life on the isle alone. In Descendants 2, Mal has blonde hair with purple tips at the end. Using her fire breathe, Mal manages to reignite the Ember and defeats Audrey, who falls under a deep sleep. Evie and Mal then walk away to get to Mal's dress fitting for the Cotillion. Wondering if Ben had been faking his affection for her, Mal is left happily surprised when he entrusts his signet ring to her. She snaps out of her daydream and is found to be crowded by several reporters in the front of the school asking her questions about the Cotillion and her life in Auradon. Mal dances with Ben to "Set It Off". "Ben," Evie replies, "Hades might. She is also the protagonist of Descendants: Wicked World. We'll see you downstairs, Maleficent." Mal is in love with one of her best friends Carlos who she can't be with due to love being forbidden on the Isle and Villains don't get their happily ever after but all that changes when she is chosen to go Auradon Prep with her three best friends.A popular Descendants fanfic on and Wattpad is now available on AO3. They devise a plan to get Ben back and Evie commented about Mal's new hairstyle. Carlos, Jay, and Evie tell Mal that there's no way they're going to bring Uma the wand. She is the daughter of Maleficent and Hades, the wife of King Ben, and the Queen of the United States of Auradon. Mal agrees, and she and her friends take the limo to go to Auradon. The Aristocats: Marie The Fox and the Hound: Tod Copper How are you here! Bambi: Bambi Thumper Pretty Flower April Shower Bambi Floral Ms. Bunny Carlos asks Chad about how he got the key to his room, and Chad says that he printed it off the last time he was there, when they were sleeping. Once they got back, Lonnie returned to swords and Jane approached Ben about Cotillion and he asked Mal did she want to cancel it, but she didn't say anything. Power enough to rule the Isle, power enough to bring the barrier crashing down, power enough to smite Auradon and every one of its pathetic little goody, goody princes and princesses to ash. And Mal, well, she has the ability to change that. )Twelve: try to negotiate with them.Thirteen: watch them negotiate with each other.Ben understood the first twelve well enough, even if it pained him, it was the thirteenth that was giving him trouble.A few diplomatic matters had to be settled between the former isle residents, what harm could there really be in him sticking around for the meeting?He was a politician.It wasnt like he hadnt seen it before.Right? Au, in which Hades was a present father and a relevant part of Mals life, Oneshots of Hades and his parenting skills with Mal. Descendants 2: Ways to Be Wicked What's My Name Chillin' Like a Villain Space Between It's Goin' Down You and Me Poor Unfortunate Souls Kiss the Girl But, when she goes to AuradonTheir politics are not right. He tells her that he has a surprise for her, and she laughs about how many presents Ben gets her. Descendants Novels: The Isle of the Lost Return to the Isle of the Lost Rise of the Isle of the Lost Escape from the Isle of the Lost, Descendants 2: Uma Harry Hook Gil Dizzy Tremaine Ursula Jay intervenes, and after Evie knocks out Chad with a sleeping potion, Mal and her friends run away from the scene despite Ben's calls. Recently, my friend lent me a DVD of Come Away (2020), starring Angelina Jolie and a bunch of other actors. Honestly, I'm just going to say that I loved the part with major character death. motorcycle values nada. Chapter 11: Family Day With Demigods, Saytrs, Gods, and Parent's Sworn Enemies. Maleficent was a horrible mother, Hades makes an alright dad. (Disney Descendants - Sky High crossover) based on the world of Descendants: Family Business] Long ago, the daughter of Hades, Lord of the Underworld, was abducted from the Isle of the Lost. Lonnie bothers her (other girls want Mal to change their hair as well), and Mal reveals that the parents on the Isle of the Lost never showed them anything like love before when Lonnie remembers when her mother made her cookies whenever she was sad. Ben said that she had made every single dish Mrs. Potts made for his parents. Mal Has Issues (Disney) Bad Parent Cruella de Vil (101 Dalmatians) Hades is the only good parent. There was a banner hanging that said "Family Day! Aladdin: The Genie Aladdin Jasmine Jafar Abu Rajah Iago Magic Carpet Disguised Jasmine Snake Jafar Vacation Genie Prince Ali Aquamarine Jasmine Elephant Abu Sultan Baby Rajah Red Carpet Genie Genie Jafar Cave of