We have listed them by scientific name because it is a constant and does not vary region to region or person to person. Wisconsin resident’s love of apples (which is a leading product of the state), is evident in their ordering preference for Honeycrisp Apple trees as well. Welcome to the Wisconsin A-Z native species list. This site is intended as a resource for those interested in the 130 species of trees growing outside of cultivation in Wisconsin. T here are more trees in Wisconsin, 11.5 billion, than people in the entire world, according to a 2017 estimate by the U.S. Forest Service, which didn’t even count the saplings less than an inch in diameter.The most common forests, it says, are a mixture of sugar maple (the state tree… Trees of Wisconsin. Trees of Wisconsin sorted alphabetically by Latin name * = horticultural species, does not grow in Wisconsin unless cultivated. Latin Name: Common Name: GYMNOSPERMS (needled) (all … These, and other high quality trees, are available at Nature Hills Nursery. See the text at the beginning of the key below for an … The following key includes all the trees known to occur in Wisconsin outside of cultivation (native, naturalized and escaping from cultivation). It does not include species known only from cultivation, … We have included the various common names associated with each scientific name to help you find the right tree.
2020 trees of wisconsin