This natural and organic potting soil from Fox Farms is designed for container plants. Whether you’re planting indoors or outdoors. This unique blend is light and airy, providing exceptional drainage to plants … Bananas also prefer slightly acidic soil… Soil for Bananas. This potting mix is the best potting soil designed specifically for succulents and contains reed sedge peat moss, erlite, sand, limestone, pine bark and Canadian sphagnum peat moss. It’s ready to use straight from the bag. And it contains a … As for soil, in many countries where these are native they grow in a soil that is mixed with sand. At one time I had over 70 adult plants … Starting with the right soil for a banana plant is at least as important as how you fertilize the plant. The soil should be well-drained, as the banana likes lots of water but dislikes soggy feet. They appear to enjoy a fast draining soil and that has been my personal experience with the 10 or so species I've grown when we lived in Florida.
2020 best potting soil for banana tree