Logic investigates inferences in terms of the arguments that represent them. All cats like fish. For example, consider the two arguments: L All men are mortaL Socrates is a man. Hence, Socrates is mortal. Logic is the science of the correctness or incorrectness of reasoning, or the study of the evaluation of arguments. Basic Concepts INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC 1. 2. whether classical logic should be preferred to non-classical logic, whether there is One True Logic or many, in addition to more mundane concerns such as preferences about notation, often inherited from the teacher’s own days as a student. One of the popular definitions of logic is that it is the analysis of methods of reasoning. In studying these methods, logic is interested in the form rather than the content of the argument. Also recall that usually in … Recall that an argument is a collection of statements (declarative sentences), one of which is designated as the conclusion, and the remainder of which are designated as the premises. 2. A consequence of this is that every time I have taught logic, I have Silvy is a cat. A statement is a declarative sentence, or part of a sentence, that can be true or false. 1 A.
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