Even after listening to music for 40 years there are still new “old” bands to discover. She also appeared in the Bond film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service and is now a yoga teacher living in London with husband Chris Jagger, brother of Mick. Rather cool to have such a dinner party subject to bring up though. Arguably the most controversial of the Roxy Music album covers, the Country Life artwork proved too racy for the US market, which issued the album with a picture of the foliage, sans models. The album is considered by many critics to be among the band's most sophisticated and consistent. That was bullshit, a phoney publicity stunt in order to sell records. Roxy Music: ブライアン・フェリー:ボーカル、キーボード アンディ・マッケイ:サックス、オーボエ フィル・マンザネラ:ギター ポール・トンプソン:ドラムス エディ・ジョブソン:キーボード、シンセサイザー、ヴァイオリン サポート・ミュージシャン View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1974 Censored Cover Art Vinyl release of Country Life on Discogs. Like a number of bands, including Little Feat mentioned in an earlier post, Roxy Music were famous for their album covers which featured various glamour models, some of whom were Bryan Ferry’s girlfriends. Geschichte Erste Phase. Without doubt Jerry Hall is the most famous of the Roxy models and appeared on the Siren cover literally as a siren washed up on some rocks in Anglesey, North Wales. I knew a bit about singer Bryan Ferry of course, and quite a lot about knob twiddler Brian Eno, but had dismissed them as one of those throwaway glam rock pop bands of the early 70s like T-Rex or Slade. Eveline became an art teacher and Constanze is a practising psychotherapist. Marilyn Cole was the girl on the album Stranded. 『カントリー・ライフ』(Country Life)は、ロキシー・ミュージックが1974年に発表したアルバム。通算4作目。, 『フォー・ユア・プレジャー』以降のアルバム制作に協力してきたレコーディング・エンジニアのジョン・パンターが、本作では共同プロデューサーとしてもクレジットされている。2人の女性モデルがシースルーの下着を着ているジャケット写真が物議を醸し、アメリカでは袋入りで販売され、ドイツでは1人のモデルの顔をアップにした写真に差し替えられ、カナダでは女性2人を消すといった措置が取られた[1]。なお、この2人のモデルは、「ビター・スウィート」の作詞にも協力(歌詞の一部をドイツ語に翻訳した)。モデルの1人はカン(バンド)のギタリスト、ミヒャエル・カローリの妹である。なお、カバーのモデルは性転換者であるというデマが流れている。, ロキシー・ミュージックのアルバムとしては初めて、アメリカのアルバム・チャートでトップ40入りを果たした。「オール・アイ・ウォント・イズ・ユー」はシングル・カットされ、母国イギリスのシングル・チャートで12位。「カサノヴァ」は、ブライアン・フェリーのソロ・アルバム『レッツ・スティック・トゥゲザー』(1976年)でセルフカヴァーされた。, ローリング・ストーン誌が2003年に選出したオールタイム・グレイテスト・アルバム500で387位にランク・イン[2]。, Country Life | Rolling Stone Music | Lists, https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=カントリー・ライフ&oldid=74974621, ザ・スリル・オブ・イット・オール - "The Thrill of It All" - 6:24, スリー・アンド・ナイン - "Three and Nine" (Bryan Ferry, Andy Mackay) - 4:04, オール・アイ・ウォント・イズ・ユー - "All I Want Is You" - 2:53, アウト・オブ・ザ・ブルー - "Out of the Blue" (B. Having spent much of the decade enjoying many a dalliance with his band’s cover stars, Bryan Ferry finally made a long-term commitment to one of them in 1982, when he married model Lucy Helmore who starred (albeit anonymously with back to camera and wearing a medieval helmet) on the front of the Avalon album. No-one wanted a boring girl like any other. When I say “new” I actually mean new to me as obviously Roxy Music are a very old band, but one I’ve never listened to before. The Power Of Sound — A Stunning Fusion of Black Metal and Classical Music, The World Is Sound: Talvin Singh’s OK Album Turns 20. She was reportedly a mistress of Salvador Dali and Rolling Stone Brian Jones before having affairs with both Ferry and David Bowie. As Nasty as They Wanna Be: The 20 Dirtiest Album Covers of All Time Racy images that pushed the boundaries of art — and taste The lady is a girl, and that’s it.”, To read more about her fascinating life (you couldn’t make this stuff up) please have a look at https://www.theguardian.com/theobserver/2000/dec/24/focus.news. Some album covers of the 70s (particularly of heavy rock or metal bands — Blind Faith, Whitesnake, The Scorpions etc) were pushing the sexual boundaries and this cover was banned in many countries on release which was actually saying something in those days. “It was very ice-creamy, in a way. One of … The model for the debut album was Kari-Ann Muller who was reportedly paid £20 for the assignment. Without looking too closely (honestly) I always thought this was a shot of the girls lying flat on the grass but they are actually standing against a pine tree and posing as if suddenly caught in the glare of car headlights.
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