The ice tea thing is northern people drink unsweetened tea so thats why the sugar is on the side . Official Subreddit for all things in and about Atlanta, Georgia, USA and the surrounding metropolitan area. FL is one of them stars on the bars! In western New York State where I raiaed my daughters, fags, as you so politely referred to some of your fellow citizens, regularly get rolled and assaulted by NYSers who are just as sad as you. 5. Is it just me or does talking about being Southern make you want to talk with way stronger of an accent? Riiiight, This aint really a word so much any word that ends in ing automatically turns into in. Alas, Yankees didnt get that drink until relatively recently, bless their soda-pop sippin little hearts. The debate on a stronger Federal Government and the abolition of slavery had been in debate since the American Revolution; in the South as well as the North. In the meantime, try one of these options: Pptidos, Nutricin Intracelular e Inmunoregulador Antiaging, Proyecto REAL: VIVE Al estilo Antivejez en este nuevo orden. I was in the army witH you smart ass Yankees and jerked a knot in a couple of your tails. Im from Wisconsin. We have access roads here too and that is what they are called. No substitution, for good ole fashion Yankee ingenuity and wit. We dont have hate for you poor misguided folks that have that opinion of Southerners, we just want to say, Bless his heart and try to ignore your ignorance. Its an all around Southern saying. In fact, they use to tease that if you drink coke youre too close to the North (of course, they were joking, but its a good illustration of how common place Pepsi vs Coke was). All is good. I too am from NJ. But Ive always liked this saying for someone that was happy. IN DROVES? even though they always seem to show up in July, Im from Maryland (born in the District), I say yall, pocketbook and my favorite from my grandmother Corned ham son of a biscuit eater!. Missouri is the only non-Southern state bordering Arkansasand Marci has the nerve to say that AR is NOT SOUTHERN? We barely make the cut, and were south of the Mason Dixon. (And if youre 85, then everyone is a youngun.) Of course thir dummer in the south they only believes in da baable any other lernin book, like science and what feer, to a southerner is seenonomous with kommunizm. Referring to those whose parents were yankees but they were born in the south: if a cat had kittens in the oven, we wouldnt call them biscuits! Most of my friends down here are not from the South but there are a couple and they use ALL of these phrases. Maryville is pronounced Marvull. The south isnt going to do squat to anyone. I am a proud citizen of the Great and Soverign State of North Carolina. The only state whose Capital was NOT taken overThe Yankees lost that Battle in Florida. Its her nice way of telling you to put on your grown up pants and deal with it. Hatred is worldwide. In case you were wondering, its equivalent to a paper clip. Pepsi is Pepsi. Whos more dumb? Everyoneand I mean almost everyonesaid Pepsi. Then, I try the clam chowder. I asked the guy sooooo. As for Jersey girl im sorry you fill that way about the South hope you find your place somewhere else. 5. .respect each we can play some kick ass football up here too! Because/ cause !, by the way!) Our family is from PA and all used dumber than a box of rocks, and I now live in NC and hear it used hear as well. And if you think Lincoln was a great president: He is often considered to be the most overrated president of all time. I did an informal Facebook poll of this, and most southerners--and all Atlantans--dropped the 2nd T. Native Atlantans dropped both Ts. They come out usually at night in July and they fly. We make sweet tea with the sugar in it. Unless Im mistaken, *that* school is in SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!! Because thats what the Oklahoma accent sounds like to me. Learn how to say Atlanta with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here: Brown paper bag . Cotton could not grow in the north, government was the cause of civil war. Hurts like a risin (a risin would be a skin infection, usually a boil, which are typically very painful) 2. Im going to go work on my doctorate dissertation now. Yall have a spectacular evening. Unless, I dunno, you believe time travel or some shit. THE NORTH WIPED THE COUNTRY WITH YOU USELESS ASSES AND ITS ABOUT TIME YOU REMEMBER WE ARE AND ALWAYS BE SEPIOR OVER YOUR PATHETIC UNEDUCATED ASSES. These cookies do not store any personal information. I