The other one was converted into a water storage tank for the Aqua Virgo aqueduct that still leads water to Trevi Fountain. Absolute power leads to absolute corruption good people seek to empower others, evil people seek to get power over others. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. Anche nel mare Adriatico tra Italia e Croazia The best of the options was to promote and let military capture the bad elements and actors that thought they had bought him out so the agenda continued. Blessed are the meek for they shall inherited the Earth This is one of the main reasons a reset is currently taking place. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. And no, day for a yr doesnt hold water. Normaly everyboday here is orthodox. We will own nothing and be Happening. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. As Charlie likes to say, we are all just a little part of the overall puzzle all are important and as we share together we solidify the truth and thereby help others. The Nat Geo group's work revealed not just tunnels, but also a guard house hidden beneath the modern city. It was built by the J. Paul Getty Foundation for Queen Elizabeth and now houses much of the loot once . I am not against gatherings of people who love the Lord, or in the many ways they do it just against the infiltration of evil and people acting like they are Christians when secretly they are not instead, they are worshippers of Satan. . Once it's up and running in early 2016, it's unlikely to be accessed by humans again for another 10 years. Ive had classified clearances that you would not believe. Tja, an einem Ort muss man das Gelbezeug lagern und Amerika ist sogut wie der Mond. The important thing is that we live each day for the Lord and pray always to remain in His will. I am not understanding the new end time change from what I was taught, rapture, marriage supper, christian judgment from our book of life after we are resurected and in Heaven. I saved this from when he first came to office in 2017. Thank you. Who knows, maybe Im wrong but I dont believe it. Last I knew they found Covid in the air. tunnels and underground excavations, horizontal underground passageway produced by excavation or occasionally by nature's action in dissolving a soluble rock, such as limestone. It was stockpiled in various places, hidden from the worlds view. I urge you to do some research on any/all the main video platforms: YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble. Apocalipsis prophecies are very clear now, very precise, which I considered amazing. So why is none of this information coming out yet ,? Hi Billie! Ready to clean earth up. I guess we just have to make sure we are enjoying the journey along the way. Chick publications website. And certainly it would be a place where the Templars would perform not only funeral rituals but also initiation rituals.. I have added it into the post. Some banks will take your money in your bank account due to their false legal permission to do so, given them by courts and legislatures. And we are seeing the results of our long hours of digging, researching, the piecing together of all those strands of twine to create the most efficient net that a fisher of men created to help their fellow man sustain life in truth of our Creator. prior to the current day we are living in didnt really have the comprehension of what is being revealed to us all now. Timeline of Events: 2:00PM - Doors open and Live Entertainment Begins. There are many trolls out there writing stuff against him. Constructed using a 750mm diameter, crawl thru drainage tube, which has been professionally cut and joined to the entry panels using a clamping system. I dont know how this will be, or how quickly, or anything else They might ban me but wont be the first time! Hi Mitko, I have only read this article now, presented by a International Press show called Connect the dots which is one of our best truther canals in Germany. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. Its best to watch and pray. Small earthquakes all over the world. 4 Min Read Viral claims on social media purport that a recent U.S. military operation rescued 35,000 "malnourished, caged and tortured" children from tunnels beneath New York City's Central Park. Marilyn, I am not that optimist as you are. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. The main tracks of the Ferrovia Vaticana, or Vatican Railway, are just 300 metres long and were built under the reign of Pope Pius XI. If you hear now stroies about DUMPS (deep military underground bases) where eathquakes are happening, seeming that they are blown up, do you think that there could be a connetction between Vatican, that tunnel, the town Rakovski perhaps the tunnel is interrupted now Can you admit that was incorrect? What I have trouble with is believing the tremendous amount of stories coming out with this Great Awakening, i.e., White Hats/Black Hats, Clinton coup detes, NWO takeover, mass GITMO executions, doppelganger elites, 8,000,000 child abductions per year, adrenochrome consumption, NWO Takeover by the the greatest force of evil the world has ever known, Rothschild, Davos, Rockefeller, Vatican world control, presidential election theft, The Fall of the Cabal, The Greatest Precision Military Operation in World History, QAnon Military Intelligence, The Alliance Forces, 1500 mile tunnel filled with gold, NESARA / GESARA, etc.. You have to admit, these stories read like pulp fiction on steroids and are not fit for minors to read. Charlie Freak said, "When the American Marines first arrived they went to New Zealand. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. If you would like to know about the Jesuits, Catholicism and why they hate the KJ Bible. I must say, that in recent times as Ive studied Revelations from the light of what is happening in the world during this time, Ive done a complete shift. How exciting to hear from someone who lives in the general area! Buona vita, Translation: Thank you for everything you posted. Interesting information. I dont expect you to understand that at this time because its all very different to how we visualised it to be. I do not know what Dane thinks about chemtrails not being dangerous anymore. Isnt that how anything is produced. I will enjoy taking a look at them. No, I cant retract the statement. Tunnel networks. Actually no-one is asking you to believe it Marlene what we are asking you to do is research for yourself. Thanks so much for contacting me Debbie! There are many relevant, yet only historical , written pages in our world. So true David! MonkeyworksYou Tube. Many people have signed NDAs so I cant see whats off there neither. It may be easier for you to find the right one from this link Thank you again! Personally, I truly believe in Trump as you stated above. Thank you for you kind words its such an encouragement to me to hear them. Thank you for alerting me. As well as the tunnels, the team of archaeologists discovered the remnants. America was ripped off by European banks to finance all 20th century wars through the evil Rothschild Federal Reserve bank. Touch to pray for all our people's needs.Click to see individual prayers. And with Dr. Ward, Ive decided hes a very good man, very smart, spiritualso I like him. It helps us learn consequence of action as new souls need to understand before making their ascension. Wont it be wonderful when our troubled world is flooded with light. Wonderful. Fort Knox depository had 147,341,858 Troy ounces secured in 2018. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. I had doubts of Charlie as well. The Passetto runs a total of 2600 feet along the Old Vatican wall and links the Vatican Palace to the Castel Sant'Angelo. I think we have all come to a place where wed like to see this thing wrapped up. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Its a very long-running, and one of the most successful entertainment stories of the last 800 years. We had a strange earthquake exactly at this place, at Mai 1st 2020. The passageway was built by a later ownerEmily FitzGerald, Duchess of Leinsterto bring seawater to the estate. Youve seen more than most of us together youre hardened in ways that would turn us to jelly I appreciate that but you also know the way things are carried out. As for the tunnels, why did they empty them out? The location outlet to the pier is at Terminal # 5, near 5th Avenue. God is good! New video shows smoke billowing from beneath the White House after massive explosions were heard emanating throughout Washington, D.C. Over 200,000 children were rescued, 1000s of bodies were recovered and mass arrests were made during the military operation. Please notice its the love of money not the money itself, that is the root of all evil. I really like Charlie Ward. I feel your pain John! The Templars are no fun without the myth, but just keep the history and myth separately.. Best regards, Mr. T. Hi Mr T I agree we are looking fair and square into Bible Revelations as we speak! This four-mile sewer runs from Abbey Mills to Beckton, up to 80 metres below the surface. His people have gone on to their rewards for centuries with Acts 2:38 and living dedicated Holy lives in His care. Especially if everywhere else around the area is more orthodox. i read things like that but i dont believe it. Very strange. Yes, you are going to be tormented and killed. Available on Have you researched this at all? Anyway, with all of this, only time will tell. Af1, Af2 and fighters, blackhawks etc. But I do hope you are right! We must not mistake it for truth. Loving money, and ever being greedy for more money, which brings with it power, which ultimately leads to total control of others. Thank you so much Les!,,,, How they connect wicked secret underground