I encourage you to take a look at the words above and circle any that apply to you. Here Englisbix brings you some adjectives that would be helpful in describing the traits and qualities of a good student. After all, what we choose to focus on becomes prominent in our reality. After the meeting, I email the list of the words to the student and parents, so they can keep adding words. If you follow our pieces of advice, you will be able to find the job of your dreams Whereas one might describe his or herself as “carefree and compassionate” on a first date, there exist no such trait keywords for interviews. Let’s move ahead to know the meaning of the words along with the examples. I would like some advice on this. Today is National Voter Registration Day! Adjectives — descriptive words that modify nouns — often come under fire for their cluttering quality, but often it’s quality, not quantity, that is the issue. Remember, lying on your college applications may not always take you far ahead. At such times, most of us end up babbling. That’s why it’s essential to take simple adjectives and turn them into skills that can be transferred to the job at hand. Have you ever experienced a block when someone asked you to describe yourself in a few words? So, when these judging eyes ask you about yourself, you don’t want to be a prey to a barrage of uncomfortable questions. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Founder, Director, adMISSION POSSIBLE; author, speaker, adMISSION POSSIBLE: The Dare to Be Yourself Guide for Getting into the Best College for You, Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. 70 Other Adjectives To Describe Yourself. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Be true to yourself, and it will definitely take you places. To give you some idea, here is a list of descriptive words and phrases I have collected over the years: A: Academic, adventurous, an advocate, analytical, animal-lover, animated, articulate, artistic, assertive, astute, athletic, autonomous, B: Balanced, brilliant, business-oriented, C: Can-do attitude, capable, caring, cerebral, good with children, class clown, community service oriented, compassionate, competent, concerned about others, confident, conscientious, considerate, courageous, creative, curious, D: Daring, dependable, detail-oriented, diligent, disciplined, down-to-earth, driven, E: Empathetic, enthusiastic, an entrepreneur, ethical, an explorer, F: Fearless, a finisher, fitness-oriented, flexible, focused, a foodie, friendly, doesn't suffer fools, fun, funny, G: Generous, gentle, genuine, never gives up, goal-oriented, goes beyond what is expected, good natured, good with the elderly, gracious, grounded, H: Happy, hard-working, health-oriented, honest, humble, GREAT sense of humor, I: Imaginative, fiercely independent, inspirational, an intellectual, intelligent, interpersonal, involved, K: Kind, has real know-how, knowledge-seeking, L: Good with languages, a leader, a fast learner, logical, loyal, M: Mature, mechanically oriented, methodical, modest, motivated, multi-lingual, musical, O: An "old-soul," optimistic, organized, original, outdoorsy, outgoing, his or her own person, P: Passionate, patient, persistent, poised, polite, popular, positive, has stage presence, a problem solver, R: A reader, reliable, a researcher, resilient, resourceful, respected, respectful, responsible, a risk-taker, S: Scholarly, scientific, a self-starter, science-oriented, sensitive to others, sincere, sparkling, spiritual, a sponge for ideas, a sports nut, stands out from the crowd, social, strong-willed, studious, supportive, T: Take-charge person, talented, a natural teacher, a team player, techy, tenacious, deep thinker, thirsty for knowledge, loves to travel, trustworthy, U: Unafraid, unique, unpretentious, upfront, W: Willing to step up, worldly, beautiful writer. All rights reserved. That’s why it’s essential to take simple adjectives and turn them into skills that can be transferred to the job at hand. I take notes on what the parents say, and when they are finished with their verbal offerings, I ask students if they want to add anything. Usually, one parent takes the lead, calling out a rapid-fire list of words: "Brilliant, tough as nails in sports, hard-working, a team player." Describe yourself college essay - If you responded. Ok so I have a college application question as follows: In 150 words or less list three adjectives to describe yourself, and briefly tell why you chose each adjective. Should all three be positive adjectives in which I brag about myself. Good Adjectives to List on an Application. Ok so I have a college application question as follows: In 150 words or less list three adjectives to describe yourself, and briefly tell why you chose each adjective. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. These cookies do not store any personal information. Just so you know, research suggests that knowing who you are is a first step in becoming a confident, effective adult. Usually, one parent takes the lead, calling out a rapid-fire list of words: "Brilliant, tough as nails in sports, hard-working, a team player." When it’s time to make college applications, you face the dilemma of filling out those forms. Part of MultiCultural/HPMG News. This exercise is the beginning of a process to come up with word messages students want colleges to "get" about them as they fill-out applications, write essays and have interviews. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. #1: Consider Your Audience. I was thinking helpful, cheerful, and humble. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. To get a little deeper, I might also ask, "What was your son (or daughter) like when he (she) was a little boy (girl)?" Or, "How do you think your daughter's (son's) friends would describe her (him)?". If your goal is to absolutely blow someone away in an interview, these keywords alone won't get you far. There are times when you are asked to describe yourself in a few words and you are at a complete loss of words. These adjectives will definitely help in a sort of personal SWOT analysis. It’s fun and sometimes an amazing way to boost your morale. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Why do this? The list of the best adjectives to describe yourself for a CV. Knowing a list of 125 positive adjectives can be very useful in your daily life. Spicing it up with some tasty adjectives is a great way to help accomplish this. At such times, most of us end up babbling. Who Are The Most Romantic Literary Figures of All Time? Probably help you be the judge of yourself! When writing personal statements or letter of recommendations, it might be good to consider some of these traits. One of the most important things you’ll need to consider before writing down tons of adjectives to describe yourself is your audience, or the person/people who will be hearing or reading the words you choose to use. These words are good enough for a college application. See how many positives and negatives you have. 1. Keep the list in an accessible place so that you can refer back to them summer/fall of your senior year, when you begin working on college application materials. You will have to frame the sentences on your own, though. If you just came here looking for some keywords, this is for you. Whereas one might describe his or herself as “carefree and compassionate” on a first date, there exist no such trait keywords for interviews. Used well, strong adjectives can reinforce your point and help you communicate more information with fewer words. Well, last year's Stanford application asked, "What five words best describe you?" Below are some good, bad, and controversial words to describe yourself. Stressing over the application is such a common experience for job seekers, it has almost become a cliché. Here is a list of examples to describe an ideal employee, that would keep you safe for one of those self analysis questions. Just remember, when at a job interview, you have to shed all the inhibitions you have and face the interviewer in a bold and confident manner. It’s not like you don’t know yourself, but the sudden shift of focus of an entire conversation onto you, may it be casual or formal, is quite intimidating. The Most Important Question in College Admissions! In your essay, it is vital that you present yourself as someone who Good adjectives to describe yourself in a college essay - Anyway, the war against this kind of plunder has Not tl for the command of these gentlemen.
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