In addition, Leininger stresses the importance of rounded assessment of individuals, families, groups, and/or institutions in an attempt to deliver culturally congruent care. A substantive area of study and practice focused on comparative cultural care (caring) values, beliefs and practices of individuals or groups of similar or different cultures with the goal of providing culture-specific and universal nursing care practices in promoting health or well-being or to help people to face unfavorable human conditions, Therefore, there is a need to embolden the study, description, and prediction of nursing phenomenon by the use of congruent cultural nursing care practices. f Leininger's professional career is recognized as an educator and academic administrator from 1956 to 1995, a writer. Copyright 2023 Alice Petiprin, since 2003, Your purchase is secure and we're rated July 16, 2022. With regard to the critical concerns about the metaparadigm concept, Leiningers approach is based on the modified perception of the nursing discipline that is primarily focused on care and culture. I do agree with Leininger that these concepts have an essential role in nursing in providing culturally appropriate state of wellbeing and satisfaction. Leiningers goal was to investigate her belief that a patients ethnic background profoundly influenced their understanding of health and illness, which is turn determined the type of nursing care required by individuals. According to Nancy Edgecombe, thinking and writing take places in a certain social location that echoes the culture and context of the theorist and this context will inspire the style of ideas development. These observations lead Leininger to develop an interest in anthropology. They expect the best care practices for them to regain their health. Madeleine Leininger: Cultural Care Diversity and Universality Theory (Notes on Nursing Theories) by Cheryl Reynolds and Madeleine Leininger | Oct 15, 1993. . Publication types Interview MeSH terms Holistic Nursing* Humans 1 Running head: TRANSCULTURAL NURSING 23 TRANSCULTURAL NURSING Transcultural Nursing Culture of Care by Madeleine Leininger Gabrel Crabb, Koleen Dumindin, Deborah Edokpayi, Javier Enriquez, Simone Gordon, & Heather Hammaker South University NSG5002- Advanced Theoretical Perspectives for Nursing Week 4, Assignment 2 Dr. 16 April. If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! For more detailed information: Leiningers Culture Care Theory, Copyright 2023 Alice Petiprin, The concept of Leinginger's Transcultural theory considers not only the global application and definition of nursing, but considers the particular component of transculturalism wherein the concept, scope and purpose of the theory lies in the more details incorporation of culture for nursing care. View professional sample essays here. As her knowledge is derived from two different disciplines it can be considered as being unique. %PDF-1.6 % Madeleine Leininger's Transcultural Nursing: Nursing, Diversity And Universality Theory. The model is holistic and addresses worldview, cultural values, beliefs and lifeways, cultural and social structural factors, it focuses on individuals, groups and institutions. The concept comprises two aspects: paradigm shift and paradigmatic thinking. 4.4/5 on Leininger like Watson also viewed caring as the essence of nursing and unique to the profession. She suggests the use of the term human being as it is more accepted transculturally and carries respect and dignity for people and I agree with her (Leininger et al, 2006). In contrast, etic care knowledge was derived from outsider views of non-local or non-indigenous care values and beliefs (2010, p. 10). To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: The objective for the development of a theory is to illustrate, define, or systematize knowledge in a professional field of study. "Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger." Theory can be utilized in all facets of nursing and promotes the advancement of education, knowledge and care in the profession. 2022. Theories should predict and lead to discovery of unknown or vaguely known truths or interrelated phenomena, whereas models are mainly pictorial diagrams of some idea and are not theories as they usually fail to show predictive relationships. NursingBird. By conceptualizing the theory, one might define a basic theoretical tenet, which is described by Alligood (2018) as care diversities and universalities that co-exist among cultures (p. 347). White (2004) discusses that the study of epistemology is to figure out what can be recognized as true and not necessarily to present facts I tried to delve into how Leiningers assumptions about truth by looking into how she obtained and interpreted her knowledge. This is a cognitive map to support and guide nursing practice. This is also analogous with the swift social change that the nursing world is facing today, on a worldwide scale. Madeleine Leininger. The theory was further developed in her book Transcultural Nursing, which was published in 1995. During the 1980s, anthropology underwent what has been deemed a crisis of representation (Clifford & Marcus, 1986; Geertz, 1988; Marcus and Fischer, 1986). These include religion, economics, education, technology, politics, kinship, ethnohistory, environment, language, and generic care and professional care factors that impact the culture care meanings, expressions, and patterns in different cultures. Transcultural Nursing