We love her to bits! We have 6 boys and 3 girls. Unfortunately, this is a serious condition with no cure. As far as amount, your vet will be able to recommend how much to give at one time and how to increase their amount as they grow! Great with dogs of all sizes, adjusting play style to suit the size and type of dog. The other parent breed could cause this to vary. Location: Pine City, NY Telephone: 315-521-7081 View Full Breeder Profile. When she was a puppy she was very chewy and somewhat destructive bc she hated when we were gone all day. Great traveller (15 hour drive home at 10 weeks old with no problem). Caffeine stimulates salivary glands, causing them to secrete more saliva. They are best recommended for those active families, however. When she wants pets she will come lift your hand with her nose. Search for great pyrenees and border collie mixed rescue dogs for adoption near Dewitt, New York. Very smart. This website was developed by dog lovers, enthusiasts, and professionals to share knowledge and know-how on dogs. Pet Insurance Waiting Periods All You Need To Know. This is something that a vet can fix with medication, but it is essential to diagnose so that your vet can help you to get the doses just right for your dogs long-term health. Its normal for dogs to continue producing saliva as long as theyre awake. You should never force your dog to stop drooling, but you can try these simple steps to reduce the frequency of drooling. Very territorial. He is getting older and fragile but his bark or nip still rules! We live in the city (townhouse) with a relatively small yard but about 20 feet away from a HUGE field to take her out to. Theyll be happy with at least 2 hours of daily exercise worth every day, but more is always better! At daycare he finds a hugest spot and watches over the rest of the dogs. A bit slow to train while very young, getting easier and smarter as they age. A proper approach is needed for a healthy and long life. The main focuses are going to be: teeth and fur. The Border Collie in them will make them great playmates for kids, and its a great way to help wear everyone out a little bit! The hair and claws are there for a reason and if God didn't want them to have them, they wouldn't be there. Bathe and shampoo your pet only when necessary to preserve the oil in the coat which helps it to be weather and water resistant. Bacon is our first dog. Gets bored and then destructive. They are independent and pretty steady as far as their overall attitude is concerned. American white pitbull | Why to love this puppy? Very protective- barks when ANYBODY walks by the house- we live close to an off leash area so there are lots of people and their dogs walking by- and she warns us of every one. The history on the hybrid Border Collie Pyrenees is scant at best. This parent breed was recognized by the AKC in 1933. Finally, youll need to invest in some good grooming tools. Drooling levels vary from dog to dog, however, and there are no hard and fast rules about what constitutes normal. Some breeds produce less saliva than others, while some breeds produce more. Sienna is an adoptable Dog - Great Pyrenees & Border Collie Mix searching for a forever family near Albuquerque, NM. These dogs have long fur since both parent breeds are two full coats of medium and long fur. She is so so cuddly and loves people with her whole heart. Heres your introduction to a modern crossbreed worth knowing about. I have had my pup for a week as of today. Then he gets scared. Theyre good playmates, and they can help wear each other out when looking to help get the best experience for everyone. A Border Collie is a medium dog, so those puppies with stronger genes will be on the smaller side. Try to find out why your dog barks so loudly and see if you can figure out how to solve the problem. Dental hygiene should be a priority with all dogs, of course. Always take precautions before leaving your home or going outside. He is very protective of us. I have this puppy because some one tossed him over my fence. She does have an independent streak which is good as you dont have to play with her 24/7. She loves when our 17 year old son takes a toy & she needs to decide which way to race through the house to get to him (and then he switches half way and goes the other way and they try to outsmart each other- a kind of keep away game). He is great in his crate. Understanding Your Dogs Language Through Sound, Rescue Dog Settlement: 9 Things To Consider, A Complete Guide To Canine Brain Training. Read on if youre interested in learning more about the Great Pyrenees Border collie mix! Sixth, avoid giving your pet sugar. Even so, be prepared that they may get an ear infection every once in a while. Pepper is the most intelligent dog we have ever had. completely adorable! Together since 2012, we thrive to transform and inform, so each dog can live a happy and fulfilling life. I only had her for two months. She is also anxious to let us know if a senior citizen or young parents with a stroller are walking by we apparently dont realize how threatening they can be and how alert we should be about them. 2023 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. He does well in training classes but then