Given all these factors, the ship set sail from Fair Havens. While Paul had not lost hope, as had his shipmates, he must have been afraid. Lets examine some of these, because whether you lead one, a few, or many we all have to lead. They had to move quickly now to get off the ship and to swim to shore. They were not men who manipulated people or their circumstances in order to further their own power or position. The danger in which they found themselves was unnecessary. This journey began on an Adramyttian ship, which took them as far as Myra, where they boarded an Alexandrian ship, headed for Italy. He has also just released his new book The Pursuit of Victory: How To Conquer Your Greatest Challenges and Win In Your Christian Life. Paul need no longer fear, because he knew the outcome of this storm. If Paul had been incompetent and impotent in this time of crisis, who would have wanted to hear him tell about faith in Jesus as the Messiah? Titus would be a good place to start, and there are other scriptures as well. Not the Adriatic Sea as we now call the sea between Italy and the mainland of Illyricum, but all the lower Mediterranean between Italy and Greece. Robertson, p. 469. He turned to the centurion and the soldiers and gave them what were really orders: Unless these men remain in the ship, you yourselves cannot be saved (verse 31). Paul was not striving to be a leader here, but simply trying to be of help. He spoke prophetically of the fate of the ship and its passengers. It was a coasting vessel, which was to call at various ports of the province of Asia; at one of these Julius knew he would find a ship, preferably a grain ship, bound for Italy. F. F. Bruce, The Book of Acts, Revised Edition (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1988), p. 477. But once the sailors discerned that land was nearby, staying on board ship became increasingly dangerous. The image of Jesus washing the feet of His disciples in John 13 is a striking one. No one followed Paul because he was a man of God, or even because they concluded the God was with him. Our world, like that ship of Pauls, was headed for destruction. Fourth, a moderate south wind had come up,552 which seemed to promise fair sailing to a better port. It will, however, come eventually. We're sorry, an error occurred. The great leaders of the Bible, men like Joseph, Moses, David, and Daniel, were men who had an impact because they were men of God, men of great skill and ability, and men who God raised up. Examples of democratic leaders. There is no place safer than the place of obedience to the Word of God. Today's nomenclature calls it tough love. Few managers or politicians understand that. 556 The following day, a more drastic measure was necessary: the spare gear had to go if the ship was to have any chance of surviving. No doubt there were some anxious thoughts racing through the minds of the passengers. As time went on, as Paul was better known, and as the crises on board the ship became more pronounced, Paul stepped forward, giving both direction and hope to all the others on ship. They did not know exactly where they were and they could not recognize anything familiar about the land, but they did resolve to run the ship aground in a bay which they could see ahead. All in all, it would be best to wait out the storm at sea. He was most likely the envy of other young leaders. He has been beaten by the storm of Gods anger toward sin. They could not handle the ship in the stormy waters. I would say that is a great example of Godly leadership. When you study closely, you will discover these examples of leadership in the Bible can help you address all of lifes situations. The storms of your life may not have been sent your way to destroy you, but to turn you to Gods salvation. Too often, I hear leadership spoken of as a place of status, rather than a place of service. But he was wrong about the loss of passengers. However, there is no story of Esther without Mordecai. I do not agree. modern political leaders are good examples (Tony Blair, Geogrge Bush, Sarcosie, JFK, David cameron) What is a sentence with the words democracy and democratic? Discouraged by the disapproval of Jesus, yet blessed by the warmth and affection of Jesus. I believe leadership must be positive influence . Paul encourages all on board to eat, and they do. nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock. When Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of God more adequately (Acts 18:26). What are some examples of democratic leadership? Paul had a fair bit of experience with sea travel. Jesus: A leader is a servant first. Related Topics: Issues in Church Leadership/Ministry, Leadership, Robert L. (Bob)Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. It did not take long at this time of year for a storm to brew at sea. He was thoroughly subservient to the will of God, and he was committed to a specific, meaningful mission. It was only some forty miles to Lutro. Robertson, p. 461. A democratic leader encourages open conversation and helps their employees set goals, evaluate their own performance and motivates them to grow. They had little to gain and much to lose. Because of its size and cargo, it required deeper water. The sovereignty of God means that we dare not presume that God will work a miracle for us, at the time and in the way we choose, due to our foolishness, carelessness, or sin. The name of this leadership style is derived from the word "democracy," which means "run by the people." Democratic leaders welcome and value others' input, rely heavily on team participation, and facilitate discussions that enable multiple members of their group to weigh in on decisions. 548 This harbour is named Kalus Limeonas, a small bay two miles east of Cape Matala. Some things dont change. 33 Who will bring a charge against Gods elect? Bureaucratic leadership is defined as a form of leadership in which there is a hierarchy of authority that creates rules for management and decision making. The meeting's facilitator will be acting democratically if they actively seek out the team's thoughts and opinions and encourage them to voice them. They were now well into the dangerous season; as Luke notes, even the Fast had now gone by. He must live a devout and disciplined life. The journey was delayed by unfavorable winds. Because of one prisoner on board that ship, all the other passengers were spared. He would build the walls on faith. Godly leadership like this can impact homes, communities, churches, businesses, schools, politics, sports basically every area of life. Vision Statements of 12 Great Leaders in the Bible The job or position title does not make you a leader. If you possess these types of qualifications, would that make you a better leader? Gods mission for Paul was to go to Rome and there to preach the gospel. Pauls leadership emerges on board the ship, on which he was headed toward Rome. Looking back on these words would demonstrate that this was indeed prophecy. They could not see the sun nor the stars (verse 20) and so they were unable to navigate. 