The land is also necessary to ensure the quality of water we derive from our earth. There are now environmental and wildlife protection laws which are the concrete way of Canada to act on their commitment to clean air, clean water, and the conservation of the wildlife species and their habitat. Why do we need to protect biodiversity? To do so, we must keep the animals in their natural place. Why should Natural Resources be conserved? The proper management of a resource to prevent its destruction or exploitation is called conservation. Natural resources have to be conserved as we will need them in the future. Why Save Natural Areas? Why Must We Conserve Natural Resources? Are limited and are available to us only for a short period of time.These are conventional (most of them ) and we largely dependent upon them,hence wastage of there resources may in future lead to dearth of resources....therefore there is a great need for us to conserve resources. For healthy environment. All rights reserved. The natural world is governed by the laws of biology, chemistry and physics and has been since the birth of the plant … We asked an international group of scientists working on different environmental issues worldwide to identify important practical actions that we can all do to help conserve nature. Economic value: In our daily life, we use many things, which are products of wildlife. | Greentumble The truth is nature integrity is the basis for economic prosperity. Nowadays, with increasing environmental awareness among the public, people around the world are coming together to fight for a greener future, and the effort has achieved great results. As stated by French philosopher Rene Descartes, the main theme of modern science is to equip humans with the tool to conquer over matter and become lords and master of nature. The importance of the need for protecting endangered species is discussed below. Nature is feelingless, but it shows leniency and generosity to humans all the time by providing us with abundant resources and enduring the ravage of our exploitation. Although these things are … A tree will not be a tree without soil. That is why Sasha Jacob, founder, and CEO of Jacob Capital Management Inc. worked with WWF — Canada to ensure that the wildlife conservation and protection are successful to help maintain the forest ecosystems and biodiversity in Canadian forests. By Staff Writer Last Updated Apr 7, 2020 9:12:42 AM ET. Today is National Voter Registration Day! Additionally, the expansion of human activities into the natural landscapes, mostly manifested by urbanization and agriculture developments, has led to the reduction and fragmentation of wildlife habitats and loss of valuable Fauna and Flora. Nature is constantly changing, even before the dawn of humanity. Protecting the wildlife also means that you are preserving it for the future … Natural resources like forests,water resources,land resources, e.t.c. Nature is feelingless, but it shows leniency and generosity to humans all the time by providing us with abundant resources and enduring the ravage of our exploitation. One main reason why we have nature reserves is to protect our biodiversity- the degree of variation of life. If this continues, there … There are thousands or millions of cases like this where humans presumptuously made a decision to alter the nature for its own benefit, but the results are always bleak. The security, economy, and our very own survival requires healthy ocean that is why helping in conserving it can bring lots of advantages to humankind. Let’s teach our children to conserve energy, recycle, and keep our neighborhoods clean every day. Photo: Wildlife also plays a significant role in keeping the environment clean and healthy. These are the reason we are surviving on this planet and are leading a comfortable life. Average temperatures in Los Angeles have risen 6°F in the last … The cause of environmental degradation is deeply rooted in human culture. We - as a human race, even as an American people - have plenty of resources to conserve nature both for its sake and ours. When we speak about conserving nature, we are really talking about taking care of our future, because nature provides essential resources for our survival and enjoyment. This is because these natural resources are limited. It would be hard to imagine life on earth, which has a damaged natural environment. In the 1930s, when Leopold was working as an officer for the U.S. Forest Service in Arizona's Apache National Forest, he was actively advocating the killing of wolves. The Real Reason Trump Began the Transition Process. resources, natural, necessary, conserve. Why is that all policy makers, scientists and interest citizens argue that species extinction is one of the most serious environmental problems? One of the theories for the recent mass disappearance of amphibians is the poisoning of insects from pesticides. Preserving nature is important because the biodiversity of the planet, including the human race, is dependent upon properly functioning natural processes. Below are just five of the countless reasons why we should take care of the Earth, on Earth Day and every day. Trees cool the streets and the city. Everything that is around you right now comes from nature. ©2020 Verizon Media. We need ants to survive, but they don't need us at all. Why should we conserve natural resources? Why Is It Important to Conserve Biodiversity? At the same time, the emergence of scientific materialism has fostered the belief that nature is nothing but physical matter rationally organized according to physical law but devoid of any spirit, soul or inner purpose. For wildlife protection. In fact, Modern science has provided extensive empirical evidence which indicated that nature was a complex collection of water, air, soil, animal, plants and human beings. When we conserve and protect the natural habitat of wildlife species, we enrich our planet. We need to conserve and protect both renewable as well as non-renewable natural resources. It includes maintaining diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems, as well as functions of the environment, such as nutrient cycling. We get lots of resources from there but if we use too much and it doesn't come from sustainable forests A sufficient biodiversity is required to keep our ecosystem in natural balance. As John Donne famously penned, “No man is an island.” We rely upon each other. Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. The combination of natural resources and wildlife provides an immense beauty and enthralls the human life. Hence, these resources should be conserved to maintain ecological balance and save them for future generations. if we go on overexploiting the nature, there will be no more resources available in the future. One main reason why we have nature reserves is to protect our biodiversity- the degree of variation of life.
2020 why should we conserve nature