The sholdiers 172: Petitions to the General Court, with Responses (1696-1725), SWP No. 133: Samuel Wardwell Executed, September 22, 1692, SWP No. He then moved toWells, Maine, believing it would be safer fromIndianattacks. When Burroughs was cut down from the gallows, his body was dragged to a rocky crevice bordering the execution site, his clothing was stripped off and he was dressed in a pair of trousers of one executed and was placed in the grave with Willard and Carrier. made Oath to the latter part.of this paper In the book, Mather said he preferred not to discuss the case at all but was required to include it by the government of Massachusetts Bay Colony. He denyed that his family was affrighted by a According to a recent handwriting analysis by Professor Peter Grund, from the University of Kansas, the afflicted girls testimonies were all written by Thomas Putnam. [citation needed] At his trial, which took place in May, he was found guilty based on evidence that included his extraordinary feats of strength, such as lifting a musket by inserting his finger into the barrel (such feats of strength being presumed impossible without diabolical assistance[8]). Death records are primary resources for details about the death, since they were typically created relatively near the time of the death. Nothing therefore was done at the village, but the steps to arrest him originated at Boston. Some in town thought he might be the "dark man" spoken of in many of the accusations. *Geo. When he was upon the ladder, he made a speech for the clearing of his innocency, with such solemn and serious expressions, as were to the admiration of all present: his prayer (which he concluded by repeating the Lords prayer) was so well worded, and uttered with such composedness, and such (at least seeming) fervency of spirit, as was very affecting, and drew tears from many, so that it seemed to some that the spectators would hinder the execution. He left in 1683, moving back to Falmouth. George Burroughs George Burroughs (1917 . ), Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of Falmouth w'thin the province of the Mattathusets Bay in New England Clerke -- The Ninth Day of May -- in the fourth Year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of Eng- land Scottland France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c Diver other Days and times as well before as after, certaine Detestable Arts called wicthcraft & Sorceries -- wickedly and feloniously hath used Practiced & Exercised at and within the Township of Salem in the County of Essex & aforesaid, in Upon & ag't one Elizabeth Hubbard of Salem in the County of Essex Singlewoman -- by which said wicked Arts the said Elizabeth Hubbard the Ninth Day of May -- in the fourth Year aboves'd and Divers other Days and Times as well before as after.was.and is Tortured afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and Tormented.also for Sundrey other Acts of witchcrafts by Said George Burroughs .Committed and done ag't the Peace of our Sovereigne Lord & Lady the King & Queen their Crowne and dignity and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made & Provided: At his execution, he quoted the Lords Prayer which a witch should not have been able to do. For a puritan minister, the fact that he couldnt remember the last time he took communion and that only some of his children were baptized did not reflect well on him. John Hathorne served on the church committee to find Burroughs' replacement. 7th great-grandson . 92. One of these witnesses stated that he was persuaded by others not to testify against Burroughs during the time of his trial but he said he later regretted this and decided to come forward after the fact. On June 25th, 2022, George was called to his eternal reward. Included were George Burroughs, John Proctor, George Jacob, John Willard, Giles, andMartha Corey,Rebecca Nurse,Sarah Good, Elizabeth How,Mary Easty, Sarah Wilds, Abigail Hobbs, Samuel Wardell, Mary Parker, Martha Carrier, Abigail Faulkner,Anne (Ann) Foster, Rebecca Eames, Mary Post, Mary Lacey, Mary Bradbury, and Dorcas Hoar. While standing on a ladder before the crowd, waiting to be hanged, he successfully recited the Lord's Prayer, something that was generally considered by the Court of Oyer and Terminer to be impossible for a witch to do. 36. The next day, Margaret Jacobs was examined, and she implicated George Burroughs. Mercy Lewis deposition going to be read & he He was bid to look upon sus: sheldon. Thomas Ruck of his sudden coming in after them & that he could tell his thoughts. New details are being revealed in regards to the death of George Floyd. Wee comand you all Excuses set apart to be & personaly app'r at the Next Court of Oyer & Terminer held at Salem on the first Tuesday in August Next There to Testify the Truth on certain Indictments to be Exhibited against George Burroughs & not depart the Court without lycense or leave of s'd Court hereof fail not On penalty of One hundred pounds money to be levied on your Goods Chattels &ca Dated in Salem July 26'th 1692. Marcy Lewis Abigail Williams Ann putnam and Eliz Hubert and Susanah Sheldon (Viz) Upon Som: or all of them, of Salem Village or farm[es] whereby great hurt and dammage benne donn[e] to the Bodys of s'd persons above named therefore Craved Justice, Signed