The “endangered” New York Bight (NYB) DPS is thought to only harbor two populations; one in the Hudson River and a second smaller one in the Delaware River. And you don’t have to cut them much slack, as Matt Balazik, a fisheries biologist with Virginia Commonwealth University, has discovered. The project is funded for two years under the most recent Omnibus Funding call and will examine the growth and seasonal movement of these magnificent, ancient fish. We are elated to announce that Connecticut Sea Grant has decided to fund our latest research proposal to study Atlantic sturgeon in Long Island Sound and the Connecticut River! A monster fish found along the Connecticut River may mean a species once thought to be extinct is back. Endangered Species Act as five Distinct Population Segments (DPS). Endangered Atlantic sturgeon find a new nursery in the Connecticut River July 20, 2016 — OLD LYME, Conn. — Though facing extinction after 70 million years of existence, Atlantic sturgeon apparently aren’t done looking for new ways to adapt and survive. Although shortnose sturgeon sometimes jump out of the water, they don’t leap to overcome migration obstacles like salmon do, so researchers and managers were fairly certain that steep falls like Great Falls, where the Turners Falls Dam was built in 1905, blocked sturgeon access to the upstream reaches of the Connecticut River. LYME >> State environmental officials are investigating the discovery of a 7-foot Atlantic sturgeon that washed up on the shores of the Connecticut River in Lyme. Historically, the Connecticut River probably supported a spawning population of Atlantic Sturgeon that was believed extirpated many decades ago. In 2014, we successfully collected pre-migratory juvenile specimens from the lower Connecticut River which were subjected to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequence and microsatellite analyses to determine their genetic … Migrating Sturgeon Don’t Jump. An Atlantic sturgeon, a federally endangered species not found in the Thames River since the 1980s, has been detected using the area of the river adjacent In 2007 he got a call about a dead Atlantic sturgeon in the James River where everyone “knew” they no longer existed. Atlantic sturgeon didn’t make it for 70 million years without being resilient. Atlantic Sturgeon is listed under the U.S.
2020 atlantic sturgeon connecticut river