Wet, especially calcareous places: bogs or fens, lake margins, beach pools and interdunal swales, streamsides, rock crevices along Lake Superior. 042: Sporophytes are occasional ; species is carpet-forming … The pounded branches of Myrica gale were utilized by the Bella Coola to prepare decoctions taken as a diuretic or as a treatment for gonorrhea (D. A. Moerman 1986). There are no related plants for species Myrica gale. It blooms in April or early May in northern Michigan along with the Willows (Salix spp.) Retail; Nursery Name City … Its leaf buds are small on brownish-red, shiny, stems. D. Dister. Scientific Name: Myrica L. (Myricaceae) gale L. Related Plants. Occurs with other Sphagnum species, Acer rubrum, Myrica gale, Chamaedaphne calyculata, Osmunda cinamomea, and Vaccinium atrococcum *003,004,005*. Myrica gale. I have seen at least two specimens of Myrica gale from Seneca County, Ohio, although they could have been very old collections. 024: Sex ratio is 1:1.5, females to males *005*. They apparently do not represent the current situation in Ohio. Shrubs , deciduous, much branched, to 1.5(-2) m. Branchlets purple-black, gland-dotted, glands brownish yellow. Sweet Gale (Myrica gale) is one of our earliest flowering shrubs. Species. Nursery Availability 1 - 12 of 12. Updated: 2020-11-23 20:01:42 gmt Discover Life | Top 12 Search Results. All Images Enlarge Image. Myrica gale L. Common Name: SWEET GALE: Coefficient of Conservatism: 6 Coefficient of Wetness: -5 Wetness Index: OBL Physiognomy: Nt Shrub. Send by email Printer-friendly version. The spongy bracteoles that surround the fruits aid in dispersal by acting as flotation devices in water. Staminate (male) flower buds are larger, cigar shaped, and at the branch tips. Staminate flowers form catkins 20-25mm [3/4-1 inch] long. and soft maples.
2020 myrica gale missouri