cities,,,, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This DVD is more than 2 hours long and the info will blow your mind off. Thank you Jean for your great words! Keep the faith Clay it will happen. Everyone has been through the same. A tunnel from the Vatican to Jerusalem. Please re-read Revelation, and you will find there are three separate books, of 7 chapters, all written to first century Christians who were being tormented and killed. ( well at least til we got caught ) they do exist . SO all you people who are sceptic, have no faith, faith in Jesus and HIS Father! The reason for these clones, as this military man above would know, they had to keep those in place because if only 1 or 2 arrests started, the people would likely rise up and cause chaos if they are still asleep and particularly liked the two individuals. and that is all that your ego will allow you to believe in. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. the correct link is: Hi Marilyn, Thank God for the brave Alliance and other beings. Remember we stand together, you are not alone. We are not to take as gospel anything we hear from anyone, myself included. One to mention here is Jordan Sather, a massive douchecanoe!!! WWG1WGA. Marilyn, thank you for your hard work. Thats OK Jeanne were all in this together, helping each other to know and understand the truth. What I see is exactly what your replies are, we are on the same page, the page of truth. Oh I understand exactly where you are coming from. If you have not seen this. This to orchestrate world wars to finance monetary policies to take the resources of America to serve the House of Lords that owned the British East India Company. Hi Stacy, for the world, which seems Its ok Dennis, I get to read all the comments. The construction of the tracks and station followed the signing of the Lateran Treaty in 1929, in which the Italian government recognised the Vatican as an independent state. That might sound like it would never be, but thats not the case. Thanks again. The 21st century will expose the monstrous evil of Popes, Templars & Jesuits. etc. Rough estimate, but thats what people should hope and wait for. Id really like to know where he gets his info from. These underground tunnels even helped local Templars evade a Moorish siege in 1190. The subterranean structures began as quarries for the Romans. The actual direct flight distance is 1,432.90 miles (2,306.03 km). Thats not what we should look forward to. The first big Vac hoax was the cause of the 1918 Spanish Flu. One was a housing complex, later transformed into a luxury domus. I have added a link to my post How they connect wicked secret underground cities because of your question. You may ask why that would be? As this realm is the one of the only ones where time becomes a factor. Very true and scary! In American, over 800,000 children per year go missing. Often overlooked by the nearby Colosseum, San Clemente is a hidden gem that is definitely worth a visit. All that Templars & Jesuits have been about has been to create world government in opposition to Jesus Christ real justice of HIS Kingdom. DUMBS are filled with trafficked childrenall will be revealed. Dont worry, there will be more than sufficient to go around! Yes America definitely helped to pay for the wars, but so did many other countries. We will come through this difficult time and out into a beautiful place but we have to realise it cannot happen whilever the wicked are still on this earth. The Vatican necropolis was not originally one of the ancient Roman Catacombs but an open-air cemetery with tombs and mausolea. Calling him a pedo is about as bad as it gets when all the fellow is trying to do is tell the truth. Ah, love, let us be true Thank you. The tunnels that feed in from Blackstone are 8 feet wide and 8 feet tall throughout most of the system, and their walls are lined with pipes that carry steam out of the plant and water back into the plant. If he had told everyone to go use natural substances he would have been totally crucified! Why? I do believe God is at the helm and and Hes more than had enough the time for Him to act has come. 4) Capuchin Crypt The latest papal escape through the Passetto was during the Sack of Rome in 1527. He is very open about his questionable past. Yes, we all need to be vigilant and keep our eyes firmly on God above and the White Hats its all coming together. Hopefully that time will be very soon. You will find out more. Your believes are your GOD whatever you choose to believe in the Universe will give you evident of your beliefs. Soros ha ha his money is still making the Democrats rich and he still gets people elected. Dont mislead people otherwise. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. It still boggles the mind to imagine how they could keep so much stored away, when just a little of it could relief so much suffering. Its mine I left it there, just forgot where I put it. Is the Vatican underground? Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Also my boyfriend and I think the same about chemtrails stopping and the skies trying to right itself. This is exactly what I believe its all about the scriptures coming to pass right before our very eyes! 'Secretum' in Latin does not mean 'secret' as some may suppose. The Templar Tunnel is an underground passageway located in the city of Acre, in what is now Israel. After coming out of a difficult beginning to life he had to find himself. Thank you Ken! Loving money, and ever being greedy for more money, which brings with it power, which ultimately leads to total control of others. She said that etc.Then we research from there. However, when I had heard about that mega Mediterranean volcano from Mike( who works for the gov) on Pastor Begleys channel about 2 years ago, my heart sank bcoz I had remembered the Scripture where the beast would arise from. Hi Tom! But John says , dont seal up the words of my prophesy for these things MUST SHORTLY come to pass. Frightened? Dan 12 says seal up the words of my prophesy, its going to be a long time, 3 1/2 YRS, a long time. Whether it happens on these dates or not, I also believe there will be a stock market crash at sometime. Thanks also for the extra links you provided.. Hi Geekgal, "Apparently the construction of the tunnel was completed about 10 years ago," Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. If you think for one minute the government has not had us enslaved for decades, then you really are nuts!! New excavations are opening up a 2,000-year-old underground road that lies beneath Wadi Hilweh Street in the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan, leading from the Siloam Pool (where Jesus healed. I am leaving a token of my appreciation for you and the readers. Some interesting info here thank you. But thats just the body, the soul has salvation, so Hallelua Anyway. Please give us the strength to do thy will and may we live in peace. The tax payers will NOT bail them out. Hi GS! Medieval Erdstall tunnels dating back centuries have been found in . Keep your eyes on the White House. The amount of gold is absolutely huge and far more than anyone ever imagined. Where are they? There is more than enough gold in the world to back all the worlds currencies on a one to one basis, and sufficient to take care of all needs worldwide. We are supposed to be good Bereans and test everything against the scripture. Do not believe in reincarnation!!!!!. Its like when a good spirited person enters the room the others tend to become happy as welk.. Can you walk around the Vatican for free? Though small in size, this place of worship was also used as a burial place for the Knights and is believed to have served as an important site for underground Templar initiation rituals over the centuries. Il livello del mare Adriatico nella parte nord (dove abitavo) calato di circa 20 centimetri. The Amazing Puzzle Explained - What's Really Going On? Basilica of San Clemente. They fell into a trap and its sad there was a huge loss in collateral damage but far less had the other path been chosen.. remember they supposedly have access to a looking glass which gives them probable outcome of choices. No chance for arguments. So, they had to fight whatever was there before getting to the kids. Understand how the water flows underground and talk about the aqueducts with their original hydraulic mechanism. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. So theydidnt want to save starving children, in fact youll find out soon they were trafficking and sacrificing them as well. You are free to believe in scarcity. There are other places that they foun. Ive seen things you would not believe. I've used it plenty of times: (Wikipedia) It's ok. One gets used to it. When that happens, if there is anything that is being shared around thats not totally true, we will all find out. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. They use MoR technology [Mind over Rock]. Potentially clones too although I cannot say for sure about that. The downtrodden are important. Gold in tunnels under the Vatican, now taken to the U.S. (2) Sequestered Illuminati and Cartel Wealth (3) Gold from the Chinese elders, buried in underground Taiwanese vaults (4) Gold brought from off-planet (5) The St. Germaine World Trust (6) Historic bonds (7) Income-tax refunds (8) I pray that President Trump is right and we all will love how this movie ends. To one another! He reveals how his experience in the laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies. The gold he collected per year was 666 Talents. It seems that God has allowed the ds to do a lot of damage to society and the world, but would he allow part of the Word to be kept from us hard to imagine but possible. Citizens of Tomar once told me that, when burning tires there, smoke came out here - so there was an underground corridor