by Both above'd Complainers Jonathan Walcott In 1711,thelegislatureof the Province of Massachusetts Bayrestored all rights to those who had been accused in the 1692 witch trials. Despite this, he was executed on the same day like many others. Genealgical Publishing Co, 1985.Calef, Robert. George Burroughs proceeded to quote the Lord's Prayer perfectly which was believed to be impossible for a witch to do. I will not writ in your book tho you doe kil me Her fathers name was George Wunder Burroughs and he was a senior official in his Masonic Lodge in Long Beach, Calif. Hi Rebecca! My mother was Norma Burroughs. Elizer Keiser, Capt. Lewis, Jone Johnson. George Burroughs, a 1670 Harvard graduate, grew up in Roxbury, MA; his mother returned to England, leaving him in Massachusetts. I am a member of Colonial Clergy, Flagon and Trencher, Associated Daughters of Early American Witches and the Descendants of Brian Boru though Georges ancestors. Hubbard With those words, under the tearful gaze of an ambivalent crowd the George Burroughs was hanged. When the parsonage was finally completed, the Burroughs family moved in and took on a young servant, Mercy Lewis, a fellow survivor of the Wabanaki raid of 1676. 4. (Reverse) G. Burroughs . ). Aug'st 3: 1692, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. Letter from Rev. George Burroughs #[case] No (1) George Burroughs, ( Witchcraft Papers, no. 170: Superior Court of Judicature: Witchcraft Trials (January - May 1693), SWP No. that we haveing ben conversant with severall of the afflected persons as maryWolcott mercy lewes Eliz: Hubburt and we have seen them most dreadfully tomented and we have seen dreadfull marks in their fleesh which they said Mr. Burroughs did make by hurting them: but on 9th may 1692 : the day of the Examination of Mr. George Burroughs the aforesaid parsons were most dreadfully tormented during the time of his Examination as if they would have been torn all to peaces or all their bones putt out of joynt and with such tortors as no tounge can express also severall times sence we have seen the afforesaid afflected parsons most dreadfully tormented and greviously complaining of Mr. Burroughs for hurting them and we beleve that Mr. George Burroughs the prisoner at the bar has severall times afflected and tormented the afforesaid persons by acts of witchcraft.. 10 men 6 women and 16 children. However they were enough to fix the character of a witch upon him according to the rules of reasoning, by the judicious Gaule, in that case directed.. Despite being far away from the witch hysteria in Salem, Massachusetts, Burroughs name was brought up as a witch and a warrant was put out for his arrest. Herrick Dep't Sheriff, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem, Witchcraft, vol. Being ask'd w[hether] he partook of the Lords supper, he being (as The judges also asked Burroughs when he last took communion, which he couldnt remember, and asked how many of his children were baptized, which he answered only the eldest was, and asked if it was true that he refused to let his second wife, Sarah Ruck Hathorne, write to her father without letting him see the letter first, which he denied. [1] Another source gives his birth date and place as Virginia, 1652. George Burroughs, signed by Peter's brothers John and Nathaniel, were sent to the Governor and Council to improve the conditions of Wells, Maine. During the meeting, John Putnam suddenly had Burroughs arrested for failure to repay his debt to him for Hannah Burroughss funeral expenses. Const'b in [in] Salem. Three years later, on June 22, 2008, George once again experienced heart failure and passed away at . In doing some genealogy on my biological family, I found out that Reverend Burroughs was my 9th great grandfather. Former Site of the Salem CourthouseAddress: Washington Street (about 100 feet south of Lynde Street), opposite the Masonic Temple, Salem, Mass. George Burroughs and the Salem Witch Trials. Although they still believed in witches and believed witches may have invaded Salem, they had doubts that so many people could have been guilty of the crime. she should not write to her Father Ruck without Short of stature, muscular, dark-complexioned, he was highly attractive to women, as is shown by his winning the hand of a rich widow as his second wife when he was a mere village minister. Click on the names below to see their relationship charts. John Brown test testifyed about a b[arre]ll [of] Cyder We know that George Burroughs had been residing in Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama 35901. Peabody Essex Museum, Phillips Library, Salem, MA.). of Geo: Burroughs, ( Uncatalogued MS, Miscellaneous Manuscripts (1692), Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston, MA..), Anno Regis et Reginae Willim et Mariae nunc Angliae &c Quarto, Essex ss The Jurors for our Sovereigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen pr'sents That George Burroughs late of falmouth in the province of the Massach'ts Bay in New England, Clerk -- the Ninth Day of May in the fourth Year of the Reigne of Our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary by the Grace of God of England Scott- land France and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith &c and Divers other Days and times, as well before, as after, Certaine Detestable Arts called Witchcrafts, and Sorceries, Wickedly, and felloniously, hath used Practised.