becomes almost deaf to commands when out in the open. He can already run next to the bike on a pole attached to the bike. She has learned to communicate with me using her paw to pat me on the leg (this was not a trained behavior). They make great companion guard dogs. The Borgi will measure between 10 to 21 inches tall, weigh between 30 to 40 pounds, and be a medium-sized breed. I am not a lover of this mix. Very mellow and independent at home. She is highly intelligent. The Australian Shepherd closely resembles the Border Collie. as stated they do get destructive when bored so you must play with them. Secure pet health insurance today to avoid high veterinary care costs. Having her in an apartment is a challenge, but it is definitely possible! She loves being with us! Collies generally live for 10-14 years. Hes always been very food motivated and everything within his reach is food (actual food, napkins, fabric scraps, paper, tin foil, etc.). Very protective! Also, from their Border Collie genes, these dogs can be deaf. There is much to know about the care and health issues of this unique mixed breed dog. As in I'm not done with you yet, where are you going! I have absolutely no regrets! He lunges at and wants to chase aggressively after cars, cyclists and other walkers so we have to be very careful when walking him. I think an all-around good mix between border collie ( 50%) and Pyr (25%). All pups have been dewormed. They will get bored quickly and turn to destructive behaviors if they dont get enough stimulation, activity, and attention. Learned very quick. She has loads of energy, loves all people and LOVES all dogs. A Border Collie Great Pyrenees mix likes other pets in the household. I did a DNA test and the result was Half border collie half Great Pyrenees. How big will a Border Collie Great Pyrenees mix get? We don't currently have a large yard, however what's there is fenced in and we throw the ball or snowballs (we live in CT) back and forth for a while and she seems to be entertained and exercised well. absolutely the sweetest dog I've ever met. Be careful about letting him meet new people and animals until he gets used to interacting with them. Caring for these gentle and fun dogs is mainly related to hygiene, as you can probably guess! Health: Indie is a rescue from Central California. There are pros and cons to these beautiful and patient dogs, of course. Her barking is always kept to a minimum however she does use her voice when alerting us of some one at the door or in the hallway. The hybrid will have a strong, sturdy and well-proportioned body with a coat that can be long and coarse or shorter and smooth, with dense undercoat which protects them from colder temperatures, making them weather resistant. Will the puppies grow in height, and do they bark? At 5 months, Daisy is 31 lbs. This parent breed was recognized by the AKC in 1995. He has always been super loving and affectionate to the people he claims. She never exercises her strength over the pug's, even though she could make a meal out of it. I know she will be a part of our family forever as I will never, EVER let her go! If you like to do things a little differently, this is going to really appeal to you. Does Pet Insurance Cover Emergency Visits? RELATED The Ultimate Great Pyrenees Guide All Questions Answered! She is very loving! We have an 11 year old purebred Border Collie (Duchess) who is the alpha and still hasn't completely accepted 8 month old Finnegan. We take her for several runs/walks every day and frequent the dog park in addition to regular training sessions at the apartment. She'll most likely need surgery at some point - she's worth every penny. He is very load barking when strangers drive in. She WILL get into the trash if left alone too long, hah! In comparison, the cost of a Border Collie and Great Pyrenees mix ranges from about 10% more expensive than that, with an average dog purchase going up around 15%. You will need to be prepared for a lot of shedding again. Abbie can be quite stubborn at times, which makes certain tasks difficult. When it is wet, it is not safe for them to play like they like to. Now, she want to play with every dog she met and will show her bully to people to let them pet her. Males are typically larger than the females. Sits when crossing roads. The Great Pyrenees is a very independent dog breed, and the Border Collie is one of the smartest dog breeds. It is believed that the breed probably originated in Central Asia or Siberia and then migrated to Europe with the Aryans. Lion vs Ridgeback, Cowboy corgi aka Corgi cattle dog appearance & temperament, Sarabi Mastiff ( Iranian Persian Mastiff) A rare powerful dog, Top 20 Fastest dog breeds 2020 | Racing dogs breeds, How Much Garlic Can Kill A Dog? With his weight he definitely has the edge when playing but the female never gives in and she can take him down with some pretty smart maneuvers. She is very smart and learns things without training as well as with focused training. Others are black and cream with partial markings. This breed is quickly becoming one of the most popular hybrids around, and for good reason! The Border Collie parent breed has a history that goes back to the first century when the invading