The growing of kaki Japanese persimmons was introduced into Australia around 1885 and brought to the USA in 1856. Persimmons are generally light yellow orange to dark red orange in colour, and depending on the species, vary in size. Assuming your persimmon tree is hardy in your growing zone and has been planted at the proper depth, in full sun and well-drained soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7.5, it should live for 15 to 20 years. Persimmon tree seeds are genetically unpredictable, so you can end up with a different variety of persimmon tree than the one you wanted. "Fuyu," a cultivar of Oriental, or Japanese, persimmon (Diosyros kaki) grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 … Persimmons can also be sliced and used in winter salads or Prune off the tops of young "Fuyu" persimmon trees at or shortly after planting so the tree stands about 3 feet tall. Persimmon trees are easy to grow and aren't bothered by pests or disease. During the next few seasons, selectively remove some of the persimmon's branches so the tree has three to five main scaffold limbs, spaced evenly around the trunk and about a foot apart vertically. Easry instructions to plant, grow, prune, and harvest persimmons. Japanese persimmon tree also goes by the name kaki tree (Diospyros kaki), oriental persimmon, or Fuyu persimmon. Trees grown from seeds also take longer to reach a good size than those grown from cuttings. Fuyu Persimmon Tree Pruning Techniques. Kaki tree cultivation is known for its slow growing, small tree size and production of sweet, juicy non-astringent fruit. The beautiful, orange persimmon fruits hang on the tree like ornaments long after the leaves have fallen. Learn about Japanese, Asian, and American persimmons and how they grow and taste.Ripe persimmon makes a delicious breakfast food or snack, halved and eaten like a melon. Persimmon trees can be grown from seed, but these will not produce exact replicas of the parent tree. How to Transplant Fuyu Persimmon Fruit Trees.