But our terms are different now: Total, unconditional surrender or total annihilation. If you add in the extra advantage of trenches and other defensive emplacements, giving you plenty of time and cover to aim against an enemy with no guns or armor capable of stopping bullets, then you can basically hold out a position indefinitely until you run out of food. Depending upon the roads, wagons during the US Civil War moved 10-15 miles/day (20km/day). That's ignoring the restrictions in fuel by having to remain on it's own for weeks on end. I also wonder if giants or giant beasts could have thick enough skin/fat layers that an HP round might stop before reaching really vital organs. A band of modern soldiers should have no difficulty venturing across even hostile territory without too much trouble. Bey had abducted Gil's friend Dunstan and was now plotting with his Dark Masters to destroy all that was good in this strange world of magic and mystery which the American had chosen. That's ignoring that two of their worlds are on another plane as well through other magical portals. However, one could also use it as a force multiplier by surrounding the enemy camp at night with conventional forces (spotted earlier with drones), using night vision to take out key forces like night patrols, pouring fuel on strategic targets, and then launching a conventional attack with fire arrows, catapults and whatever other siege weapons the locals have available to them. (I am not a radio expert but you may need hardware to broadcast and receive far away?). To earth understanding, our ally is about to be overwhelmed. Should I "take out" a double, using a two card suit? Or, we could just send a single shipment. See more ideas about fantasy warrior, fantasy, fantasy characters. Anyone complains about the weight just say something vague about rumours of a dragon. That could be fun to play through. If the Blitz isn't showing enough results, our military also might ship over some light missile artillery to aid in the attack. They only see that not surrendering immediately results in cities turning blazing ashes. Or maybe this information is leaked and causes national outcry back home, causing conflict for your squad like delays in resources, or an early recall order. Main benefit here (and in general) is that you only need to carry one kind of ammunition and can easily get more damage output just by shooting more. They serve as spotting and CAS planes. A long bow at it’s maximum range would be a long arching shot that would be extremely inaccurate, @Mormacil, 600 rounds won't last long if the soldiers act as if they had unlimited resupply. The mobility of being a small mounted group should let you easily outmaneuver and avoid any opposing forces. You'll want to bring a few solar battery chargers so you can do some recharging during daytime downtime or static defense, so the next ship from modern Earth doesn't need to bring replacement batteries for this group, just ammo and troops. Katyusha for example would stretch the attack range of our assault force to 5500 meters, devastating an army that can't even see our advancing troops and turning a medieval city of the opposing forces into a field of rubble. This is a staple of modern western armies, but even today many cultures resist the idea and keep authority centralized. As an alternate to regulars, sending in irregular troups might be an option. Windows 10 Wallpaper. A grenade kills more people with one shot but is overkill if there is only one enemy. In his spare time he writes Science Fiction and Fantasy, usually with military influences. A good war-horse (friesian) average weight is 1200 lbs. They'll be working with. It would be an interesting question if they bring GPMGs or SAWs, light mortars, 40mm grenades, and the like. Another bit of useful tech is the portable weather radar (think: modern fishing boat). An assault rifle should have enough penetration to penetrate natural or pseudo-medieval armor. Invoking a supposed alliance our ancestors agreed upon. The more weight in the object that is doing the striking, the more damage that is done. Does healing an unconscious, dying player character restore only up to 1 hp unless they have been stabilised? @computercarguy The energy delivered from a conventional .50 cal sniper round is far greater than that from a few fragments of an anti-personnel grenade. Finally, the only guns and gunners I would bring are snipers. In general I like out-of-the-box answers, and this is a good one. They won't support mechanized armor. Their tools and equipment including the planes (with detatched wings) can be transported via carts, and most turboprop planes are extremely reliable, making the need for replacement parts somewhat small. What if on one spectacularly weird roll (how ever you determine that) one of the PCs tosses out a spell? Irregular units means troops that are not national military. How do I defend an island nation from attackers with 15th century technology? Once we established our frontline - which pretty much can be held forever, time is no longer of an essence. Modern militaries are also likely to have better night vision, and considering these are pretty large targets harassing attacks in the middle of the night might prove effective. It as well as our enemies are largely made up of a noble caste of elite warriors and a larger group of conscripted peasants. This means moving large amounts of supplies (more than soldiers) at every opportunity to resupply from modern Earth. Magic makes a lot unpredictable but the information advantage should be something to press regardless of magical scrying that's available. Once the first excavator is on the other side, we can extend the trenches much faster. And we swear to God, if anyone comes in here and starts spouting off QAnon bullshit about COVID-19 or literally anything else, you are going to get permabanned so thoroughly that your grandchildren won't be allowed to post here. No other weapon can match this flexibility and economy of force. They are also easy to use apart from very close range where length might be an issue and soldiers are already trained to use them. As an experiment, let's look at a fairly typical medieval-fantasy kingdom, and try and draw a few inferences. Once enough fuel has accumulated, the battalions roll out in a Blitz with CAS-support, then the gained lands are fortified. Establish an earth commandment on the ground. They're to link up with the faction's own military. Also, folding or electric bicycles with carts would massively improve your ability to move troops between areas, though an updated, electric version of Vespa 150 TAP would be amusing. Gottlob Herbert Bidermann served in that lethal theater from 1941 to 1945, and his memoir of those years recaptures the sights, sounds, and smells of the war as it vividly portrays an army marching on the road to ruin. You'd probably want somewhat larger rounds than 5.56 or 7.62. At 2000m, the warriors enter the zone cleared by fire and chainsaw - limited cover and even easier spotting for the rain of mortars. A small radar suitable for boats gives about 50 miles of storm detection, but does require several kW of power. First, take equipment that would aid in building/restocking/resupplying the force while it waits for regular resupplies. You want to link up with them as soon as possible. You take away armor, and you take a massive amount of energy and strategic advantage that goes with it off the battlefield. Reinforced hulls would also allow the transportation of Jeeps and light trucks and larger field artillery in addition to motorcycles and light infantry guns, which were possible before. One other tactic for the moderns; recruit the enemy. More common in the genre is a person or a group of people from modern Earth getting transported to the fantasy world, like Stephen Donaldson's CHRONICLES OF THOMAS COVENANT, Tad Williams's WAR OF THE FLOWERS and Guy Gavriel Kay's FIONAVAR TAPESTRY. We can't take the fight to the enemy. Add additional support in explosives (c4). If everyone thinks you're doing spells you. It won't support the localized weight of say an APC. The question of how many hit points are your 9-foot adversaries. Because of the strength difference, this unit is likely to suffer heavy causality. The "hollow point" part of "hollow point rounds" causes HPs to cause more hydrostatic shock than regular rounds. There is no overkill. And 1800's tech in large masses will give even 2000's tech a hard time. The 300 men are the result of a 2000 year old magical oath sworn by our ancestors in antiquity. BOOM! Once they reach the target, we simply state the conditions for their surrender, and if they decline, we blow up the whole town. Armed with every gun they can get their fingers on, there is no standard equipment in the Guerillia troops. Worldbuilding Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for writers/artists using science, geography and culture to construct imaginary worlds and settings. For extra effect, bring out the chemical weapons. But the plot required that they be stupid, and so they got lined up to be mowed down or didn't take advantage of their biggest advantages.
2020 modern soldier in fantasy world