But, maths is the universal language which is applied in almost every aspect of life. It involves studying and calculating angles in … Trigonometry Applications in Daily Life: Trigonometry has a wide range of applications in our everyday life. Trigonometry plays a major role in industry, where it allows manufacturers to create everything from automobiles to zigzag scissors. Trigonometry is important in daily life for many reasons. Examples of Trigonometry Being Used in Construction Jobs. For example. Engineers rely on trigonometric relationships to determine the sizes and angles of mechanical parts used in machinery, tools and equipment. Trigonometry is used in calculus, astronomy, aviation, etc.It has vital uses in the military and also in Marine Biology. 22 Examples of Mathematics in Everyday Life According to some people, maths is just the use of complicated formulas and calculations which won’t be ever applied in real life. The fields where trigonometry is used are Oceanography Meteorology Seismology Acoustics Electronics, etc. trigonometry is used in decorating a home. 15 Uses of Mathematics in Our Daily Life ... and books about algebra or trigonometry are surely not the kind of activity they are fond of. People use patterns and symmetry in relating to objects around them. Trigonometry is one of the basic math classes that you typically take in high school, and you also need it as a core course for almost any bachelor's degree. While we do routinely deal with the shapes and angles around us, the average person doesn't necessarily use trigonometry, the mathematics itself, in his/her daily life.
2020 uses of trigonometry in our daily life