To search by character number enter: decimal number, for example: 34, 120, 12* Examine Unicode characters in UTF-8 encoded strings. This program written in portable Perl which allows you to look up Unicode and HTML characters by name or number, and inter convert numbers in decimal, hexadecimal, and octal bases. Unicode Search . Enter character or text to identify: Supports all 143,859 named characters defined in Unicode 13.0 (released March 2020). Spaces are ignored in the input of bytes as Latin-1 characters, to make it easier to cut-and-paste from dump output. All Unicode Symbols with Names and Descriptions on One Page "UTF-8 bytes as Latin-1 characters" is what you typically see when you display a UTF-8 file with a terminal or editor that only knows about 8-bit characters. To get started, just type in characters below and click "Go" *limit 1,000 characters Apps /; Unicode character inspector Unicode Character Lookup (beta) Enter character number or text string: Search result for: How to use: To search by character description enter text pattern or character name, for example: G, tilde, small a. What Unicode character is this ? Type heart face, or 9829, or U+1f60d, or paste emoji .. uʍop ǝpᴉsdn; It can be used as an on-line special character reference for Web authors. For example, searching for ampersand finds U+0026 AMPERSAND as well as other ampersand characters. Use the unum program to insert special characters into a document or a text field. Unicode Character Lookup This lookup does a character-by-character analysis of the input and returns information about the characters, their Unicode range, and more. You can search for Unicode characters using the following input values.. Word or phrase from the official Unicode character name.
2020 unicode character lookup