here that, as far as I know, was closed in the 20th century. I pay no attention to what anyone else says about who or what I likeI make up my own mind. Assets will be transferred into other hands for legal ownership. God wins! Along with this massive amount of gold were found many books or manuscripts. Hi Virginia! Its coming! The tunnels were found beneath the ancient coastal city of Acre, Israel, and were used by the knights 800 years ago. Hi Roger, Hi David, There are tunnels all over the world. How did it get there? We are moving into a different world, only made possible by the complete removal of the evil Cabal who have been busy robbing us blind in every possible way. Hi Debbie, Perhaps the most disappointing theory, and possibly, by far the most likely, is the idea that the Vatican's Secret Archive holds no earth-shattering secrets at all. After Armageddon is the 1,000 years of peacewhen Satan is locked up (no longer has any control over the Satanists and is rendered powerless) then the Gog and Magog test battle then our bodies being changed. Ideal if you are looking to create a tunnel that is buried in a dirt mound or under soil. We must continue to encourage each other. Hi JayR! People have been thinking they are small earthquakes. The House of Lords that owned the British East India Company wanted to keep gargantuan profits from soil resources in India, China and North America in only their control. Thank you, I saw that as an oversight. Thank you for wanting to. Hi Dennis! I will send you a direct email. It is get a slew of chemtrails in some places in the world. Yes, all so true! You can say these things are happening, & I believe they are to a degree, but I have no family or friends that will follow the research or believe me. The article alleges that Jeffery Epstein is alive and in military custody and sharing intel about more tunnels. Can you provide a link? Such an exciting time we are living in!!! But then again, thats how these people work, isnt it! 14Yes, the fine fruit that you desired has left you, and all the delicacies and the splendid things have vanished from you, never to be found again. Im sorry, but I have to disagree with you! Remember the end times is referring to the end times for the Ca/bal (N/W/O), not the end times for us. I am living in Bulgaria in a town named Plovdiv, and it looks like it is on the route of that tunnel. I think and hope minimual arguing will happen has to who this gold belongs to. We will be backed by gold soon, so it will be very important. It is all over the world not just here. The length of the tunnel was given as approximately 1,500 miles, so it cuts through underneath both land and water. I too was taught in such a way even though I still have many, many questions. Quantum Financial System. they create a Problem, that got reaction of the people is ask the powers that shouldnt be to create a Solution So they create a solution usually worst than the original problem. It seems the Bible is a collection of scriptures that is whatever some people decide it is. all virus and bacteria theories are a cover up for all the toxins the evil ones introduced on this planet, to blame it on an act of nature. Underneath the Vatican City lies the Vatican Necropolis, at depths ranging between 5-12 meters. I want to see the video thats supposed to be on this page but there is NO link to a video anywhere except the next and prior ones. . Thank you, I saw that as an oversight. No longer the fear of those terrible days. Yes I agree with you how could anyone know exactly how much gold has been mined totally. Some of the comments on here just seem absurd, but Id like to read, They were referring to Dane Wigington here is one of his sites: There are at least 5 out there that I have seen with overwhelming evidence he is quite shady. When the tunnel was located, the gold was given to the Annunakis who are now light-years away. No, you are correct. No swamp has been drained, the powers that be are still the same. I never heard of such a thing. Amen. If they are bringing Cern down as we speak, Trump would not forget the chemtrails poison being sprayed on us. It is no wonder that there are secrets buried beneath it. The 1500 mile tunnel from the Vatican to Jerusalem UFOmania - The truth is out there 436K subscribers Join Subscribe 3K Share 122K views 2 years ago #gold #gold #ancientaliens There was more. The only other person, no two persons, I know online who have been in them is Charlie Ward and Gene Decode. One conspiracy theory " going viral " is that extensive operations are taking place to rescue children held in secret underground locales beneath densely populated cities. God doesnt lie. What makes this tour Special. Him only. The good news is that you can easily visit the first underground level under St. Peter's Basilica - Vatican Grottoes. Once Nesara/Gesara are being fully rolled out, all our food supply will be cleaned up.