Special-order and merchant-tailor establishments are not included. Shows wages by occupation and industry, translated into U.S. dollars. This catalog is well illustrated and shows prices in English money. DATE: 1946 AUTHORS: Includes both land and buildings. Some occupations include cashier, saleswoman, laundry worker, baker, shirt maker, seamstress, milliner, typist, waitress, maid, dishwasher, bookkeeper. Fish prices on. Average full-time hourly wage in the UK 1997-2022 Average full-time hourly wage in the UK 1997-2022 Median hourly earnings for full-time employees in the United Kingdom from 1997 to. on page 1120. University of Missouri, Columbia Source: BLS. Compares wages and hours of white and Negro workers, by occupation. 1. The list runs from pp. For the home: For full-time workers, the average UK salary in 2022 was 33,000 exactly, a 5.7% increase YoY. The figures for the cotton industry for June, 1920, and July, 1925. James S. Olson. Missouri: Kansas City and St. Louis sewing machines, dry goods and fabrics, coating materials, fancy fabrics, fashion fabrics and prints, patterns, more patterns, Coffee cost an average 27 per pound in 1910. Expressed in shillings. Coal Mining: The information available is insufficient to enable the increase in rates of wages to be estimated. Hourly earnings in manufacturing industries averaged 69.1c for the first 11 months of 1937, as compared with 60.6c in 1920, 59.0c in 1929, and 61.7c in 1936. Source: Most of the workers in this industry were women and girls. Hourly earnings averaged 71.7c in November, 1937, the last month for which figures are available. Suits, military and play suits, blanket lined clothes, overalls, pants, long pants, blouses, shirts, sweaters, knickerboxers, coats, more coats, little fellows overcoats, raincoats, shoes Ladies': 170, published May 1915. Government employees in France - Salaries and wages, 1900 and 1910. Five Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a UK Pound Amount, 1270 to Present. Source: Investigation relative to wages and prices of commodities, Table shows salaries (in dollars) of officials and civil servants in Havre, France for 1900 and 1910. For similar items, see the. Lists average retail prices paid by farmers for tools, implements and supplies, work gloves, shirts and shoes, shotguns, tobacco, wagons, building materials and household items such as dishes, washtubs and buckets. Shows wages for both contracted workers as well as day laborers. In some cases, wage cuts were more severe. Wages are shown in German marks. Average wages are obtained by dividing the national-accounts-based total wage bill by the average number of employees in the total economy, which is then multiplied by the ratio of the average usual weekly hours per full-time employee to the average usually weekly hours for all employees. Glasgow, Scotland - Prices of commodities in 1900 and 1910, Hull - Price comparison of a retail grocer and a cooperative store, 1911, Cooperation and cost of living in certain foreign countries, London - Wholesale and retail prices, 1900 and 1910, farming implements of both American and English make, London - Retail prices of ready-made clothing in 1910, Manchester - Retail prices, 1900 and 1910, Manchester - Prices for agricultural implements, 1900 and 1910, Sheffield, England - Prices of commodities, 1900 and 1910, Greece - Food prices as affected by the war, Budapest - Prices of commodities and Rents, 1900 and 1910, Italy - Food prices as affected by the war, Italy - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, India - Retail prices for food grains and salt, 1892-1916, India - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, Japan - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, Prices in Yokohama and Tokyo, Japan - 1910, Guadalajara - Price of beef, pork, and potatoes in 1910, Veracruz - Prices of commodities and rent, 1910, clothing, steel, farming implements, hogs, provisions, ice, hides, lumber, petroleum, sheep, rents, leather, coal, bricks, iron, cement, cotton, boot and shoes, kerosene of coal oil, leather, boots and shoes, Netherlands - Food prices as affected by the war, Warsaw - Prices of articles in 1900 and 1910, Russia - Food prices as affected by the war, Russia - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, St. Petersburg - Prices of commodities, 1900 and 1910, Odessa - House rents and prices of provisions, 1910, Moscow - Prices of Foodstuffs, August 1914 & 1917, Scandinavia - Food prices as affected by the war, Scandinavia - Monthly wholesale prices of commodities, 1913-1918, Spain - Food prices as affected by the war, Spain - Price of bread in 1860 compared to 1910, Switzerland - Food prices