Cayla, I am so glad this was a meaningful post. God promised the Israelites, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26). I had to completely let go and be open to God’s choice. I know that praying for him is the real solution and I’ve been very uncertain about how to pray for him. 9:10)  Thank you, God, for providing us with a stable income. God bless you. Please God take the enemy out of my marriage and husband. LORD, Pray for my husband to come back home and for our marriage to be restored. White is the author of Prayers for New Brides: Putting on God’s Armor After the Wedding Dress and Marriage Armor for the #PrayingBride . I thank my God, my Daddy, for my husband. When he’d come home and head straight for the den and his remote control, my first thought was, “He doesn’t want to spend time with me.” Similarly, if he pulled away during conflict, I’d think, “This issue isn’t important to him,” or, “He doesn’t love me.”. Amen. Reply. 1. I honestly believe everyone needs to add a bit more spirituality to every aspect of their lives. I am always shocked when I hear people say they don’t need prayer because it doesn’t do any good. Yes, we all can use prayers. This is actually known as the Ephesians prayer because in Ephesians 1 we see Paul praying this for the church at Ephesus. It includes a schedule too. I try to pray this over myself and others as often as I remember and I used to pray it over my husband periodically (of course not knowing who he was). Dear Lord, I often spend my time worried and unhappy about things that may never happen, and yet I know that this is not only wrong in Your sight, but it is affecting me and my relationship with my friends and family. (Romans 11:29) Help him to use his gifts to serve you as well as others. Fasting, prayer, and encouragement are how to change your husband and your marriage. Praying for your spouse or significant other can be one of the best things you do for the relationship! I truly enjoyed this and am sharing… thank you! Just Drop the Blanket: The Moment You Never Noticed in, How Psalm 91 Speaks to Your Coronavirus Fears, Advent Wreath & Candles: Understanding the Meaning, History & Tradition, 10 Christian Hymns That Need to Be Put to Rest, Amazing Children's Choir Sings 'I Can Only Imagine', 11-Year-Old Sings Stunning Rendition of 'You Raise Me Up', An Advent Prayer to Our Prince of Peace - Advent Devotional - Nov. 29, The Origin of Christmas - Advent Devotional - Nov. 28, New Podcast from Dan Darling: "The Characters of Christmas", 7 Beautiful Things about Boring Marriages, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2020, Doing any or all of these things will change the way you feel about your spouse. 1. I pray constantly, several times a day for guidance, wisdom, kindness, self control and perseverance. God can move in ways we never thought possible if we will seek him daily. As long as you are thinking your spouse is the enemy, you’ll have a malnourished view of marriage. I had held on so long to the idea of marriage at all costs. Only God can do that. If you want to know how to change your husband and cover him in prayer, then pray daily. Got family problems? It certainly opens ones eyes to alternative methods. God truly heard my prayers and changed the way we do things. (Eccles. It never works. Thanks for your comment. If my husband is ever out of work, I pray you will quickly open doors for him to gain new employment. I pray for God to guide my husband back, to soften his heart and mind to forgive me for my wrongs. [Luke 10:27; Psalm 84:12; Psalm 105:4].Day 2 Pray for your husband’s devotion to spiritual discipline.Pray for consistent study of Scripture, memorization of the Word, and … Time spent in prayer helps us grow closer to God. Help me to love, support, and pray for him daily. Thanks for your comment. When you change, you force the other person to change. He needs our love, honor, support, and attention — and he desperately needs our prayers. Amen. Think of it, would God be committed to the prayers He didn’t approve? My husband and I are hanging by a thread and it’s super hard for me to have to be his uplifting, encouraging love and kind wife. Show him how to juggle each responsibility with grace and wisdom knowing that You alone can lead him properly. Pretti, absolutely. They need to be fasting for God to change them. The power of God can bring two people, who are … ( 2 Cor. How? .pure living proof of this…we even broke up for two years…we didnt even speak much .at some point before we broke up he said my problem was that i was too prayerful kkkk. I pray You would be with him wherever he goes. Short Night Prayer for My Husband Dear God, Thank you for the blessing of marriage. I pray my husband will not be conformed to any pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of his mind (Ro12:2) Taking captive every thought and making it obedient to You (2Cor.10:5) so that he will be able to test and approve what is your good and perfect will in all circumstances. But when God began to transform my marriage, the first thing He did was zero in my focus on myself. God, I ask for You to be his refuge and his strength, and ever-present help in trouble. So, true love might say, ‘Hey honey, though the game is on, I know you’ve been wanting to go shopping. Reply Delete. (Philippians 4:6-7) Show me how to be a godly wife and the kind of woman who is encouraging to him. Be Lamar’s counselor. He changed me. I pray that any barriers be let down, that we would communicate better to each other, and that we would live as a team for you. I praise You, the God of all wisdom for husbands. I pray that his day goes great and that you are able to spend time with him. Give me clear guidance in my life, Lord. Prayer is so powerful! I ask for his soul to be refreshed. My firsthand encounter with God’s faithfulness to hear our pleas for the men in our lives began with my father and continues with my husband and son. God bless you. We often long to help them become better and it back fires sometimes. You need the power of the Holy Spirit to do something so unnatural. I pray You would be with him wherever he goes. Darling, may the blessings of this beautiful morning come your way as you go on with your daily work. I was the one God decided to work on first, not my husband. I started this about 10 years ago, and it literally changed my marriage and family. -Madi xo I pray this prayer for my husband every day in my FLY time and encourage you to do the same and allow God work on the areas of concern or challenge in your marriage. I totally recommend it. Praying for your husband is the best way to change your marriage. May you also soften my husband’s heart in response to me and our marriage. From my earliest years as a Christian, I experienced the power of prayer to change a man’s life — to strengthen a man’s resolve, protect his heart and grow his faith. Julie, these are blessed and beautiful prayers. Praying for my Husband ~ Day 5. This is not a one and done. At the same time, a person have to want the change. I like the idea of praying with scripture and inserting one’s husband’s name. Dear Lord, I often spend my time worried and unhappy about things that may never happen, and yet I know that this is not only wrong in Your sight, but it is affecting me and my relationship with my friends and family. Further, as long as you focus on their faults, you’ll ignore your own. Overlook the dirty socks he leaves on the floor, the dirty dishes in the sink, and anything else. Here are seven Scripture-based prayers you and I can pray to God on behalf of our husbands. It is the triple threat. Humble it. I am just writing to tell you that God has delivered my husband from adultery.
2020 prayer for god to change my husband