Theory by Madeleine Leininger. Eventually, a nurse will be able to appreciate diverse cultures and apply past experiences to future patient care. In 1966, she graduated from the University of Washington, Seattle, with a PhD in Cultural and Social Anthropology. The Transcultural Nursing theory developed by Madeleine Leininger is now a nursing discipline that is an integral part of how nurses practice in the healthcare field today. It helps nurses to be understanding and respectful of the diversity that is often very present in a nurses patient load. Nursing is an evolving discipline in the development of science i.e. The assessment addresses the following: Leininger proposes that there are three modes for guiding nurses judgments, decisions, or actions in order to provide appropriate, beneficial, and meaningful care: preservation and/or maintenance; accommodation and/or negotiation; and re-patterning and/or restructuring. The American Civil rights movement was just starting to find its footing when Leininger began her work in the 1950s. As nurses immerse themselves in cultural education and adopt care that addresses patients cultural expectations, they implement a culturally congruent nursing process. During the 1960s and 1970s, immigrants from less traditional countries such as the Hispanic and Asian communities were settling down in the USA in larger numbers (Gabbacia, 2002). $ 4.69. 00. . The CCT has a worldwide implementation and value since it influenced the development of other modified disciplines. Entirely, patients in the RCU rely on nurses. Blais and Hayes explain that central to Leininger's theory is the belief that cultures have differences in their ways of perceiving, knowing, and practicing care but that there are also commonalities about care among cultures . Metaparadigm. Such an approach examines a nursing practice within the notions of health, well-being, disabilities, and dying. Thus, each concept must be specifically defined by the theorist. A metaparadigm is the most general statement of discipline and functions as a framework in which the more restricted structures of conceptual models develop. Social segregation of the African-American community had just ended in 1954 and the black communities of previous African slaves that were taken from Africa to America 200 years earlier were becoming increasingly expressive about their human rights and were no longer pleased to hold a submissive social position in American society (Ward, 2003). If you need assistance with writing your nursing essay, our professional nursing essay writing service is here to help! 2. The background to her work was derived in an essential way from, and in embedded in, anthropology and the concept of care is drawn from nursing. Today, Canadas population represents citizens who originate from more than 150 different countries, who speak over 100 languages and practice over several religions. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this essay are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of It explains the interaction between the provider of culture care and the patient (Jeffreys, 2008). The interest of Leiningers in nursing psychology developed during early years of her career. In addition, the existential perspective acknowledges that culture is derived from values and meanings that contribute to the total being (Rajan, 1995). Leininger developed new terms for the basic concepts of her theory. Transcultural Nursing Theory and Models: Application in Nursing Education, Practice, and Administration. Culturally congruent nursing care can only happen when the patient, family, or community values, expressions, or patterns are known and used appropriately, and in meaningful ways by the nurse with the people. Ethno science provided a means to obtain local or indigenous peoples viewpoints, beliefs and practices about nursing care or the modes of caring behaviors and processes of the designated cultural group for use in providing nursing care (specifically ethno-nursing) to that particular group (Leininger, 1978, p.15). The nurse must preserve, maintain or change nursing care behaviors with the goal of satisfying the needs of clients (Leininger, 1998, 2002) Leininger further defined such nursing action as: culture care preservation and maintenance, culture care accommodation or negotiation and culture care restructuring or re-patterning (Leininger, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1988). Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher in nursing or healthcare? StudyCorgi. The Transcultural Nursing theory first appeared in Leiningers Culture Care Diversity and Universality, published in 1991, but it was developed in the 1950s. Madeleine Leininger is a nursing theorist who developed the Transcultural Nursing Theory or Culture Care Nursing Theory. That is, as Leininger (1995) discusses the importance of understanding the others perspective Rajan (1995) contends that, Leininger demonstrates a phenomenological approach (p.452). This term does not refer to health, specifically, as the construct health is used in many . I believe, Leiningers theory was developed in a particular cultural context. The concept of health has great importance in Leiningers Culture Care theory but has been viewed by Leininger in a different perspective than traditionally implied. The map highlights the core aspects with the use of the CCT model situated within the constructivist qualitative paradigm, as well as the ethno-nursing research.