Romans brought larger shepherd dog breeds to England to utilize them to herd livestock. How's the temperment of a great Pyrenees/Border collie cross. Or, adorably, one of both. Dog Advisory Council is the place of choice to know all about dogs. Best dog for familys with children too. Since their coats are designed to be weatherproof, theyre thick and very protective of the skin. So now he's either 5 or 6 months old. They are now largely used as herding dogs for livestock, particularly sheep. She can be stubborn at times, which is her only negative trait (although tbh, we always thought her stubbornness is pretty funny). Listens when he wants to. We know she will grow to be a large dog which is good for us as we have a lake property we go to regularly so she loves it out there! We got her as a rescue when she was a couple of months old. The Border Collie is a British breed of herding instincts dog of medium size. Labrador Insurance Pet Insurance for Labradors. We like to allow our dogs to have fun and as much freedom as possible rather than be constant correcting and I believe our dogs reward us for that freedom as they are truly Happy Pups! Animal Otherwise, he is very good at healing like he is an old soul. If she wants you to come with her shell rest her paw on your knee. Breeds: Border Collie & Corgi. Their intelligence and independence can make them prone to boredom, so youll want to make sure that you have plenty of toys for them to play with. He learned sit in two days that we had him. These are no exceptions. Willowbear is 53 pounds with long dense fur that at this point seems more like a border collie than a Pyr. Never hit or kick your dog. We're also regulars at the dog park. He is very protective of our property I live on a farm. Buying a dog from a breeder will be an expensive adventure, so youll want to make sure that you are fully prepared for the financial part of it, too! After the class, she know how to play with other dogs. Shes a little cutie; shes very hard of hearing, I need some help with her training. She will sometimes use my house as an agility course which is when I know she has gone too long without exercise. The Border Collie Pyrenees hybrid is a cross between the Border Collie and the Great Pyrenees and is a large dog whose weight is greater than 65 pounds and can have attributes from either or both of the parent breeds. The Border Collie Great Pyrenees mix size can be anywhere from medium-sized to large, but even the smaller dogs won't like apartment living or anywhere they can't get outside frequently. 8 week old puppies for sale! They are also very stubborn at times, meaning that they can be hard to train. However, there is history available for the parent breeds, the Border Collie and the Great Pyrenees. In fact, it was one of the most popular working dogs in Europe. Keep them adequately brushed with the proper brush itself and technique in using it as much as you can. Badger markings on face have faded a lot but still has a few faint freckles on nose and dark eyeliner around almond shaped eyes. While they've been around for quite a while as a mixed breed, they are not as popular as some of the other crossbreed. Although she is playful, she is also extremely calm and quiet. Their color and appearance really depend on what genetics factor in. These are loyal dogs and are prone to courageous acts. They love to chew on everything and need constant supervision for now. He is very sweet, affectionate and somewhat submissive to other dogs. In general, these dogs are known as herders. Reward your dog every time he obeys your command. What Is a Good Annual Limit for Pet Insurance? Dog Ate Garlic, Easily breed German Shepherd | 7 Tips for breeding, Polish Dogs breeds 5 Most popular dogs from Poland. He's only 4 months but he's already 45lbs. So the Malamute Collie mix will try to outsmart its owner and herd . They are an intelligent, beautiful, designer breed that can provide years of companionship and love if given a chance. Next, youll need to decide how often to bathe your dog. Others are neutral grey with Border Collie markings. He can play gently with small dogs or rough with dogs that want to play rough. Border Jack: Border Collie x Jack Russell Terrier. He listens very intently and remembers things well. She's also definitely a strong chewer who needs toys and bones on a daily basis. So far he is a sweet baby that only took 2 days to wean from bottle to solids (momma died) and he is super smart! She plays very very well with dogs of all sizes and ages, however, we've had to keep play at a minimum recently because she was diagnosed with My 14 year old son is in love with her too! I do recommend getting pet insurance not only because of my experience with her shoulders, but because this breed is very affordable to insure (as we found out having signed up for one with great coverage, and another for this [now] pre-existing condition), and the likelihood of them getting board, chewing something up and eating it is high. Teach your dog to sit, stay, come, and lie down. Dam: Katie. To contact the breeder about this puppy, click on the "View Breeder Info" tab above. As you can guess, their weight will vary based on the dominant genes as well. I fell in love