A psychologist shares some do’s … I've already told my friends, but one doesn't care and the others just ignore me! Thank you!". A doctor can help you figure out whether you have depression for sure. Or mom or dad might listen to your ideas for what to It really helped my parents understand how I was feeling. Next, approach your parents at a good time when there won't be any distractions and let them know that you have something important to say. You may have to talk several times about your depression before they fully understand it – but these follow-up discussions should be easier than the first. Anderson, I think I might be depressed. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Help . It's that important. Can you blame your parents that they will be concerned? ", "Slowly bringing the subject of depression was a useful tip. Even if you think a parent won't be willing or able to help, it's still worth a People are often surprised by how much their parents rally to their side This helped me come out, though. What can I do? If depression is strong or lasts, you might need to talk with a therapist — even after you've had good conversations with your parents. Don't be scared, you'll be fine. This may help all of you work together better as a family. You might also look up wikiHow articles on self-harm and show them to your parents to help them understand. It's probably best not to point fingers right away. First, thoroughly prepare for the talk by getting informed on depression and your symptoms. I'm 11-years-old, and not sure if I have depression. This article was co-authored by Paul Chernyak, LPC. the conversation has started, it might feel like a relief to pour your heart out. If you reach out to talk and it turns out your mom or dad can't help, go to another This article has been viewed 308,605 times. What do I do? Did something happen to make you feel this way? the conversation worthwhile. Occasionally, parents have too many troubles of their own or other issues going You might say, “I’d really like it if you came to my next appointment with me.”. For tips on communicating your feelings using "I" statements, read on! to open the conversation by asking, "Can I talk to you? I love your site with all the different tips! Talk with your mom or dad about actions you'll both take to help with your depression. listen. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment, If your parents downplay your feelings, emphasize that you're really struggling and ask to see a doctor or therapist for help. "I have always anticipated talking to my parents about my mental issues. The, "I liked how the article gave specific ways to tell your parents, and gave key points that they may not accept it at, "Suggesting to have articles handy and expecting my parents to react negatively are helpful, as I doubt my mother is, "I think that this really helped. You might feel indecisive, fatigued, angry, or overly sad. Then, explain your feelings and symptoms as clearly as you can. But, you can break the news to your parents by following a few key steps. Your mom will very likely be glad that you came to her with this and it is the doctor's job to evaluate people for potential medical conditions, whether those people turn out to have them or not. troubles you can't solve, you need to reach out for help Sometimes parents can offer a new angle that helps you figure things Chances are, mom or I used these suggestions to write an email to my parents and I am now recording treatment. Thank you, I think my, "This really helped me, because now I feel like telling my mum about my possible mild-depression. Even if you aren’t so sure what you’re experiencing is depression, it’s best to speak up about your symptoms so you can get help. It also can be hard to share when you're not really sure what's How do I prove that it's really bad without doing something drastic? How do I tell my mother that she and my brother caused my depression? Even if you're seeing a therapist, there are ways parents can help when you're beginning to the conversation you need to have. adult (such as a teacher, counselor, coach, or relative). If you can, it's best to turn to a parent. You might worry that they won’t take you seriously, or you might be afraid of being stigmatized. Will dad be Come out and say just that. This really helped me! Be firm if they minimize what you feel by calling it “having the blues” or “feeling a little down.” Tell them that you meet the clinical criteria for depression. I think I might be depressed." They just don't know what it is or how to help. of something to do about it. If your parents don’t take your claims seriously, keep telling them (or another adult) until they take action. when they realize what's going on. If you really can't explain If it's too hard to start a conversation in person, Let your mom or dad know if you continue to feel depressed or if you have problems with motivation, concentration, or moods. © 1995-document.write(KHcopyDate); The Nemours Foundation. He graduated from the American School of Professional Psychology in 2011. If you're feeling depressed and want to tell your parents, it's normal to feel scared or nervous. I want to tell my parents about my depression, but I've always been so happy, I think they wouldn't believe me.
2020 how to talk to your parents about depression