The Klamath River, once home to the third-largest salmon runs (the migration of adult salmon upstream to spawn) in the continental United States, now has runs at a … Check back soon for updates and other ways to get involved. However, Klamath Basin residents did not ultimately retreat into conflict. Decades of political conflict over the fate of four obsolete dams on the Klamath River reached a turning point last week with a multi-party, two-state “memorandum of understanding” to remove them in hopes of restoring salmon runs.. California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Oregon Gov. Add your name or organization in support of the restoration of the Klamath River! These emergency regulations supersede spring Chinook salmon fishing regulations found in the 2019-2020 California supplemental sport fishing regulations booklet. Kate Brown, heads of two Indian tribes that depend on the river for sustenance, and an executive of Warren … The California Fish and Game Commission adopted the Klamath River basin fall-run adult salmon quota, which will begin on Aug. 15 on the Klamath and Aug. 31 on the Trinity. Chinook salmon fishing season will be open on the lower Klamath River between July 1 and Aug. 14, and on the upper Trinity River and New River between July 1 and Aug. 31. Bring the Klamath salmon home. The basin-wide quota in 2020 is set at 1,296 adult salmon, which is much smaller than last year’s quota of 7,637. The following year, nearly 70,000 adult salmon died in a catastrophic fish kill. Photo courtesy of Mike… Coho salmon from the Klamath River are listed as threatened under federal and California law, and their population in the river has fallen anywhere from 52% to 95%. Please email for more information about the Bring the Salmon Home coalition. This 2002 major loss of juvenile salmon productivity later resulted in widespread and costly in-river and ocean salmon fisheries closures.
2020 klamath river salmon