&.Exercised at and within.the Towneship of Salem in the County of Essex aforesaid in upon and ag't one Mary Walcott of Salem Villiage in the County of Essex Singlewoman -- by which said wicked Arts the said Mary Walcott the Ninth Day of May in the forth Year aboves'd and Divers other Days and times as well before as after was and is Tortured afflicted Pined Consumed wasted and't the Peace of our Sover- eigne Lord and Lady the King and Queen and ag't the forme of the Statute in that case made and Provided: In January of 1712, the court ordered that 6 of the 50 pounds was to be divided in equal shares among all of Burroughs children: Charles Burroughs, Jeremiah Burroughs, Rebecca Fowle, Hannah Fox, Elizabeth Thomas, and Mary Burroughs. Profile of Elizabeth How, Persecuted Salem Witch, Tituba and The Salem Witch Trials of 1692, Biography of Elizabeth Parris, Accuser in the Salem Witch Trials, Sarah Cloyce: Accused in the Salem Witch Trials, John Alden Jr. and the Salem Witch Trials, History of Witches Signing the Devil's Book, M.Div., Meadville/Lombard Theological School. Anthony a[n]d Thomas B[r]a[c]ket and Mr. Munjoy his son only are named. This branch of the family has been in VA for several hundred years. Thomas Ruck, Burroughs former brother-in-law, testified to this as well when he told a story about when he went strawberry picking with his sister, Sarah Ruck Hathorne, and Burroughs. Aprel.30'th 1692 above written evidence: is the truth Aug'st 3: 1692 The act of arresting Burroughs in the distant Wells, Maine required the acting lawmen to be discreet out of fear that Burroughs might be tipped off and escape, according to Upham: It was necessary to be at once cautious and rapid in their movements, to prevent the public from getting information which, by reaching the ears of Burroughs, might put him on his guard. appeared in their winding sheets, & said that By Before the Honoured John Hallum on The Witchcraft Trial of Reverend George Burroughs, The Witchcraft Trial of Reverend George Burroughs, View all posts by Rebecca Beatrice Brooks. Hist. He gives an acct of 32 killed and carried away by the Indians: himself escaped to an Island, but I hope Black point men have fetched him of by this time. to come to her the negro not Comeing sayd that she could not Come some thing stopt her, then her husband being called he came up. John Bare Jurat. [12], Execution of Reverend George Burroughs, 1901 drawing, Genealogy of the Burroughs Family, 1894. George Floyd's heart disease and use of fentanyl were contributing factors to his death, but they were not the direct cause, the medical examiner who performed his autopsy testified on Friday in . According to Mathers account of the trial, in September, two witnesses came forward and offered testimony against Burroughs. Whats strange about the girls testimony is that several of the transcripts of their testimonies contain the same exact line: I beleve in my heart that Mr George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has often tormented me and also the above named parsons by his acts of witchcraft., I beleve in my heart that Mr George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has most greviously tormented me and the above mentioned parson by his acts of witchcraft., I verily beleve in my heart that Mr. George Burroughs is a dreadfull wizzard and that he has severall times tormented me and the affore said persons by his acts of witchcraft., I beleve in my heart that Mr. George Burroughs is a dreadful wizzard and That he had often afflected and tormented me and the afore mentioned parsons by his acts of witchcraft.. George married Williamina Burrows. Sewall , Cle he being then in one of the Chambers in s'd House. Being askd w[hat] he thought of these things. 163: Two Letters of Gov. 169: Superior Court of Judicature: Warrants for Jurors and Returns (December 1692 - January 1693), SWP No. Summary . <- Return to List of People Involved in the Salem Witch Trials, Categories Colonial America, Salem Witch Trials. evidence: is the truth. On August 5, George Burroughs was indicted by a grand jury; then a trial jury found him and five others guilty of witchcraft. To make matters worse for Burroughs his wife died suddenly and he was unable to pay for her funeral. The six, including Burroughs, were sentenced to death. (Reverse) The [examination] George Burroughs was born 26 October 1579 in Wickhambrook, Saint Edmundsbury, Suffolk, England to Thomas Burroughs (1531-1597) and Bridget Elizabeth Heigham (1530-1597) and died 1 February 1653 Pettaugh, Suffolk, England of unspecified causes. Death: August 19, 1692 (37-46) . His treatment of his first two wives was one subject of the interrogation; another was his supposed unnatural strength. *Elisha Hutchinson Maj'r, By Virtue of this warrant I Apprehended s'd George Burroughs and have Brought him to Salem and Delievered him to the Authority there this fourth day of May 1692 He denyed that he made his wife swear, that Jurat in Curia, ( Essex County Court Archives, Salem - Witchcraft, vol. George Burroughs was one of the first ministers to step into the Salem Village Church. It appears from court records that Burroughss children soon began fighting over the money.