Durum Bread from Bread by Jeffrey HamelmanThe second edition of Hamelman's Bread includes 40 new recipes. As the baguettes are baked in a stone oven, the crust is crisp and crunchy. Here is the process I used to make this bread: Creating the Sponge: Mix the durum flour, bread flour… Now add the rest of the water (cold) and little by little the durum wheat flour, the salt, and almost all the remaining all-purpose flour (leave about 50 grams – 1/2 cup – to add later if needed). (3 T.) Sponge, all of the above . Hamelman writes that this formula for “Durum Bread” is the best of a series of “test batches” he made some years ago. (1 3/8 cups) Salt .6 oz. Semolina Flour 9.6 oz. Mix and transfer the dough on a stable surface covered with flour. The baguettes also contain sourdough to give them the rich flavour of bread. (2 1/4 cups) Water 10.8 oz. This is the first of the new recipes I have made. He does not describe it further and does not identify it as an Italian-style bread… “Canadian durum is known for its exceptional brightness and it gives a very pleasing yellow colour to the bread crumb, something that many consumers find appealing.” With regards to functionality, “durum flour … The Baguette Rustic Durum Bun is made with a very soft and moist dough with lots of durum flour to give the buns an open, chewy and very sturdy crumb. (2 1/8 cups) Bread Flour 9.6 oz. (1 T.) Olive oil, extra virgin 1.6 oz.
2020 durum flour bread