also cant stand the word yall and I say you guys. The phenomenon itself is known as "T-glottalization.". Im not sure how you can say that the South was better when in fact they lost. Im sure it has nothing to do with the former [massive] sugar and tea plantations. :O. Having any accent doesnt make you better or worse than anyone. Southerners once again proving they are, in fact, dumber than a box of rocks. Being proud of your heritage isnt arrogant, damn yankee!! *Theyre I dont have a southern drawl (though I can do a stereotypical hick impression pretty damn well). typos: * when in Rome DO as the Romans do Btw stupid look at a map. Oh my lans! When surprised or overwhelmed. North Carolina State University (the latter three in the practically adjacent cities of Chapel Hill, Durham, and Raleigh, NC, respectively)? In fact, after several brushes with these strange creatures, I go out of my way to avoid them! Bless your pee pickin heart you just dont know anything other than shoutin apparently. Tators, and many, many more. Im from Kansas. I hate the north, and dont forget, WE GONNA RISE AN DO IT GAIN!. Deo Vindice. Hes in in the 99.9th percentile and hes 4. I also live in Ohio (the northern Cincinnati suburbs) and have heard all but one of the sayings on this page my whole life. The soft "d" sound is the key. Hey, you want some southern hospitality? why was black widow holding her stomach in infinity war. Copyright 2020 | Tous droits rservs |. Well theres lots of folks down here in Georgia that have been invaded by the rich northerners and changed. Some words we Southerners may have made up ourselves. I have some fam. Whered you get mouth like that States Right. Difficult. I hate it that people are being ugly toward you just cause you come from somewhere else. I was born and raised in South Alabama, or Lower Alabama (L.A,) as we like to say, We raise beef cattle and had a vegetable garden on an acre and we fed the whole town. Newsflash: Racism isnt just in the south. Darn auto correct. Well shit fire usually followd w/ save matches by a second person. If Oklahoma isnt a Southern state, then explain virtually all Oklahomans speaking in a Southern accent. Check it out? And Im sorry, but way to go people from the north for making us all look like snooty bastards, (not that perpetuating stereotypes about the south [damn yanks] is any better). Coastal Yankees are the worst of the varmint. NEWS FLASH SOUTHERN MORONS!!!!! I am from a bloodline in rural South Georgia that founded a small and still unincorporated community predating the War Between the States. I always figured that would be reversed. The Yankee kids pronounce words the darnedest ways possible, they say loyer when it is even said in the spelling that it is pronounced LAW-yer. Same with wash, they used to pick at me for my sayin warsh. It can also be situational. youre pissin in the wind Yup. Rather, they pronounce it Pontz dee Lee-ahn Avenue. ), YOU CAN PUT ME OUT AT THE CHURCH. (Why would I do that? Theres/contraction, joining of two words, there is a Southern state!and so is TEXAS! I am from a middle-class home as well, but I know good and well that I come from a southern home. We lost. Go the hell away. We hear it when words like "kitten" and "water" are . My short answer in the column was: "Well, pretty much every soft drink was created in the south, with Coke being one of the first and most famous. Here if you ask for Iced Tea and even if you say UNsweetened, you are given Sweet Tea. What does the name Esmeray mean? Steve, I never heard anyone from here saying you all. after saying it a few times just now, it dont even sound right. We arent dirty. You can take youre (we have taken thinking) and shove it you know where. It occurs when a speaker swallows the T sound in a word rather than speaking it aloud. I've been dropping it ever since. Home; Services; New Patient Center. Brantley gilbert said it country must be country wide. They consider themselves something special but they are just the degenerates of the American society. They finally showed up the first of Aug. but just a few. Friend up north. Someones talkin bout ye!. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. did we add reckon? Arrogance is worldwide. I will never understand people who say they are American but clearly hate Americans. They thought is was cute and endearing. I live in the south, and my family and I have always made a point out of speaking and communicating with PROPER grammar and enunciating and pronouncing our words correctly so we do not sound like poorly educated country hicks. Plus, Ivy League universities are only in the NORTH! No question about it you, my friend, are southern!!!! For example, we lived for 6 years in an area of South Carolina. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Yankee, on a southern page? Congrats. Pecan/ PEE-can On behalf of ALL Southerners, a little lagniappe (try to pronounce that, sir, I dare ya)- Bless your heart, you damn Yankee., I dont know about yall but when i get stressed out i use words like Oh Lordy or I declair and Im from Louisiana so we call everybody Cher and start sentences with Mais, Not sure if its a southern thing, but always heard Fireflies called Lightning Bugs. I promise I wont change your ways, thats just non-sense. Also you are poor trailer trash. I am not uneducated, nor am I married to anyone in my family. 4. But now, I don't have to give a fuck anymore. ESPECIALLY SINCE THEY WON THE NLCS AND ARE GOING TO THE WORLD SERIES! Ill pray for you is harsh! We have liberal and democratic views. in northern Florida around Jacksonville. 1) They pronounce oil as one syllable. Third way. And when my mom gets mad all her is r long spunding like whaa for why and ahh for I and mahh for my lol, Lol a June bug is an actual bug. There arent any liberal Democrats in the South? Hey south, Ive lived in you since I was three, and I can honesty say you can go fuck yourselves. Ever heard of discombobulated (meaning confused or disorganized)? I am extremely proud of my Southern roots. I meant, Harvard University Security and/or the Cambridge, MA Police will at least write you a ticket!. My father was from Georgia and used to say finny instead of fixin. Pole cat/ term used for skunk any suggestions? Before we get to our favorite words only Southerners say, lets hear it from the famous belles of Sh%t Southern Women Say on The Southern Women Channel. We are much much stronger then you cupcakes. How about womper-jawwed..did anyone mention it? My concern is this: My fiance has been rejected by everyone he knew up here (family included) because he came back different. We were always told not to forget our grinds and lockets, usually in reference to bathing, and I still have no idea what those are. Quite a civilized way to tell someone off and theyll smile, if they dont know the Code. At-LAN-na. When I heard stories of some Southerners still being upset about the Civil War I never really believed it until now. Go back and dont return. I wouldnt choose to be any other way. Thats why we call it The Good Life., Im from MA, and I say all of those things. The South? Reading these posts just made me sad for those who are so hateful and close minded. I am still from Georiga though. The Great Lakes region is very Midwestern too. Text Size:thredup ambassador program how to dress more masculine for a woman. Youre dumb as shit, youre discriminatory, and you have no respect for people outside of your realm of self proclaimed morality and unjustifiably hatefule and completely backwards religion. Due to close and even relatively-close proximity to Washington, DC and migration therefrom into its Virginia suburbs and exurbs in particular, even Northern VAsave probably for, say, the Northern Virginia exurbs and beyondhas, culture-wise, generally no longer been Southern for at least the last three decades. There are several cases of hyper-intelligent people choosing not to leave the South. And I say buggy everyone here tells at me because I say that rather than a cart. Does anyone else use this word? Having people mock my accent was a daily thing. Damn yankee. the goshdarn Yankeesthe NEW YORK Yankees, that is. Bless her heart. There are beautiful people everywhere, both North and South. Down with the North. Off Plus, ever hear of Emory University (in Atlanta)? Definitely, I have Southern roots. Put a lid on it and you might just learn something, but since its impossible to do that when making self righteous, holier than thou comments..again, this is a real Yankee thing, and its NOT what the article is about. Wine & Dine southern style. From whatnIminderstand, this is almost used exclusively by Houstonians and the greater metro area. Or with a different accent? Educate yourself and seek guidance for your narrow simple mind. It really feels like English is testing us sometimes. She's on a mission to change the world. Next time ask. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Yuns can be used for anything, including just one person. We arent the racist u think, some are but thats not just south and not just black n white. I still feel the resentment. If you order a Pepsi, you get a Pepsi. For the Northerners though, who dont get some of our hostility, like a lot of others said, its ridiculous how many people move from up North down here and make fun of our culture and ways. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was not obese, definitely not racist or stupid. Its kind of like beginning to tear someone up, but with love. !, to be exact!! Its worse than politicians dropping their gs. coke is fine , too. A true Southern is polite and genteel in their manner. There were as many Po folk in the South as there was in the Northern areas. Umyou might get shot. This is when something is so off the wall or sad in what you see, you can not even come up with words to express. You can say you are not but what do you think your hatred towards Northerners is? I am from Texas where the state tree is the pecan tree Until I left Texas I had never heard anyone, not on the TV, pronounce it any way other than puh-con. Seriously? Boy do I know the pain down in stinkin Cali where all I get is a frickin pepsi! Bless your heart. Listen carefully and read the comments. I go down to visit frequently, and still listen to Patsy Cline and Hank Williams. Ive alwsys thought that there IS a difference in accents between Houston and Dallas, Austin has a mix of both, due to the heavy influx of UT students from both cities and of course, since its the state capital, Representatives from both cities . I drop both mothercuking Ts. You can drive to Winder from Atlanta in about an hour. I love how my Texan mama says, Window and Potato. When you go west to KS it feels more Great Plains. My fathers side of the family is Southern. Hmm? I live in Wisconsin right now. The current pronunciation is all the hughfallutin' carpetbagger Yankee transplants . B.) Polite is never out of style An old friend of mine always said he could tell if someone was from the south if they knew the definition of one word. I absolutely LOVE this one and have never heard fucked up as a football bat. So awesome. It's time to swap spit and hit the road. She always said Now dont come to me and be, dumber then a box of rocks., The level of ignorance in every single comment from a southerner on this page is extremely astounding. Get yo yankee ass back across the Mason Dixon before the south gets hold of u and stomps a hole in your yankee ways. @Denise From the twang of Texas to the smooth drawl of the Atlantic coast, the Southern accent is expressive and colorful. Seriously, though, what do you think the south is going to do again when it rises? ! just RUDE. Or how about funktified? You have sun, and soft winters, we are made in the ice, where only the strong can survive. Give it up, honey cute piece, but absolutely fictitious. *Believe In Northern states, iced tea is served with a box of sugar packets because Yankees are too lazy to actually blend sugar into the hot liquid to make sweet tea. Like naming a baby, picking the right name for a restaurant can trigger high-level anxiety. If were offered something to eat or drink we say, I dont care (but well take it because theyre servin it anyway). I was always in the south, I grew up in a semi. I am not a slob as someone said. Great people exist in all these places. Besides, this is the internet. Bless their little pea-pickin hearts. I am dreading admitting this, but my idjit brother moved to NEW YORK., How about, hes a nice boy, but about as sharp as a bowlin ball. #prochoice And for other famous people whose names you should know, check out the 30 Celebrity Names You're Mispronouncing. But what Cracks us Northerners up the most is that you Southern Dick Heads Actually Think You WonPlease tell me that youre NOT REALLY THAT STUPID????? When I went up to Tallahassee for school I was finally comforted that most of the native Floridians from up there have southern accents and use southern words. Id like to ask you to please just stop! I have a theory: it's "care-a-mel" when it's a liquid (it sounds flowy) and "car-mull" when it's a solid (that sounds more sturdy) - "car-mull" if it's a solid . I like your opinion. 8. I consider Maryland a southern state because were below the mason Dixon line. Tomato/ mater My family, both sides, have been in Florida for well over 100 years! *right*! Its Southern, but not as Southern as it used to be. Ive lived in North Carolina for 20 years now and Ive found southerners to be warm, fiercely intelligent, funny as hell, very down to earth, hard-working, and flawlessly courteous.