Insect and disease problems and associ- Some of the important species of lace bugs are for the azalea - Stephanitis pyrioides, hawthorn - Corythucha cydoniae, lantana - Teleonemia scrupulosa, and hackberry - C. celtidis.Lace bugs also feed on oak, elm, basswood, fringetree, and pyracantha among others. Lace bugs feed on the leaves, causing the leaves to become yellow and develop brown margins, or become a mottled gray and brown. Root rot can be a problem if soil is poorly drained or plants are watered too frequently. The first sign of these sucking insects is that the plant stops blooming. About 15 plant species (mostly Lantana and Leucophyllum spp.) They are narrower than the azalea lace bug. Then … Eggs are glued to the underside of leaves among the hair (pubescence). Their excrement makes lots of black dots on the underside. However, damage to plants other than lantana has been slight and transitory with one exception. Lantana is susceptible to powdery mildew if grown in shade. The most effective are the defoliating caterpillar Hypena strigata; the seed-destroying fly Ophiomyia lantanae, and the lace bug Teleonemia scrupulosa. (lantana lace bug) was first introduced to the Ha waiian Islands in 1902 as a biological control agent for the invasive plant, Lantana camara(lantana) and edhelp successfully control lantana throughout the Hawaiian Islands. Spray thoroughly under the leaves. The rear of the lantana lace bug is blunt but rounded off. These pests feed on the leaves, and their damage often resembles that of leafhoppers. If you see any signs of lace bug damage on the new growth, spray again. These are common this time of year to attack lantanas leaving them looking ugly and half dead. Lantana lace bug adults are oval, brown, and do NOT have the lacy body covering and wings. Lace bugs prefer plants in the heath family (Ericaceae), which includes both azaleas and rhododendrons, in addition to the verbena family (Verbenaceae), to which lantanas and verbenas belong. are flattened and rectangular in shape and 1/8 to 1/4 inch long. Adults range in size from slightly over one-eighth inch to slightly over one-sixth inch long. Although lantana is generally a very low maintenance plant with few problems, some may occur, especially in improper growing conditions. • Lantana Lace Bug Extension Publication • Lace Bug Control Pamlico County Center • Plants That Survive and Thrive on the OBX - Lantana Dare County Center • Lace Bugs: a Potential Problem on Azaleas, Lantana, Sycamores and Other Plants Craven County Center There are many similar looking species, but your individual looks close to the Hawthorn Lace Bug, Corythucha cydoniae pictured on bugGuide.. Each feed on one or a few closely related plant species. The lantana lace bug, Teleonemia scrupulosaStål, often causes extensive damage to lantana, Lantana camaraL. A lace bug nymph goes throu… Insecticidal soaps exploit the fatty acids in soap to suffocate small, soft-bodied insects and arthropods such as aphids, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies, spider mites, leaf hoppers, earwigs, and immature scales (crawlers).. It can stress the plants so much that they refuse to bloom. In fact, there’s a separate lace bug species for each of these three plant genera. The tiny lace bug, only 1/6 inch long, can stop lantana from blooming. Lantana lace bug adults are oval, brown and do not have the characteristic lacy body covering and wings. Lacewing larvae can consume up to 200 plant-eating bugs every week, making them highly beneficial insects. With heavy infestations, leaves turn … Lace bugs are a serious pest problem for lantanas. Hosts include alder, ash, avocado, coyote brush, birch, ceanothus, photinia, poplar, sycamore, toyon, and willow. Most have a specific host preference, which aids in identification. The female adults embed their eggs in the lantana's foliage. The young are dull-colored and spiny. Lace Bug Insects – Lantana plants are generally pretty pest resistant, but they can be bothered by lantana lace bug insects. Lantana Lace Bugs. Teleonemia scrupulosa, the lantana lace bug, is a species of lace bug in the family Tingidae. It is found in Africa, Australia, the Caribbean, Central America, North … This lace bug flies readily during the summer. These species overwinter as eggs inserted into leaf veins or cemented to the leaves. Lace bug damage to broad-leaved evergreens (azalea, laurel, pyracantha, rhododendron) will be evident for more than a year unless injured foliage is removed. Lace bug nymphs, like azalea lace bug nymphs, have spines sticking from sides of their bodies and no wings. Leptodictyalace bugs are more elongate and oblong and greenish-grey to light brown in color. Dear RalphyZ, You have Lace Bugs in the family Tingidae. Adults: Length 3 to 4 mm; width 1.1 to 1.3 mm. Note: Lacebugs are used as a biological control where lantana is a pest plant. There are approximately 140 North American species of lace bugs. Look for white speckles on top of the leaves and brown spots on the back of the leaves. The lantana lace bug is a small brown insect up to 1/6 inch long. Dorsally, adults are small, brown, elongate-oval lace bugs, appearing slightly expanded near the middle, and bluntly rounded posteriorly. Well it’s not a fungus it’s a lace bug. are recorded as hosts of the lantana lace bug (Harley and Kassulke 1971). Sooty mold, causing a blackish discoloration on the leaves is usually caused by infestation by whiteflies. Lantana lace bugs can be a problem on selections such as this Royale Cosmo, but new control strategies do not harm pollinators that find the blooms irresistible. Are your lantana looking rusty brown like a fungus has attacked them? The area behind the head and the wing covers form a broadened, lace-like covering over the body of the insect. Green lacewing larva eating a lace bug nymph. A handful of lacewing larvae like these can aid in the control of lace bug infestation and protect the garden from various other insects including controlling aphids. The lantana lace bug has been introduced into many countries as a biological control agent to combat lantana. Host Plants. The thorax has three ridges, and the forewings have ridges that form an "X" when at rest. Although lantana is sometimes used as an ornamental, it is usually considered an invasive weed. This insect creates similar damage to Lantana foliage as compared to azalea lace bugs, but they also feed on buds … The symptoms indicate that it has become infested with lantana lace bugs. Photo by Bart Drees. However, many homeowners may have never seen the Lantana lace bug, which is an occasional pest that migrates into NC annually. Over 20 biocontrol agents have been released to control lantana in Hawaii with varying results. Over a dozen species of lace bugs (family Tingidae) occur in California. The lantana lace bug has been introduced into many countries as a biological control agent to combat lantana. Host plant resistance is a valuable integrated pest man-agement strategy. Lantana lace bug, Teleonemia scrupulosa Stål. Nymphs, similar to azalea lace bug nymphs, have spines sticking out from the sides of their bodies and no wings. Hawthorn lace bug damage to … Plants are further dis-figured by tar-like fecal deposits. How insecticidal soap works on plant pests. ‎Abstract Lantana lace bug, Teleonemia scrupulosa Stal, (Hemiptera: Tingidae) is a primary insect pest of lantana, a landscape plant commonly grown across the southern United States. Unfortunately, lace bugs attack lantana this time of the year, and the sucking insects will cause the foliage to turn dusty-gray and the blooming to end. resemble houseflies. Lantana lace bug, Teleonemia scrupulosa (Stal), extracts plant sap causing a stippled or bleached appearance in affected foliage and reduced bloom. Adult lace bugs are long, oval insects with a midsection that is slightly wider than the ends.
2020 lantana lace bug