as affected by the war, Turkey - Food prices as affected by the war, Constantinople - Cost of living, 1914-1920, Retail food prices around the world, 1900 and 1910, Monthly wholesale prices of commodities by country, 1913-1918, Retail prices in foreign countries, 1912-1915. equal opportunity/access/affirmative action/pro-disabled and veteran employer. Source: Congressional Serial Set vol. 170, published May 1915. In a list that spans pages 448-531, one can see unionized jobs, wages and hours for women listed separately from men. Shows salaries for police officers, fire brigade, custom-house officers, Shows the daily wages of German workers in 9 different industries for both men and women. Pages 13-24 show the wages of the family of workers in coal, iron, and steel industries in the US, the UK, Germany, and Belgium. War and Postwar Wages, Prices, and Hours, 1914-23 and 1939-44 - FRASER Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin No. Source: Investigation relative to wages and prices of commodities, Shows the daily wages of bakers, electricians, street railway employees, and builders in the Rhone region. 22,620. Reports hours and wages for women working in retail stores, factories, hotels, restaurants and offices. 69% of earners in 1914 had a personal annual income of less than $2,000. Childrens: Shows wages by occupation for 1914 and 1920 in and outside of Copenhagen. Wages are shown in German marks. Shows average value for farm land and buildings from 1850-1982. Stylish dresses, fine dresses, blouses, skirts, fancy hats, shoes, stockings, corsets, gowns, nightgowns, underwear, gloves, jewelry, handkerchiefs, knitting and needlework supplies, wallets and purses. Includes items such as roofing shingles, raw products needed for manufacturing, timber, gasoline, illuminating oil, olive oil, coffee, eggs, grains, and more. Source: Lists prices of food, rent, board, fuel, and cottons. Personal items, such as: 160, published 1914. Government Documents Department, Ellis Library Shows drawing of the home, floor plan, and estimated cost to build. Commodities include beef, pork, eggs, butter, bread, flour, oats, rice, beans, apples, prunes, sugar, tea, coffee, potatoes, starch, coal, wood, and coal oil. Table shows comparative prices (wholesale and retail) at Warsaw in 1900 and 1910. Because women's wages varied a great deal around the country in the 1910s, most wage data is reported by state. 0. Shows the value of multiple currencies in US dollars in the years of. Serge dresses, serge suits, tailored suits, "homestead" wear (house dresses, garden wear, etc), skirts, waists, sweaters, underwear, corsets, socks, coats, shawls and newports, shoes, purses, muffs and collarettes, animal fur sets, gloves and mittens, hats, hair goods, handkerchiefs and ribbons, diamonds, necklaces, rings, earrings, watches, other jewelry This is taken from the book. Scroll forward in the source to see the full list of cities. Expressed in Danish re. Includes data for the countries of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Noway, South Africa, Sweden, and Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. 3.08. This city directory lists individual city employees, their occupations and pay. Provides retail food prices in Switzerland in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Salary estimates are based on 42,768 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Benchmarking employees. General merchandise catalog for clothing, household items and farm needs. 5d. on women's garments. In 1917 groceries cost. This four-page table compares wholesale and retail prices of articles at Moscow in 1900 and 1910, including beef, veal, pork, ham, mutton, fat, fish, eggs, butter, sugar, potatoes, poultry, bread, woolen goods, clothing, and coal. Search for occupations such as carpenters, machinists, waiters, electricians, brewers, chauffeurs, stablemen, roofers, painters, plumbers, etc. The Annual Reports of Lane Hospital at Stanford University Hospitals show rates for wards, rooms, and bath rooms, maternity rates, operating room charges, anesthesia, tonsil and adenoid operations, salvarsan treatments, extra charges, extra diet items, nursing, and some include wines and mineral waters and toilet articles: This fee bill of the physicians of Putnam County, IL was published in the September 1912 issue of. 170, published May 1915. Havre - Salaries of officials and civil servants, 1900 and 1910, Berlin - Salaries and wages of officials and teachers, 1900 and 1910, fire service employees, and teachers at secondary and primary schools, Hamburg - Salaries of public officers, 1900 and 1910, court officials and judges, teachers in schools, Wages by occupation in the U.K., 1893-1913, Wages by occupation and sex in Great Britain, 1914-1921, Wages by industry in Great Britain, 1914-1921, Municipal employee wages by occupation - U.K., 1912, Government employees, letter carriers, teachers etc. Prices are shown in Italian lire. This report lists the salaries per annum of government employees in Mexico City for 1910. Use the following hyperlinks to see values for. Enter initial year before entering the initial amount and enter amount as a number without a sign or commas. Addeddate 2010-11-03 16:14:12 Call number AEL-1817 Camera Canon EOS 5D Mark II Wages reported in UK government documents. 