with immediately when we picked her out or should I say, she picked us out! He pee marks (only not good trait -and we are working on that). High energy!! Emmy is by far the best dog I have ever had. He definitely loves to cuddle. Dad ia a big cuddle bug to his humans and a wonderful guard dog. She is independent in the way of when we are home and the vest is off she knows she isn't working and takes time to enjoy being in the same room buy of by herself. Drops can sometimes be used as a short-term solution, but blindness can still occur without surgery to correct it. Border Collie Great Pyrenees mix Specifications Height: 22 - 32 inches Weight: 45 - 120 pounds Coat Colors: White, cream, black, grey, red (the coat appears as a bi-color/tri-color with patches) Eye color: Brown, black Coat type: Double-coat. Good at sit and leave it and usually good at loose leash walking/heel. If he starts acting aggressively, stop whatever activity you are doing immediately. I would not own any more. This mixed breed is known for being quite vocal and is considered a moderate to heavy barker. Most agree that this is going to be a large dog, even if they are on the smaller size for height and weight. We love her with all our hearts, and she loves us more. Your pup will happily play games all day long until bedtime. Fully-grown Collies tend to stand 12-25 inches tall and weigh 25-55 pounds. I had to manually drain her anal glands this week. Since my dog is an ADA Certified Service Dog she travels everywhere with me and conducts any activities that I do. Rewarding your dog (Try using treats, verbal praise, or even petting as rewards). She is very sweet and loving. She has a soft medium-long tricolor coat (red, white, black), has very long legs and floppy ears. Now, she's a lot more time with a 3 mile run and some aggressive cuddling. The Border Collie Boxer mix is an enthusiastic and friendly dog that enjoys being with its owner wherever they are, especially when they are doing physical activities. It can sometimes be partial deafness, too. This depends mostly on which parents genes are strongest, of course. Pros and cons of a Border Collie Great Pyrenees mix. He is already housebroken (I trained him to the bell-on-the-door method) but he always wants to ring it now. Max was getting very lazy last year and that is why we went to look for a companion for him and these two pups brought life back into him that we thought was gone for good. Dont let him jump into a new situation without some practice first. Border Collie Mix Puppy. Itll often cause organ damage or muscle rigidity due to this condition known as hyperthermia which stands for overheating. However he acts very much like Our. We would do anything for her! As my girl gets older she becomes a bit more stubborn and protective of her home and me as her owner, but she is just the most lovable and friendly dog with people she's comfortable with. Huge prey drive. She learned to ring a bell to go out for potty within a day. Border Collie-Great Pyrenees Mix Litter of Puppies For Sale in SHAWNEE, OK, USA. I have high hopes for these puppies! Whove is on the move she goes with immediately. Today, they may still be herders in some venues but are mostly kept for companionship and security. The Border Collie Pyrenees hybrid, just like its breed parents, requires moderate amounts of grooming maintenance with higher levels of maintenance required during normal seasonal shedding periods. Ours is one of the most beautiful dogs you'll ever see. It wont help him and could cause serious injury. Great Pyrenees, Anatolian Shepard and Border Collie mix puppies - $30 (Susanville, CA) In one month she learned 2 tricks which are Paw, laydown. Coarse/smooth Temperament: Strong willed, confident, energetic, alert Lifespan: 10 - 13 years I have had her for 3 years and she is an intelligent and affectionate dog who, at times, likes to heard pesky dogs at the dog parks. It can lead to a strange gait or even limping. " If this mix is bored, it may start displaying destructive behavior, including barking excessively." He is pushing 100 lbs. They do absolutely everything together. Though they were once called Borderdoodles, several organizations have now shortened their name. When he was younger he would just run circles around the yard so frequently he made little paths. Besides that, no worries besides keeping her active, healthy & attentive. She knows when I have anxiety and always comforts me when I'm struggling. A Border Collie Great Pyrenees mix is so rare that it doesnt even have a designer name! Dog Advisory Council also participates in affiliate programs with other sites. If youre considering getting a Great Pyrenees Border Collie mix, you might wonder what their training needs are. . The Border Collie breed parent contributes high energy to the gene pool while the Great Pyrenees breed parent is a little more calm. If you notice that your dog barks excessively during the day, this might be a sign that he has separation anxiety. Our mission is to be the trusted resource for dog owners and enthusiasts. Big dogs are a chain and ball for people that like to travel but we chose them over that freedom when we brought them home. This pup is also generally large and quite