Star - Star - Distances to the stars: Distances to stars were first determined by the technique of trigonometric parallax, a method still used for nearby stars. It is the second brightest star in the constellation, after Mirfak, Alpha Persei. Note, however, that a further seven faint stars are listed in the Washington Double Star Catalog as being members of the Algol system. This is irrelevant to the question of what we actually see in the night sky, because stars aren't placed at some standard distance, they are all at varying distances. This is less than five times the radius of Algol A, and about one-sixth the distance from the Sun to Mercury. If you were to place a star at some standard distance from earth (10 parsecs), that's how bright it would appear. It has about 7 Earth masses and is about as distant from Proxima b as Neptune is from Earth. Proxima Centauri c is a super-Earth that orbits the star at a distance of about 1.489 ± 0.049 astronomical units (220 million kilometres), completing an orbit every 1,928 ± 20 days (5.28 years). Algol, Beta Persei, is a bright multiple star located in Perseus. Distance from Earth: 93 light years 3. The star is also known as Gorgona, Gorgonea Prima, Demon Star and El Ghoul. Algol A is a famous variable star and is the first and title member of the well-known class of Algol-type eclipsing variables. Ceti Alpha V/VI - Most fandom sources conjecture that this is simply the reversed notation of the real star Alpha Ceti (Menkar), but this star's distance to Earth (over 300 light years) is far too large given the course of events shown in Star Trek II. The third star in the system (Ab) is a magnitude 2.3 A-type star that is separated from the primary pair by a distance of 2.96 AU, giving the system a mutual orbital period of 681 days. Algol variables or Algol-type binaries are a class of eclipsing binary stars that are related to the prototype member of this class, β Persei (Beta Persei, Algol) from an evolutionary point of view.. Algol, The "Demon Star" Algol, the second brightest star in the northern constellation Perseus, is the finest example of an eclipsing variable star. Distance between Algol A, B and Algol C: 2.69 AU. Distance between Algol A and Algol B: 0.062 AU 4. Absolute magnitude is a measure of the star's intrinsic brightness. The star is separated from its close companion "B" on average by only 0.062 AUs (a semi-major axis of 0.00218" at a HIPPARCOS distance estimate of 92.8 ly).
2020 algol star distance from earth