1270 to 1970 . The Average Courier Driver salary in Shepperton is 55,000. Shows the fee bill setting charges for medical services that was adopted by the Sullivan County Medical Society in 1911; also tells how it changes during and after WWI. The average earnings per man-shift worked in all districts, however, in the quarter ended 30th June, 1920, were l6s. Rhode Island: Providence Prices may have risen eighty-fold, but over the same period average earnings have increased 350-fold, with the real take-off in our purchasing power occurring in the post-war period. Tuition fees to learn secretary skills, bookkeeping, accountancy, stenography, wire telegraphy and salesmanship. Shows the average annual salary of both white and black teachers for each sex in. New Evidence on Canadian Wage Rates, 1900-1930 - JSTOR Public sector pay cuts announced in 1931 reduced wages by 10 to 20%. Colorado: Denver. Catalog and price list show an amazing range, from surgical tools all the way up to x-ray machines. 185. Discounts were available for those who wished to purchase, Retail prices for clothing, dry goods and shoes are reported from 6 firms; prices for. Household goods: Wages are shown in French francs. UK Economy in the 1920s - Economics Help Details the price of clothing by gender on pp. Source: Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. US Average Household Income by Year - multpl.com Provides retail food prices in Greece in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Michigan: Detroit Source: Shows the average weekly cost of living of a workman's family in Milan. Discusses the value of horses and mules, and shows average prices based on the. Purchasing power is represented in its equivalence in horses, wheat, the yearly wages of a skilled tradesperson, and others. Wages, prices, and living standards in China, 1738-1925: in comparison Source: Statistics Canada website. Compares wage rates and hours of work for the WWI and WWII eras, focusing specifically on the manufacturing, mining, railroad, printing and maritime industries, as well as farm labor wages. Lists tuition prices for both residents and non residents as well as room and board costs and fees for institutions across the United States. This series of tables shows retail prices of staple commodities and rents per month by locality (each table spans multiple pages, scroll forward to see the rest). Shows wages by occupation and town in New York state, and shows the separate wages for men and women. Milk cost an average 17 per half gallon in 1910. The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain, 1209 to Present (New A Glimpse at Your Expenses 100 Years Ago - US News & World Report At a hearing in. Indiana: Indianapolis Entertainment: At the same time, the minimum wage for younger workers under the age of 18 has increased at a slower pace than that of older workers. Wages and Salaries in the United Kingdom, 1920-1938 1911. Ladies: Items for home industry or earning income, such as: Details the prices of appliances, furniture, and more household items on pp. Dresses, house dresses, ready made tailored suits, skirts, blouses (waists), hats, corsets, corset covers, underskirts, nightgowns, aprons, petticoats, hosiery, underwear, shoes, "sensible" shoes, coats, furs, bathing suits. Shows the budgets of 90 families of American (including immigrant) mill workers in contemporary US dollars. Cities include. It does not show salary averages. The figures for the shipbuilding industry relate to time-workers. 23 This series is composed of two parts. The Average Salary in 1920. Wages shown in US cents. I.RATES OF WAGES OK TYPICAL CLASSES OF TIME-WORKERS IN CERTAIN INDUSTRIES. prices of British made men's shoes in 1900 and 1910. Source: Australia Labor and Industrial Branch report #2, pp. Workers in this industry engaged in spinning, weaving, dyeing, bleaching and printing fabrics in addition to other tasks involved in preparing cloth. Source: BLS, Shows the earnings over different times for both government employees and manual workers in Hamburg.