energetic. Her coat is a brown tricolor or "Sable" coat. Our two pups are brothers. he is extremely affectionate, alert and watchful. Great for property or your yard. Even at 75 pounds, she loves to be snuggled and thinks she's a lap dog sometimes. Born May 31st! If you have a Great Pyrenees Border Collie mix, you may worry about how to groom them. Hoping to NOT need to do that often. She is an amazing dog and loves to care for our kids. Walking off leash with his 2 year old Pyrenees, cuddling, chewing toys, fetch, training commands. Neither parent breed does well when left alone for long periods of time, with boredom giving rise to destructive behaviors. From first day Bear was a well natured pup. The Border Collie is a breed originating in England which likely goes back to the first century when the invading Romans introduced larger shepherding breeds which were later modified when bred to the spitz-type dogs brought in when the Vikings invaded the British Empire. He is super sweet and mellow. Great Pyrenees Border Collie mixes are also known for being independent thinkers, so they may not always be eager to please their owners. Lastly, dont worry if your dog continues to drool even when he isnt eating. Your Border Collie Pyrenees can be quite active and energetic. Dogs who drink frequently tend to produce less saliva. They will keep an eye on their flock and make sure that everyone is safe. She does not do well being left alone. Border Collie Great Pyrenees have a thick cold weather undercoat like its parents. This is primarily because of the Border Collie in them. The boys are $800 and the girls are $1000. She has always been super chill, even as a puppy. What a great way to wake up every day! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The only notable problems we have had with the pups is throwing their food up (we've learned not to mix soft food with hard food because they swallow the hard food whole when doing this, give them smaller portions, and don't let them gulp so much water, especially have coming in from out side (yes they always have access to water, they just tend to drink ALOT after playing), and just within the last month we have to continuously clean their ears which seem to be draining. Dog Advisory Council is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Her hair is long, soft with a dense undercoat which makes grooming tedious, but I wouldn't have it any other way. It has a dense double-coat with characteristic floppy ears and a medium-sized body specializing in the high-paced . Hi! Most have expressive yes and tails that wither curl up or fan out. The tail could be full and carried low or up over the back. Their vision is often impacted and lowered in the impacted eye. They can be calm, lazy, friendly, playful, obedient, and tolerant. She is friendly and enjoys herding the neighborhood kids. Strong food drive. Recall poor even though we work on it a lot; particularly poor recall at the beach or near shorebirds or when stalking lizards in the back garden. Border Collie Great Pyrenees Mixes like to be around people but also enjoy being alone. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The sizes are not different in female Great Pyrenees Border collie mix as compared to male dogs. Due to the Border Collie's highly energetic nature being passed on to them, you can be certain that it will take a lot to exhaust the Boxollie. They also like kids a lot, making them great gentle giants in most cases. A slicker brush and a de-shedding tool are essential for keeping your dogs fur healthy and free of tangles. She is 10 weeks when we take her home and very smart that she learnt to sit in the first day. She has surpassed all my expectations already. A Border Collie Great Pyrenees mix is expected to live between 10-13 years. What does a Border Collie Great Pyrenees mix look like? Shes my baby! They dont tend to bark, though sometimes Great Pyrenees will be loud and just woof to express themselves. Very, VERY smart breed! At night time he knows how to cuddle and how to wake us up when its time to go potty. In that time, its ranking as a popular breed reached #7 out of Hog Islands, with nearly 100 million Americans having at least one dog in their homes! He loves his 9 yr old dog sister and plays really roughly with her. She is super hyper but anytime children are around she calms down, she definitely matches her fun side to your size! Some are white or grey. They are patient and calm, so they will be content to be around cats, other dogs, and more. The average level of saliva produced by a Great Pyrenees border collie mix is between 1 and 2 liters per day. She loves doing the tricks she knows in exchange for treats, but seems unwilling to learn anything new. Read more about us. He is very verbal trys talking more then barking to us. They tend to get along with children and other pets. It may appear as if they have a lazy eye or appear cross-eyed. Why do Dachshunds have a Long Body and Short Legs. They are kenneled together at night. If you are looking for a wonderful companion who loves to play and cuddle, then look no further than the Great Pyrenees border collie mix. Description. She loves attention from people more than dogs and is a good leaner.