References: Genesis 47:8.—D. And it’s one that isn’t discussed too often. Category: Sermon Structure Tags: Genesis, Genesis 47, Genesis 48, Old Testament Narrative. Reconciliation Through Wisdom, Chapter 47-49. by Chester McCalley. King, Memoir and Sermons, p. 265; G. Brooks, Outlines of Sermons, p. 280. Genesis 47:9 Those who looked only on the outer life of Jacob would scarcely have thought that his days were either few or evil. (Genesis 47:13-26) First, let us observe that the famine was extensive. The text tells us that the famine was “in all the land” and further that it was in all “the land of Egypt” as well as in “all the land of Canaan” (v. 13). Chapter 47 of Genesis contains a great lesson regarding self-sufficiency and preparing for the future. Genesis 47-49 Redeeming the Time, p. 108. Genesis 47:8, Genesis 47:9.—M. Nicholson. The Lord definitely used Joseph for a great purpose. Share This Post: Gen. 47:27-48:22 Locate the passage As great as it must have been for Joseph to have all of his family in Egypt with him, the final 17 years of Jacob’s life must have gone by quickly for him. The famine was so extensive that there was not any bread in … David Guzik :: Study Guide for Genesis 47 [A new version of this page can be found here] ... which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy of Scripture. Usually when people talk about Joseph’s time in Egypt, the focus is on how he helped the entire country survive the great famine in the land.
2020 genesis 47 sermon