546 With the westerly winds which prevail in those seas, says James Smith, ships, particularly those of the ancients, unprovided with a compass and ill calculated to work to windward, would naturally stand to the north till they made the land of Asia Minor, which is peculiarly favourable for navigation by such vessels, because the coast is bold and safe, and the elevation of the mountains makes it visible at a great distance; it abounds in harbours, and the sinuosities of its shores and the westerly current would enable them, if the wind was at all off the land, to work to windward, at least as far as Cnidus, where these advantages ceased. And who would not be afraid in such a storm. The storm caught the ship in its force, and so they could do nothing but allow the ship to be driven along by it. "Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream. It was the crew of the ship who lived dangerously, foolishly risking the ship, the cargo, and the lives of all on board, just to get ahead a little. I could talk about David, Moses, or Nehemiah, but I want to talk about three lesser-known leaders who make great examples of Godly leadership in the Bible. After all, the ships captain and the pilot had more experience, and they also had more to lose. Isnt it true that men do those things which they know to be risky, partly for the love of the risk, and often due to some small gain they wish, prompted by a false sense of assurance, and by the hope for some small gain? They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. Christianity is not a fair weather religion. Pastor Appreciation Month and Pastor Appreciation Day are great opportunities every October to show how much you care for your pastor and church leaders. He doesn't mince words when he calls them "a brood of vipers.". Ed, Issue 46, Winter 2023, Verses 14-20: A Sudden Storm and Lost Hope, Verses 21-26: Pauls Night Visitation and Words of Encouragement, Verses 30-32: Sailors Stopped From Abandoning Ship, Verses 33-41: Pauls Encouragement and the Ships Grounding, Verses 42-44: Prisoners and Passengers Spared From Death. The soldiers were acting, as it were, on Pauls orders. It was Paul who showed caution, warning those in charge of the dangers ahead. This is influence and leadership in action. 562 St. Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. Even when John Mark was being severely ostracized by Paul, Barnabas stood by John Mark. Your community. They just happened to run aground at the place where two seas met.562 It seems that the action of the water created some kind of sandbar or shallows, on which the ship stuck fast. But Paul did not presume to have God on tap and thus to be able to perform some miracle any time his wished. What has happened over the course of these events, so that a lowly prisoner, a man at the bottom of the ladder, so far as position and influence are concerned, is now the outstanding leader? Paul was told by the angel not to be afraid, because he was going to stand before Caesar. Priscilla and Aquila were hospitable. Misconceptions about "Real" Leadership vs. Servant Leaders. Paul's leadership emerges on board the ship, on which he was headed toward Rome. Pauls execution was sought by the Sanhedrin, which first tried to execute him legally (like Stephen) and then by assassination, but God used Roman soldiers once again to spare His servant. It may not come quickly. The soldiers heed Pauls words and cut the ropes to the lifeboat, letting it fall away. I take it that this was a form of democratic rule. Photo Credit: Sparrowstock. Paul accomplishes all this without any formal leadership position or authority. They also loosened the ropes which lashed down the rudders and hoisted the sail.561 They were on their way toward land. Navigating the challenges and joys of ministry life. 72-73, p. 480. What are we to make of this dramatic change in Pauls standing before his fellow-shipmates? The storm threatens not only the life of Paul, but also the lives of all on board his ship. He did not claim to have a certain (prophetic) knowledge of what was going to happen. And were all in it for the same reasonto fuel the churchs mission of making disciples. The precise status of Julius is difficult to determine: from the authority which he assumed when once (from Myra onward) he found himself on board a ship of the Alexandrian grain fleet, it might be inferred that he was a frumentarius, an officer charged with supervising the transport of grain (frumentum) to Rome. Bruce p. 477. Obedient Daniel. Would any have heeded Paul or the gospel as seriously as they did, had the trip to Rome gone quickly and smoothly? The centurion commanded that all should make it to land if they could. The broad issue is that of leadership. Here is another example of Godly leadership in the Bible that sometimes gets overlooked. Tim Cook, for example, hires people who challenge and inspire him. If there were but ten righteous in the city of Sodom, God would have spared the city for the sake of those righteous (Genesis 18:22-33). 1. Let us consider just a few: 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Mordecais words influenced Esther to take an action that she would have otherwise not taken. Paul was a prisoner, on his way to stand trial before Caesar in Rome. Paul did not seek to sanctify his words by giving them any spiritual flavor. A crucial decision had to be made at Fair Havens.549 Sailing was not safe in the winter, due to wind conditions and seasonal storms. Paul was spared so that he could go to Rome, and there proclaim the gospel. When the ship was far out at sea, and no one knowing how far they might be from land, abandoning ship was no temptation. (4) The Sovereignty of God and Human Responsibility. Had they heeded his warnings, this would not have happened. Not so with My servant Moses; he is faithful in all . Beyond this, God is free to act or not to act in any way that He chooses. It was too late in the sailing season to travel on to Rome by sea. God used the centurion, who had come to deeply respect and admire Paul, to spare him, along with the rest. What did Paul do to bring about such a change? Some are not as visible; all are useful. The question was where the ship would make port for the winter. The angel of God told Paul not to be afraid, which would indicate that he was afraid. Thus, the safety of the ship, according to Pauls words, required the presence of the crew. He bridged the gaps between the Greek and Jewish worlds. At its heart, leadership for the Christian means loving God, walking in God's ways, acknowledging God's blessing, confessing personal limitations and corporate failures, doing justice, seeking peace and asking God for the gift of . He had the courage to speak to the evils of his day. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. Clarence L. Haynes Jr. is a speaker, Bible teacher, and co-founder of The Bible Study Club. In doing so, he cites Romans 15:4 (NKJV), which states, "whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the .