Wonders When my family saw Ben's parents, they freaked. I asked. Playing a game of croquet prior to lunch, Mal meets Audrey's grandmother, Queen Leah, who initially mistakes her for her mother in shock. He looked at me and was stunned. She isn't fond of beautiful surroundings or anything pink, calling them gross, but she does sometimes wonder about how life would be off the island. Anastasia: Anastasia Romanov Rasputin Between a romance she doesn't want and multiple families trying to control her, she struggles to figure out what she wants, and whether or not that lines up with her mother's plan. He then offers to change it if she needs to. She also wears a single purple fingerless glove. It was already evening when it happened, the sun jet to set. She grabs a pencil and pierces air holes into a blue and black pencil box. What if Mal got Uma off the isle as soon as the coronation ended? It all started with a storm, five broken children, and a prince who wanted more than others believed he could have. "Audrey! Ben needs to select four villain kids for his pilot program. Mal told Evie that Dizzy had done it and they were talking, then Carlos interrupted them and Mal resumes to go over the plan to fool Uma and Mal remembered Carlos's 3-D printer he can use it to make a replica wand and also use smoke bombs. When will the child come home? Journey Into Imagination: Figment Sketch Figment They explain that the next kids to be selected will be honored with a celebration spectacular beyond anything that came before, including a parade, a band and a kingdom-wide feast - certainly rolling out the red carpet. Two girls aren't soulmates, they can't change their current history, even if they are, even if they can, even if they will. Tinker Bell: Silvermist Iridessa, Darkwing Duck: Darkwing Duck KFZ-Gutachter. Due to the Isle of the Lost negating magic inside the dome, Mal only begins practicing magic after leaving the island, and therefore is only skilled at basic magic. This is something that only Evie knew. However, she is called Mal until she can prove to be just as evil as her mother. They arrive at the VK's old hideout, and Jay opens the entrance with a rock. Said the old woman, who I now relized was Queen Leah, as in Sleeping Beauty's mother! They enter a room, which contains statues of their parents; Mal stays behind, having a vision of her mother encouraging her to go through with the plan to steal the wand ("Evil Like Me"). "Come on Mal." Finding Nemo/Finding Dory: Nemo Dory Hank Crush Bruce Baby Dory Destiny Bailey Pearl Jane tells Mal that the Cotillion is like getting "engaged to be engaged to be engaged." Arabella had used her grandfather's trident and now it's floating somewhere near the Isle of the Lost. Carlos then reminds Mal about the "potion," which turns out to be a truth gummy that will allow Carlos to say what he wants to say to Jane. He eats a cupcake with the antidote to the love potion in it too early; however, she learns Ben has been free of the spell since their first date, thanks to the Enchanted Lake washing away the spell. Everyone agrees that the best thing to do is make a big enough deal about getting to go to Auradon to stir up enough interest in the program. When she goes back to the Isle, she goes back to having purple hair, only this time, light, straight, and with bangs. Towards the end of the movie, she has wavy purple hair with bangs. Mal just laughs and says that she was joking. Jay lunges for Harry, but Evie holds him back while Harry laughs and mockingly barks at Carlos. Theoretically speaking though, a child of their combined blood should have their combined powers, the potent dark magic of an unseelie fae mixed with the inexhaustible might of a god. Ben then asked if there were any napkins. Mal was born and raised in the Isle of the Lost, along with her mother, best friends and their parents. Then, she and her friends wreak havoc across an area of the Isle of the Lost ("Rotten to the Core"). Brave: Merida Young Merida Dad asked. "Um, Maleficent, are you okay?" Having finally come to terms with her new life in Auradon, and her relationship with Ben is now renewed, Mal later surrenders her spell book over to the Fairy Godmother. Books The junior novelization and prequel novel reveal some additional details about her. Evie came to Mal telling her we need to talk but Carlos stopped them saying he was tired of them running off to have a girl talk so told that they are her family and told them to sit and talk.